to underline oor Deens

to underline

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens

at understrege

It is helpful too, to underline the answer, marking only key words or phrases.
Det hjælper også at understrege svaret, og det gør man bedst ved kun at understrege nøgleordene.


Having said that, allow me to underline two limitations to your approach.
Men når det er sagt, vil jeg gerne fremhæve to begrænsninger i Deres udgangspunkt.


However, I would like to underline a few issues.
Jeg vil dog påpege et par punkter.


Educational exchanges between countries can serve to underline the importance of a close link between professional experience and training received in school.
Transnationale uddannelsespolitiske udvekslingsforanstaltninger kan tydeliggøre, hvor vigtigt det er med en tæt forbindelse mellem erhvervsmæssig erfaring og skoleuddannelse.


It is helpful too, to underline the answer, marking only key words or phrases.
Det hjælper også at understrege svaret, og det gør man bedst ved kun at understrege nøgleordene.

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We wish to underline, however, that our concerns regarding the situation in your country remain.
Vi ønsker imidlertid at understrege, at vi stadig er bekymret over situationen i Deres land.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I should like to underline the key challenges.
Jeg vil lige fremhæve de vigtigste udfordringer.Europarl8 Europarl8
I would, however, like to take this opportunity to underline the importance of real action.
Jeg vil imidlertid gerne benytte lejligheden til at understrege betydningen af en konkret indsats.Europarl8 Europarl8
I want to underline the importance of social inclusion in our vision for Europe 2020.
Jeg ønsker at understrege betydningen af social samhørighed i vores vision for Europa 2020.Europarl8 Europarl8
Edmund’s presence seemed also to underline that a new era had begun.
Edmunds tilstedeværelse understregede også ligesom, at en ny æra var begyndt.Literature Literature
The Commission would like to underline that the impact of the programme activities can be long-term.
Kommissionen vil gerne understrege, at programaktiviteterne kan have langsigtede virkninger.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
It is also important to underline the importance of the individual's own responsibility for his or her health.
Det er også vigtigt at understrege, at den enkelte bærer et ansvar for sin egen sundhedstilstand.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
From among the various strategic ramifications, I would like to underline a single issue, that of infrastructure.
Blandt de forskellige strategiske følgevirkninger vil jeg gerne fremhæve en enkelt, nemlig infrastrukturen.Europarl8 Europarl8
The Rapporteur would like to underline the importance of their contribution.
Ordføreren vil gerne understrege betydningen af deres bidrag.not-set not-set
I think it is important to underline this when we discuss how to define corporate social responsibilities.
Jeg finder det vigtigt at understrege dette, når vi diskuterer, hvordan VSA skal defineres.Europarl8 Europarl8
I would like to underline two points.
Jeg vil understrege to punkter.Europarl8 Europarl8
. I would like to underline the legitimacy of this report.
Jeg vil understrege betænkningens legitimitet.Europarl8 Europarl8
But the sight of so much accurate time-keeping seemed only to underline Kirsten's lateness.
Men synet af al denne præcision fremhævede blot yderligere Kirstens forsinkelse.Literature Literature
And I wish here to underline the words of Mrs Pack.
Jeg vil gerne understrege fru Packs ord.Europarl8 Europarl8
wishes to underline that the European Commission, in its communication COM(97) 506:
understreger, at Europa-Kommissionen i sin meddelelse KOM(97) 506:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Justification Text relating to the Treaty of Lisbon is needed to underline the importance of sustainable development.
Begrundelse Det er nødvendigt at medtage teksten om Lissabontraktaten for at understrege, hvor vigtig bæredygtig udvikling er.not-set not-set
Justification Needless to underline the relevance of the Annual Work Programme for the potential applicants to Calls.
Begrundelse Det er unødvendigt at understrege det årlige arbejdsprograms relevans for potentielle ansøgere.not-set not-set
There are two particular points I would like to underline.
Der er især to punkter, jeg gerne vil understrege.Europarl8 Europarl8
Unless there had been any developments by then, of course; he was careful to underline that.
Hvis altså ikke et eller andet vigtigt var sket inden da selvfølgelig, det understregede han omhyggeligt.Literature Literature
It is necessary to underline the exceptional nature of this kind of assistance.
Det er nødvendigt at understrege, at denne form for bistand kun ydes rent undtagelsesvis.not-set not-set
I want to underline the very constructive approach taken by the new Member States.
Jeg vil gerne understrege de nye medlemsstaters meget konstruktive indstilling.Europarl8 Europarl8
I would like to underline the contribution of the European Parliament.
Jeg vil gerne understrege Europa-Parlamentets bidrag.Europarl8 Europarl8
In that respect, I want to underline some of the ideas which other speakers have already mentioned.
Og i denne forbindelse vil jeg gerne understrege nogle idéer, som er blevet nævnt af tidligere talere.Europarl8 Europarl8
I would like to underline a few aspects.
Lad mig fremhæve en række forhold.Europarl8 Europarl8
That is why we continue to underline the importance of a stabilityoriented monetary policy and budgetary consolidation.
Det er grunden til, at vi fortsat understreger vigtigheden af en stabilitetsorienteret pengepolitik og budgetkonsolidering.Europarl8 Europarl8
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