1970s oor Spaans


The decade from 1970 to 1979. Also known as the '70s.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


masculine, plural
The use of indoor systems started experimentally in Europe in the 1970s.
El uso de sistemas cubiertos comenzó experimentalmente en Europa en los 1970s.

años 1970

China was constrained by poor supply incentives in agriculture in the late 1970’s.
China estaba limitada por incentivos deficientes en agricultura a fines de los años 1970.
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Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

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Consensus of 1970
Consenso de 1970
Subcommittee on the Council Resolutions of 1 October 1970
CR · Subcomité sobre las Resoluciones del Consejo del 1 de octubre 1970


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
the Hague Convention of 1 June 1970 on the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations;
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One month passed into the next, 1969 rolled into 1970.
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2011Other information: UN listed pursuant to paragraphs 15 and 17 of resolution 1970 (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze).
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As a cornerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and a foundation for the promotion of nuclear disarmament, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) has made immense contributions to maintaining and strengthening international peace and security since its entry into force in 1970.
También es una seria obligación para el cumplimiento de las estrategias de Lisboa y GotemburgoUN-2 UN-2
At the end of the 1970s, between fifteen and twenty people were being killed every day in Turkey.
Enviará una limosina por Mahoma para reunirse con él fuera del puebloLiterature Literature
Pekić distinguished himself in the 1970s as one of the best Serbian contemporary dramatists.
Daisy, nacida en el añoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the questions raised at an international fever symposium held in London (1970) were: Why a fever?
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The girls/sax/keyboards combination also reflected elements of the extravagantly presented shows Presley had been playing in the 1970's."
medidas con objeto de garantizar en la práctica la plena igualdad entre hombres y mujeres en la vida laboral, el principio de igualdad de trato no impedirá a ningún Estado miembro mantener o adoptar medidas que ofrezcan ventajas concretas destinadas a facilitar al sexo menos representado el ejercicio de actividades profesionales o a evitar o compensar desventajas en sus carreras profesionalesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The original Carter Family was the first group admitted (1970) to the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Todos los díasLiterature Literature
These airlines operated propeller service at the airport through the mid-1970s, chiefly using NAMC YS-11 turboprops.
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A third Islamic intellectual, Nurcholish Madjid, called for the “de-sacralizing” of politics in the 1970’s, advocated genuine multi-party democracy in the 1990’s, and personally urged Suharto to step down in 1998.
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. Mr President, the Commissioner is of course new to this saga, but unfortunately for many of our constituents, both in the UK and elsewhere, this is a long-running tragedy that, as we have seen, dates back to the 1970s.
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Arcor started exporting in the 1970s, and internationalization followed with investment in Arcorpar in Paraguay (1976) and approval for investments in projects in Uruguay (Van Dam) and Brazil (Nechar), which were undertaken in the early 1980s.
Otros sí, pero nosotros noUN-2 UN-2
Some of these people, according to Townley, were involved in the storage and transport of containers of sarin in the 1970s and early 1980s.
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The United Nations Committee established pursuant to paragraph 24 of UNSCR 1970 (2011) updated information concerning certain individuals subject to restrictive measures.
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"UW-Madison Computer Science Ph.D.s Awarded, May 1965 - August 1970".
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Recent history (1970–2013) and current trends in the sectoral distribution of value added in developing countries, countries with economies in transition and developed countries are shown in the table.
No nos hemos visto en # añosUN-2 UN-2
In 1970, the group established a cultural association named La Ionica and the pamphlet became a magazine, which contained poetry and prose in both Italian and in Greek Calabrian.
Si el discurso de Kennedy se pasa de las #: #, no veré el programa de Lucy, de Danny Thomas ni el de Andy Griffith, y eso no me va a gustarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the 1970 classification, the distinction was whether the symptoms involved elementary sensory or motor functions (simple) or whether "higher functions" were involved (complex).
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The Criminal Code and the Civil Code had last been revised in the 1970s, when the infrastructure in many regions of Gabon had consisted of dirt tracks and infrequent ferry crossings and many journeys could only be made on foot.
Gracias, igualmenteUN-2 UN-2
Three major outbreaks have occurred in recent history: one from 1896 to 1906 primarily in Uganda and the Congo Basin and two in 1920 and 1970 in several African countries.
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Fifteen states passed legislation allowing branching between 1970 and 1985, as did another dozen by 1989.
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During the 1970’s the few local Witnesses continued preaching and meeting together as best they could.
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Filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar emerged from Madrid's "La Movida" subculture of the 1970s making low budget super 8 pop art movies, and he was subsequently called the Andy Warhol of Spain by the media at the time.
Para controlar el sistemas de dilución de flujo parcial es necesaria una reacción más rápidaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After a heart attack in the mid 1970s, Vick largely returned to soul jazz, working with Shirley Scott from 1974 to 1976 and with Jimmy McGriff from 1980 to 1981.
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209 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.