to get used to sth oor Duits

to get used to sth

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Duits

sich an etw gewöhnen


sich an etw. gewöhnen


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to get sb. used to sth.
jdn. in etw. eingewöhnen
to get used to doing sth
sich akk daran gewöhnen, etw zu tun
to get used to sth.
in etw. hineinwachsen


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to get used to sth.
gestützt auf den EG-Vertrag, insbesondere auf Artikellangbot langbot
to get used to sth.; to gain experience
Feuert eine Rakete ablangbot langbot
to get used to sth. [verb]
" Denkst du nicht, dass ich und meine acht Kinder tanzen können? " oder was für Mädchen- Scheiß sonst so läuftlangbot langbot
to get used to sth. [ideas, plans, etc.]
Behälterkampf!langbot langbot
to get used to sth. [ideas, plans, etc.] [verb]
Du wirst Juliana vergessen, und wir werden zusammen seinlangbot langbot
to get sb. used to sth.; to accustom sb. to sth.; to habituate [formal] sb. to sth. | getting used; accustoming; habituating | got used; accustomed; habituated | to gradually accustom the animals to their new surroundings | The time I spent in the army has accustomed me to rising early in the morning.
Ich verstehe das nichtlangbot langbot
to get used to sth.; to become/grow/get accustomed/habituated [formal] to sth.; to accustom/habituate yourself to sth. | getting used to; becoming/growing/getting accustomed/habituated to; accustoming/habituating yourself to | got used to; become/grown/got accustomed/habituated to; accustomed/habituated yourself | to get used to each other | to reaccustom yourself to the heat | My eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark. | These animals have grown accustomed/habituated to living in a dry environment.
Die Regierung hat mit Blick auf die sich verschlechternden wirtschaftlichen Aussichten am #. Februar # ein zweites Maßnahmenpaket angekündigtlangbot langbot
to adapt; to adapt yourself; to adjust; to adjust yourself (to sth.); to get used to sth. | adapting; adapting yourself; adjusting; adjusting yourself; getting used to | adapted; adapted yourself; adjusted; adjusted yourself; got used to | plants which are well adapted to harsh winters | to adjust (yourself) to motherhood | It's amazing how quickly the children have adjusted. | It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. | You'll soon get used to it.; You'll soon adjust.
Geh, sag Leon es steigt im Parklangbot langbot
to find sth. needs getting used to
November # in der Rechtssache C-#/# (Vorabentscheidungsersuchen des College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven [Niederlande]): Stichting Zuid-Hollandse Milieufederatie gegen College voor de toelating van bestrijdingsmiddelen (Zulassung für das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und Biozid-Produkten- Richtlinie #/#/EWG- Artikel #- Richtlinie #/#/EG- Artikel #- Befugnisse der Mitgliedstaaten während des Übergangszeitraumslangbot langbot
to find sth. needs getting used to [verb]
Mit Schreiben vomlangbot langbot
[sth. one has to get used to]
Das Zweckvermögen Liegenschaften wurde somit am #. Juni # auf die Liegenschaftsverwaltung Schleswig-Holstein abgespaltenlangbot langbot
[sth. one has to get used to] [noun]
Artikel # Absätze # und # der Verwaltungsvereinbarung vom #. Januar # über die Einzelheiten der Durchführung des Allgemeinen Abkommens über die soziale Sicherheit (Krankenversicherung der Arbeitnehmer in der Landwirtschaftlangbot langbot
idea | ideas | idee fixe | to get used to the idea that ... | to conceive the idea of doing sth. | to be besotted with an idea | to give an idea of sth. (matter) | body of ideas
Wir bitten nur um eine kleine Gefälligkeitlangbot langbot
English-Spanish Dictionary: to get sb used to sth
Falls eine Schilddrüsenerkrankung festgestellt wird, sollten die Schilddrüsenwerte des Patienten kontrolliert werden und angemessen medizinisch behandelt werdenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
to be glad (of sth.); to be grateful (for sth.); to be thankful (for sth.) | I'm so glad to see you! | She was glad of / grateful for / thankful for the help her family provided. | These days you have to be glad / thankful if you get printed directions for use at all.
Einen Moment, bittelangbot langbot
