mendicity oor Duits


the state of being a beggar; mendicancy or beggary

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Begging, or mendicancy, is apparently of very ancient origin in the lands of the Orient.
In den Ländern des Orients ist das Betteln offenbar schon seit sehr langer Zeit üblich.

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mendicant orders
mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke sect
mendicant order
mendicant friar
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
First of all Dominic and the Friars Preachers presented themselves as mendicants, that is, without vast estates to be administered.
vertritt die Auffassung, dass grenzüberschreitende Stromnetze dank den unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen in der Europäischen Union die Energieversorgung bei Spitzenlasten vereinfachen und dadurch die Verluste, die durch die erforderliche Aufrechterhaltung einer bestimmten Mindestproduktionskapazität entstehen, erheblich verringern
It is unusual for an establishment belonging to a mendicant order to be located outside a town, which explains the rare concept of combining a monastery for Franciscan monks and a convent for Poor Clares in a double foundation.
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mendicant church [noun] [archi.] [relig.]
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They lived the life of the mendicant friar, travelling to festivals and living in squats all over Europe.
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Like every other mendicant of note, Blind Billy had established his own particular routine.
In ihrem Beschluss zur Einleitung eines förmlichen Prüfverfahrens erklärte die Kommission, dass im Rahmen des Übergangsmechanismus gemäß Anhang # Teil # der Beitrittsakte für die Beitrittsländer keine Pflicht zur Anmeldung von Maßnahmen bestünde und es deshalb grundsätzlich möglich sei, den Inhalt einer solchen Anmeldung zu begrenzenLiterature Literature
Book one of our special visitor packages and be transported to the world of the medieval mendicant (begging) orders.
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Why did not Napoleon order the immediate extinction of mendicancy?
gestützt auf das Protokoll über die Vorrechte und Befreiungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, insbesondere auf ArtikelLiterature Literature
I was delighted when I heard that you were a professed mendicant.""
Druckfrisch mit Grüßen an die Herrschaften!Literature Literature
“At twal o’clock, then,” said the mendicant, “we meet under this tree.
Für immer aus dieser bösen, grausamen Welt verschwindenLiterature Literature
The importance of the Mendicant Orders thus grew so vigorously in the Middle Ages that secular institutions, such as the labour organizations, the ancient gilds and the civil authorities themselves, often had recourse to the spiritual counselling of Members of these Orders in order to draw up their regulations and, at times, to settle both internal and external conflicts.
Du hättest mich im Krankenhaus sehen sollen... (ADRIANA
mendicant [adj]
Und schließlich entspricht die Obergrenze des COPE-Entschädigungsfonds in Höhe von einer Milliarde Euro, nach Schätzungen einiger Experten, in etwa den durch das Erika-Unglück verursachten Schäden.langbot langbot
Although Bonaventure was confronted by the opposition of the other university masters, he had already begun to teach at the Franciscans' Chair of theology and, to respond to those who were challenging the Mendicant Orders, he composed a text entitled Evangelical Perfection.
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It also explains the immense initiatives of human welfare and Christian formation, aimed above all at the very poor, who became the object of care firstly for the monastic and mendicant orders, and later for the various male and female religious institutes all through the history of the Church.
Asien ist gegenwärtig der drittwichtigste Handelspartner der EU und viertwichtigster Bestimmungsort für Investitionen aus der
But, while the sense of “efficiency” that attracted the mendicant Christian orders, the Dominicans and Franciscans, to staff the original universities was rather different, it is no less relevant today.
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Not as some emotional mendicant, but as a man who’s willing to grow at your side.
So ' ne Überwachung kann heikel seinLiterature Literature
Wandering mendicants that scoured wickedness from the streets and taverns of the Crescent Moon Kingdoms.
Erhöhung der Produktionskapazitäten in Bezug auf die Größe des TiefdruckmarktesLiterature Literature
mendicancies [noun]
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Miguel, who was kind, sometimes too kind, with the city’s mendicants, felt the pull of generosity.
So, siehst du?Literature Literature
They, having risen above the desire for sons, the desire for wealth, the desire for worlds, led the life of a mendicant.
Dies ist mein LandLiterature Literature
He belonged to a mendicant order whose ideal church was a poor one.
Die Gemeinschaftshilfe kann folgende Formen annehmenLiterature Literature
As they were afraid, however, that they might give offence by importunate mendicancy, they merely hinted their wishes.
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Mendicant Wind, go and beg me a song Of the chains In the dungeon of Bethar.
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Then came a notorious faquir and mendicant, who was leader of a celebrated sect.
Der vom Sekretariat an die Ausschussmitglieder gerichtete Schriftverkehr ist auch der Ständigen Vertretung des betreffenden Mitgliedstaats zu übermittelnLiterature Literature
It could be taken as an attempt to remind Strasser of his position as mendicant.
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206 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.