to have to accept sth oor Duits

to have to accept sth

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to have to accept sth.
Unbeschadet des Absatzes # können die zuständigen Behörden binnen einer Frist von höchstens drei Monaten ab der in Unterabsatz # vorgesehenen Unterrichtung Einspruch gegen diese Absicht erheben, wenn sie nicht davon überzeugt sind, daß die in Unterabsatz # genannte Person den im Interesse der Gewährleistung einer soliden und umsichtigen Führung der Wertpapierfirma zu stellenden Ansprüchen genügtlangbot langbot
invitation (to sb. / to an event/meeting) | invitations | at the invitation of sb.; at sb.'s invitation | without invitation | to extend/issue an invitation to sb. | to get/receive an invitation | to have an invitation to sth. | to accept sb.'s invitation | to turn down/refuse/decline [formal] an invitation | to take sth. as an invitation to continue talking | We are in receipt of your kind invitation that we accept with pleasure. | Attendance at the seminars is by invitation only. | This is just an open invitation to thieves. [fig.]
Gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. #/# müssen Lebensmittelunternehmer sicherstellen, dass zur Verarbeitung von Rohmilch und Milcherzeugnissen angewandte Wärmebehandlungen einem international anerkannten Standard genügenlangbot langbot
tender [Br.]; bid [Am.] (for the supply of goods or a service publicly advertised) | a tender for the renovation project; a bid for the renovation project | to make; put in; send in; submit a tender/bid for sth. | to accept sb.'s tender; to accept sb.'s bid; to award the contract to sb. | to invite tenders/bids for sth.; to call for tenders/bids for sth.; to put sth. out to tender/bid | to have a tender/bid accepted
Shawn, ich denke das sind sie!langbot langbot
grace | to do sth. with (a) good grace | to do sth. with (a) bad/ill grace | to accept the result with good grace | to answer criticism with good grace | to agree with bad grace | He didn't even have the grace to apologize. | She had the good grace to keep quiet on the subject.
In diesem Fall lautet die Spaltenüberschriftlangbot langbot
to accept sth.; to put up with sth.; not to mind sth. | accepting; putting up with; not minding | accepted; put up with; not minded | to accept a detour / side effects | I would accept/not mind losing money if in return ... | It is free. In return, you have to accept that ads are popping up. | I'll be jetlagged, but this is a unique opportunity, so I'll put up with it. | Given the price difference, I'll take that risk.
Die Erbringung von Leistungen durch Berichterstatter oder Sachverständige wird durch einen schriftlichen Vertrag zwischen der Agentur und der betreffenden Person oder gegebenenfalls zwischen der Agentur und dem Arbeitgeber der betreffenden Person geregeltlangbot langbot
will/would not tolerate sth. from sb.; will/would to accept sth. from sb. | not tolerating; not accepting | not tolerated; not accepted | not tolerates | not tolerated | I won't be spoken to like that! | I won't tolerate that!; I won't accept that!; I won't have that! | I won't tolerate any interference in my affairs. | I will not accept such language from you!
Bleib dabei, bis wir dich umlegen. "langbot langbot
to allege sth. | alleging | alleged | he/she alleges | I/he/she alleged | he/she has/had alleged | I/he/she would allege | You allege that he has threatened his girl-friend several times. Do you have any proof? | The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes. | The public prosecutor alleged gross misconduct.; The public prosecutor alleged that there had been gross misconduct. | The statement of claim alleges that the existence of the records was deliberately concealed. | Mr. Schmidt is alleged to have been ...
Artikel # Absatz # des Beschlusses #/EG erhält folgende Fassunglangbot langbot
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