not to get anywhere with sb./sth. | I eventually realized I was not going to get anywhere with him, and I called the regional office. | We're not going to get anywhere this/that way.; This isn't going to get us anywhere.; This isn't getting us anywhere.
Die Freistellung der Regionalbeihilferegelungen nach der Verordnung (EG) Nr. #/# endet an dem Tag, an dem die Geltungsdauer der genehmigten Fördergebietskarten endetlangbot langbot
to kit out <> sb./sth. [Br.]; to kit up <> sb./sth. [Br.] (in/with sth.) (for a particular activity) (usually used in the passive voice) | kitting out; kitting up | kitted out; kitted up | kitted up in skis, boots, and rucksack | We went shopping to get kitted out for the trip. | The studio was lavishly kitted out with camera equipment. | The schoolroom was kitted out with balloons and party decorations for the celebration.
lch bat den Konsul, in die Heimat zu telegrafierenlangbot langbot
to watch sth. | watching | watched | to watch children | to watch for certain symptoms | Watch your health! | to watch a chance | Can you watch the dog for us this weekend? | Could you watch my bag (for me) until I get back? | Watch yourself up on the roof.
Hier sind deine Notizen, Cheflangbot langbot
strength | strengths | physical strength | with all one's strength | to the best of one's ability | using the last of your strength; using your last ounce of strength | by oneself; by own means; by my own | the strength of faith | to find the strength (for sth.) | to summon all your strength; use every once of strength | to regain one's strength | to gather/summon the last of your strength | to find the inner strength to cope with it | to burn the candle at both ends (by going to bed late and getting up early) | The women in my life have given me much strength.
Nach Artikel # der Verordnung (EG) Nr. #/# müssen personenbezogene Daten den Zwecken entsprechen, für die sie erhoben werden, dafür erheblich sein und dürfen nicht darüber hinausgehenlangbot langbot
We’re auctioning off a lot nic nacs of our interieur decor – at 8pm sharp! It’s not about money, it’s about fun and action. If you want to get dibbs on sth you can surely write us – but if you really want to take it home with you you have to be at Let It Be Wednesday 5th of december, 8pm.
Zusätzlich zu den unter Punkt # vorstehend angegebenen Kriterien wird das Ministerium seine Bewertung der Eignung als Betreiber auf die Qualifikationen des Betreibers und seine Erfahrung hinsichtlich der Einhaltung eines hohen Sicherheits- und Umweltschutzniveaus stützenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
to come {came; come} | coming | come | I come | you come | he/she/it comes; he/she/it cometh [obs.] | I/he/she came | I came | you came | he/she/it came | we came | you came | they came | he/she has/had come | I/he/she would come | Coming! | I'm coming! | I'm coming, I'm coming! | Now she comes. | He's coming right away. | She came at three (o'clock). | to come across sth. | come in the nick of time | when it comes to work | come what may | And get ready for this:; And now, get this: | How did you come across this information? | Where are you from?; I'm from ... | If only she would come back to us. | Are you reading me, over? (radio jargon) | Reading you fivers, over. (radio jargon)
in die Bauchdecke führt im Vergleich zu anderen Injektionsstellen zu einer etwas schnelleren Resorp-tion (siehe Abschnittlangbot langbot
chance (at/for/of something happening / to do sth.) | chances | better chances at/for/of employment | not a chance | a snowball's chance [fig.] | not have a dog's chance | a fair crack of the whip | not to have/stand the ghost of a chance / not to have a dog's chance/a snowball's chance/Buckley's chance [Austr.] [NZ] / not to have a prayer of achieving sth. | I've had the chance to talk to her twice. | Any chance of a coffee? | They never miss a chance to make an exhibition of themselves. | 'She says that she'll get here on time.' – 'Fat chance of that happening!' / 'Fat chance!' / 'Not a chance!' | They never contacted us nor gave us a chance to comment. | There's still a slight/slim/outside chance that we can win. | He doesn't stand a chance against such strong competitors.
Die Spiele des Magistrats rücken näherlangbot langbot
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