lay aristocracy oor Duits

lay aristocracy

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lay aristocracy [noun] [hist.] [pol.]
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lay aristocracy
begrüßt, dass der Europäische Rat auf Drängen des Europäischen Parlaments auch die Länder des Kaukasus in die Nachbarschaftspolitik einbezogen hatlangbot langbot
The origins of aristocracy lay in giving protection, protection from the threat of monsters and demons.
Durchstechflasche aus GlasTyp I, Butylelastomer-Verschluss mit AluminiumkappeLiterature Literature
One of first de luxe Psalters manufactured for the high lay aristocracy in a German milieu, most likely in the monastery of Reinhardsbrunn, around the years 1201-1208, under the patronage of Herman I, landgrave of Thuringia, and his second wife, Sophia of Wittelsbach, the codex consignee.
KWK-Block einen Block, der im KWK-Betrieb betrieben werden kannParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The aristocracy lay just as heavy on the people; but did not the people get their whole livelihood in Jerusalem and its surroundings from the Temple, from the importance of its cultus and its priesthood?
Just relax and enjoy in the unique lay out that attracted the European aristocracy even 80 years ago.
Qualitätsberichte wie Prüfberichte, Prüf- und Eichdaten, Berichte über die Qualifikation der in diesem Bereich beschäftigten Mitarbeiter usw. sowieParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The male aristocracy of her time lay at her feet.
Heute morgen waren deutsche Minister zu hören, die öffentlich erklärten: Ja, wir müssen etwas für Algerien tun, denn sonst kommen die Massen wieder zu uns.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Just relax and enjoy in the unique lay out that attracted the European aristocracy even 80 years ago.
PROTELOS ist nicht zur Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vorgesehenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Just relax and enjoy in the unique lay out that attracted the European aristocracy even 80 years ago. Park Pilchard
Gegebenenfalls können Abschnitte, die nicht zum TEN-V gehören, jedoch ein hohes oder potenziell hohes Güterverkehrsvolumen aufweisen, Bestandteil des Korridors seinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Under this system (late 15th to 17th centuries), the abbots, who were sometimes lay people and members of the aristocracy, were appointed by the King.
Die Richtlinie #/#/EG der Kommission vom #. Dezember # zur Durchführung der Richtlinie #/#/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates in Bezug auf die Festlegung von Kriterien für die Ausnahme bestimmter Tierarzneimittel, die für zur Nahrungsmittelerzeugung genutzte Tiere bestimmt sind, von der Pflicht der tierärztlichen Verschreibung ist in das Abkommen aufzunehmenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The aristocracy finding itself in the focus of a general hostility lays the blame upon the bureaucracy, the latter blames the aristocracy, and then together, or separately, they direct their discontent against the monarchical summit of their power.
Rather than dealing with the terminological question whether the term “state” should be used for early medieval kingdoms at all, the question was raised how political integration was reached and how supra-regional communities were shaped by the interaction of monarchs and aristocracy, Christian and lay institutions, as well as kingdoms and their people.
Dann können wir vielleicht helfenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rather than dealing with the terminological question whether the term “state” should be used at for early medieval kingdoms at all, the question was raised how political integration was reached and how supra-regional communities were shaped by the interaction of monarchs and aristocracy, Christian and lay institutions, as well as kingdoms and their people.
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To the high aristocracy (this is linguistic, no legal term) the religious and lay princes (archbishops, bishops, cure princes, dukes, Pfalz and Mark count, count) belonged.
Transporte dieser Art sind jedoch nur zulässig, soweit den betreffenden Tieren keine unnötigen Leiden zugefügt bzw. die Tiere nicht misshandelt werdenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This lavishly pictured handbook of medicine was conceived for a lay public, in particular for a lady of the upper aristocracy or of a rich patrician family who was able to afford, and read, such a costly ”reference work” on household management as well as on topics of health and cure.
Kann ich mir vorstellen diese Promiskuität.... wollten die Regierung und unser Land solchen Idioten überlassen!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For all the Ashtons and the Ravenswoods since the recent Civil War, a period which has enriched the middle classes, whilst the aristocracy has grown poor. The recently ennobled Enrico Ashton has managed to lay his hands on the castle and estates of the Ravenswoods, and Edgar, the last of the family, is living in the Wolfscrag, a half-ruined tower.
Und als Berichterstatterin war ich ständig bemüht, eine ehrliche, objektive Vermittlerin zu sein und den Dialog zwischen den verschiedenen europäischen Standpunkten im Ausschuss für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit sowie zwischen den diversen Einrichtungen aufrechtzuerhalten.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The great honour of Christianity, its incontestable merit, and the whole secret of its unprecedented and yet thoroughly legitimate triumph, lay in the fact that it appealed to that suffering and immense public to which the ancient world, a strict and cruel intellectual and political aristocracy, denied even the simplest rights of humanity.
Hieraus zieht Dänemark den Schluss, dass sich das Prüfverfahren nur auf diejenige Maßnahme beziehen könne, die seiner Meinung nach den einzigen Gegenstand der Anmeldung bildete,nämlich die mögliche Einbeziehung der Besatzungen von Kabelverlegungsschiffen in die DIS-RegelungParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The great honour of Christianity, its incontestable merit, and the whole secret of its unprecedented and yet thoroughly legitimate triumph, lay in the fact that it appealed to that suffering and immense public to which the ancient world, a strict and cruel intellectual and political aristocracy, denied even the simplest rights of humanity.
Kennen Sie den Begriff ’ ’ Überreaktion’ ’?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The revolution that will lay the political basis for socialism is prepared in the course of countless struggles by the working class, in the US and internationally, to defend its interests and oppose the efforts of the financial and corporate aristocracy to impose the burden of the crisis on the masses.
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19 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.