to have expectations of sth. oor Duits

to have expectations of sth.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Duits

Erwartungen in etw. setzen

Frank Richter

Geskatte vertalings

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
expectation | expectations | default expectation | to have high expectations | to be falling short of expectations | to come up to one's expectations; to meet one's expectations | to come up to sb.'s expectations | to surpass all expectations | to fall short of one's expectations | to scale down one's expectations | to have expectations of sth. | to raise expectations | to lower expectations; to dampen expectations | Our expectations were pitched too high.
Diese Leitlinien stützen sich auf die Verordnung (EG) Nr. #/# des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom #. April # über die Aushandlung und Durchführung von Luftverkehrsabkommen zwischen Mitgliedstaaten und Drittstaatenlangbot langbot
to expect sth. (of/from sb.) | expecting | expected | expects | expected | to expect sth. from sb. | That was to be expected. | I know what to expect. | I expected as much. | as was expected | as might have been expected | as one might expect; as might be reasonably expected | You can't expect me to agree to that. | I wasn't expecting that. | I'll be expecting you tomorrow. | I was expecting him to come. | If you do then you have to expect that ...
Die Ablehnung der Aufhebung des Verbots durch die Arbeitnehmer, ihre Organisationen und die Wissenschaft muss die Kommission veranlassen, ihre Entscheidung zu revidieren.langbot langbot
learning curve (with sth.) [fig.] | to have a learning curve | to involve a steep learning curve | to (quickly) climb the learning curve | We expect a learning curve as we develop the project. | There is a short learning curve in the use of the system. | When working with new software, video tutorials are a great way to shorten/shortcut/cut down the initial learning curve.
Der KEYMAP Abschnitt wird gebraucht, um anzugeben, wie Töne auf einem bestimmten Kanal oder Instrument abgebildet werden. Der Gebrauch istlangbot langbot
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