to come {came, come} oor Duits

to come {came, come}

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Duits



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to come {came; come} | coming | come
Dein Mann besitzt nicht nur ungewöhnliche Anziehungskraft... sondern auch ungewöhnliche Willenskraftlangbot langbot
to come online; to come to life | coming online; coming to life | come online; come to life | the indicator lights came online; the pilot lamps came to life
Es war nichtslangbot langbot
to come to pass | coming to pass | come to pass | and it came to pass that ...
Wir haben zur Entwicklung von freundschaftlichen Beziehungen solcher Mitgliedstaaten beigetragen, die aus historischer Sicht bis vor kurzem noch Feinde waren.langbot langbot
to come back; to return | coming back; returning | come back; returned | comes back; returns | came back; returned | to return / come back home | to return / come back from abroad
Destillat aus Wein oder getrockneten Weintrauben, dessen Alkoholgehalt mindestens # % vol und höchstens # % vol beträgt und das noch festzulegenden Merkmalen entsprichtlangbot langbot
to come first | whichever comes first | Which came first? The chicken or the egg? | First come, first served.
Trägst du dich bitte ins Register ein?langbot langbot
to come in; to come into | coming in; coming into | come in; come into | comes in; comes into | came in; came into
Das Abkommen zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation wird im Namen der Gemeinschaft gebilligtlangbot langbot
to come {came; come} | coming | come | I come | you come | he/she/it comes; he/she/it cometh [obs.] | I/he/she came | I came | you came | he/she/it came | we came | you came | they came | he/she has/had come | I/he/she would come | Coming! | I'm coming! | I'm coming, I'm coming! | Now she comes. | He's coming right away. | She came at three (o'clock). | to come across sth. | come in the nick of time | when it comes to work | come what may | And get ready for this:; And now, get this: | How did you come across this information? | Where are you from?; I'm from ... | If only she would come back to us. | Are you reading me, over? (radio jargon) | Reading you fivers, over. (radio jargon)
Der absolute Unterschied zwischen zwei einzelnen Testergebnissen, die nach derselben Methode bei identischem Testmaterial in verschiedenen Laboratorien von verschiedenen Analytikern und mit unterschiedlicher Ausrüstung ermittelt wurden, liegt in höchstens # % aller Fälle über xxx (durch gemeinsame Versuche zu überprüfenlangbot langbot
'You had to come out here, and you were too windy to come alone, so I came with you.
Harrison TisdaleLiterature Literature
to come from | coming from | come from | comes from | came from
Außergerichtliche Schriftstücke können zum Zweck der Zustellung in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat nach Maßgabe dieser Verordnung übermittelt werdenlangbot langbot
to come true | coming true | come true | His dreams came true.
Der genaue Betrag des Ausgleichs wird auf der Grundlage der tatsächlich durchgeführten Flüge ermittelt; die zuständige Abteilung der Zivilluftfahrtbehörde stellt eine Bescheinigung über die ordnungsgemäße Erfüllung der Vertragspflichten unter Angabe der anteiligen Höhe des Ausgleichs auslangbot langbot
But how came you to be at—oh, come, come, sit with me and tell me everything!
ScheibenwascherLiterature Literature
to come down | coming down | come down | comes down | came down
to come along | coming along | come along | comes along | came along | He'll come along later.
Ausgaben, die vor Eingang des entsprechenden Zuschussantrags bei der Kommission getätigt wurden, sind nicht förderfähiglangbot langbot
to come (of) | coming | come | comes | came | What will come of it? | What has come of it? | Nothing will come of it (after all). | That doesn't get us anywhere.
Durch genaue Beobachtung der Laternelangbot langbot
to come about | coming about | come about | Our meeting came about by chance. | It is curious to note how this situation came about. | I don't know how it came about that this regime was introduced. | How did the problem come about in the first place?
Wollen Sie bei der Magiuire- Besprechung dabei sein?langbot langbot
Father Labourie came up to me and said gently, “Come, come with us.
Hab ich gewonnen?Literature Literature
to come here; to approach; to come (in this direction) | coming here; approaching; coming | come here; approached; come | comes here; approaches; comes | came here; approached; came
Dieser Wurf war wahnsinniglangbot langbot
to come to attention; to catch attention | coming to attention; catching attention | come to attention; caught attention | The book came to/caught my attention when I read a newspaper article. | Your ad caught my attention. | The matter came to the attention of the police when ...
Harrison Tisdalelangbot langbot
to come out (from behind) | coming out | come out | comes out | came out
Was ist mit der Liebe deines Vaters?langbot langbot
to come over sb. (feeling) | coming over | come over | to begin to come over sb. | I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. | a feeling of ... came over me; I was overcome by ... | I was overcome with fear. | What has come over you?
Die EFTA-Staaten teilen der Agentur auch den Namen der in ihrem Hoheitsgebiet eingerichteten Stellen mit, die in der Lage sind, mit ihr hinsichtlich bestimmter Themen von besonderem Interesse zusammenzuarbeiten und mithin als themenspezifische Ansprechstelle des Netzes zu fungierenlangbot langbot
to come out | coming out | come out | comes out | came out | The sky cleared and the sun came out. | The bellflowers are coming out.
Der Gegenwert in Landeswährung kann unverändert beibehalten werden, sofern die Umrechnung zu einer Verringerung dieses Gegenwerts führen würdelangbot langbot
to come into being; to come into existence | coming into being/existence | come into being/existence | comes into being/existence | came into being/existence | We do not know how the universe came into existence.
Ich gehe mitlangbot langbot
to come over sth. [Br.] [coll.] (suddenly start to feel a specified way) (person) | to come over all nervous | Then I came over giddy. | He comes over all shy whenever he meets her. | If you come over all nostalgic, go for an ethnic meal.
Übrigens...Sag schonlangbot langbot
to come to notice; to come to sb.'s notice; to come to sb.'s attention (of a person) | Unaccompanied children come to the notice of the authorities when they claim asylum. | In 2019 he came to the attention of (the) police (for an offence).
Die Behandlung mit Nespolangbot langbot
to come to a place; to arrive at a place | coming to a place; arriving at a place | come to a place; arrived at a place | She came to the award ceremony / arrived at the award ceremony without an escort.
Ich schlitz dir die Kehle auf!langbot langbot
511 sinne gevind in 47 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.