contractile force oor Duits

contractile force

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Paired stimulation of the heart allows a controlled potentiation of myocardial contractile force.
Die elektrische Doppelstimulation des Herzens ermöglicht im Tierexperiment eine kontrollierte Verstärkung der Kontraktionskraft.

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Method as in Fig.3. e--e, isometrie contractile force, 0---0, gradient of the mechanogram.
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This was indicative of contractile forces surrounding the nucleus that could break the nuclear lamina.
Herr Präsident! Die Kommission und der Rat mögen mir verzeihen, aber die Beurteilungen im Europäischen Parlament erfolgen auf der Grundlage unserer vor Johannesburg gefassten Beschlüsse.cordis cordis
contractile force [noun] [med.] [tech.]
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Gallopamil dramatically curtailed the duration of excitation and abolished almost completely the contractile force.
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Original recordings of action potential and contractile force after a stimulation-free pause of 15 s.
So gelangen Einleitungen aus chemischen Anlagen in meinem Wahlkreis in Nordwestengland letztlich bis an die Strände des europäischen Kontinents.Literature Literature
The Rb efflux proved directly related to the number of contractions but independent on the contractile force.
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Epidural anaesthesia has been linked to negative effects on uterine contractile forces and the progress of labor.
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contractile force
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Relation between contractile force, sarcomere length and filament overlap.
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Stimulation of the contractile force generation by isoproterenol and methoxamine was attenuated in diabetic preparations.
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Contractile force: longitudinal muscle approx. 0.5–2.0 g; circular muscle about 1–3 cm H2O.
Art des Wettbewerbs: offen oder nichtoffenspringer springer
Paired stimulation of the heart allows a controlled potentiation of myocardial contractile force.
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Circumference and mass, and thus contractile force, show marked individual variations.
Und das ist wahr; nicht wahr oder zumindest nicht sicher ist, und gestatten Sie mir, Herr Kommissar, dass wir wenigstens diesen intellektuellen Zweifel zulassen, dass mit diesem Richtlinienvorschlag die Probleme gelöst werden, deren Lösung so beabsichtigt ist.Literature Literature
The action of quinidine on the contractile force of the guinea-pig auricles was independent of the [Ca]e.
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Levosimendan is a new calcium sensitizer that enhances the contractile force of the myocardium and exhibits additional vasodilating properties.
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The heart beat and the contractile force of the heart are increased by the activity in the sympathetic fibers.
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Reduction of Na+ below 75% of normal value markedly accentuated contractile force, but decreased resting potential, overshoot and action potential duration.
Upon treatment with both drugs the contractile force at a frequency of 60/min was reduced by approximately 50% (from 0.23–0.12 g).
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During the initial period of toxicity (when extrasystoles occurred), the stimmulation of the oxygen consumption reached a maximum although contractile force was reduced.
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Thallium decreases contractile force probably as a result of its negative chronotropic properties, since the amplitude of contraction remained uninfluenced in electrically driven atria.
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These observations demonstrate a close relationship between contractile force and oxygen consumption in isolated heart muscle preparations even under the influence of cardiac glycosides.
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It was shown that adaptation to altitude increased the contractile force and contraction and relaxation velocities of the left ventricle as compared to the controls.
In Zusammenwirken mit diesen Einflüssen entstand durch jahrzehntelange vegetative Vermehrung (Fechserselektion) inder Südsteiermark der steirische Kren mit seinen vorzüglichen Geschmackseigenschaften und seinem charakteristischen Aussehen, welches ihn für Fachleute schon rein optisch von Krenstangen anderer Herkünfte unterscheidbar machtspringer springer
C-AMP (1×10−4 to 1×10−3 M) had no effect on contractile force in all of 6 human papillary muscle preparations studied.
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Quinidine (2·10−5 g/ml) neither altered the increase in 45Ca uptake nor in contractile force induced by adrenaline (5·10−7 g/ml).
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However, the increase in both 45Ca uptake and contractile force caused by adrenaline (5·10−7 g/ml) was antagonized by 10−7 g/ml MHIP.
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122 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.