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(biology) Any reptile of the taxon Archosauria ; includes the extinct dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and ichthyosaurs and the modern crocodiles

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Duits


group of reptiles


These casts are incomplete, but they reveal a substantial amount of information on the form of the early archosaur brain and inner ear.
Die teilweise unvollständigen Abgüsse liefern eine Anzahl von neuen Daten über die Gestaltung des Gehirnes und Innenohres früher Archosaurier.

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These casts are incomplete, but they reveal a substantial amount of information on the form of the early archosaur brain and inner ear.
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A precise taxonomic determination is not possible, but the material appears to contain two temnospondyls, a synapsid and several species of archosaurs.
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archosaur [Archosauria] [noun] [zool.] [T]
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Mammals had a decisive advantage over the archosaurs because of their highly developed teeth.
KulturkontaktstellenLiterature Literature
They reached this conclusion by first collecting vocal data on many living archosaurs, a group which includes both birds and crocodiles.
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archosaur [Archosauria]
Der Inhaber der Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen wird aufgefordert, Informationen über den klinischen Nutzen dieses Präparates für die beantragte Indikation (direkt oder indirekt) gemäß den Leitlinien zur Beurteilung von Diagnostika Points to Consider on the Evaluation of Diagnostic Agents (CPMP/EWP/#) vorzulegenlangbot langbot
“Z.”arenaceus is characterized by a great elongation of the mandible and symphysis, and labiolingually flattened, serrated teeth, a combination that is so far unique among Triassic archosaurs.
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The archosaur returned the gesture with a broad grin of bared fangs.
Die sind nutzlosLiterature Literature
Many extinct species, including dinosaurs are also classified as being members of the archosaur family.
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A cladistic analysis identified “Z.”arenaceus as the sister-taxon of Phytosauria, but because of the limited data available and numerous homoplasies that occur among mandibular characters of archosaurs a closer relationship with other archosaur taxa is a reasonable alternative.
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Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity (PSP) has been reported in numerous extinct archosaurs including pterosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs.
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The Middle Triassic (Anisian) rauisuchian archosaurs Ticinosuchus ferox and Stagonosuchus nyassicus are two of the earliest representatives of this group and therefore of special importance for our understanding of the evolution and early diversification of Rauisuchia.
Allerdings sollten Aktionäre die Relation zwischen dem Unternehmensergebnis und der Höhe der Direktorenentgelte umfassend einschätzen und Entscheidungen über die an den Aktienkurs gebundenen Komponenten dieser Entgelte fällen könnenspringer springer
The most parsimonious conclusion to be inferred from these data is that Chatterjee's contentious find is nothing more than a chimera, a morass of long-dead archosaurs."
Über die Anwendung dieser Richtlinie finden, gegebenenfalls in einem Ausschuß, Konsultationen statt zwischen-den zuständigen Behörden der beiden Mitgliedstaaten auf Verlangen einer von ihnen, wenn es sich um bilaterale Fragen handeltWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ctenosauriscus is one of the oldest archosaurs to date, along with Vytshegdosuchus from Russia and probably Xilousuchus, a ctenosauriscid from China.
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The vertebrate fauna of the Ischigualasto Formation and the slightly later Los Colorados Formation consisted mainly of a variety of crurotarsal archosaurs and synapsids.
Drittens wurde in den Standpunkt des Rates in erster Lesung auch eine Überprüfungsklausel (Artikel # Absatz #) für bestimmte Feuerungsanlagen aufgenommen, in der vorgesehen ist, dass die geltenden Emissionsgrenzwerte gemäß der Richtlinie #/#/EG bis zur etwaigen Annahme neuer Normen im Wege des ordentlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahrens weiterhin angewendet werdenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Such an interpretation is in agreement with a set of homologous mechanisms of appendage morphogenesis in an archosauromorph clade including Longisquama and feather-bearing archosaurs but does not necessarily require that the appendages of Longisquama themselves are feathers or high-level feather homologues.
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In many braincase features, Proterochampsa is more similar to archosaurs than to Euparkeria, erythrosuchids and Proterosuchus.
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Our study reveals that the extreme PSP in archosaurs is not restricted to pterosaurs and theropod dinosaurs.
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Paleontologist B. Krebs redescribed the holotype and reclassified Ctenosauriscus as an archosaur based on similarities with the sail-backed pseudosuchian Hypselorhachis from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of Tanzania.
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The archosaur’s facial expression seemed frozen, locked in a perpetual mask of predatory intensity.
Ich werde mir daher Ihre Ausführungen zu diesem Thema sehr aufmerksam anhören, Frau Merkel.Literature Literature
Two associated partial skeletons, one from the McCarty ranch (MOTTU site 0690) near Kalgary, Texas, Tecovas Formation, and the other from the Petrified Forest Member of the Chinle Formation, outside the Petrified Forest, Arizona, represent the most complete specimens ofPoposaurus gracilis found to date, and increase our understanding of the osteology of this rare pseudosuchian archosaur.
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The type and only specimen, a mandibular fragment of an archosaur from the Schilfsandstein (Carnian; Late Triassic) of Southwest Germany, is described in detail for the first time.
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The archosaur's facial expression seemed frozen, locked in a perpetual mask of predatory intensity.
die Erzeuger oder die Verantwortlichen im Sinne der Nummern # undLiterature Literature
Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings.
Die derzeitigen Verkaufszahlen betreffend diese beiden Endverwendungszwecke werden niedrig bzw. auf Null veranschlagtWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, the combination in which highly plesiomorphic non-dinosaurian traits are retained along with highly derived features, yet only the beginnings of salient birdlike characteristics, indicates that the basal origins of Aves stemmed from outside the Dinosauria and further back to basal archosaurs.
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144 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.