Agravain oor Spaans


One of the knights of the Round Table in Arthurian legend.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You must tell him it was my duty to avenge Agravain.
Tenéis que decirle que tenía que vengar a Agravain.
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Agravain began to beat the palm of his left hand with his fist.
Agravain empezó a golpearse la palma de la mano izquierda con el puño—.Literature Literature
Meet the new king of Camelot, and may your God have mercy on you, Agravain.
Conoced al nuevo rey de Camelot y que tu Dios se apiade de ti, Agravain.Literature Literature
"""Agravaine mocks me and calls me a silly baby, saying I am too old for wooden knights!"""
Agraviane se burla de mí y me llama bebe idiota; me dice que soy demasiado mayor para jugar con caballeros de madera.Literature Literature
Agravain and Bedwyr believe that I should go to Rheged.”
Agravain y Bedwyr creen que debería irme a Rheged.Literature Literature
I've surprised Agravain, Guivret, Lucan.
He sorprendido a Agravain, Guivret, Lucan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It is not your place to speak to me so, Agravain ap Lot.”
Te extralimitas hablándome así, Agravain ap Lot.Literature Literature
He did not know what had happened between Leif and the knight companions and Agravain, and he would not guess.
Ignoraba qué había sucedido entre Leif y sus acompañantes y Agravaine, y ni siquiera trataba de adivinarlo.Literature Literature
Agravain, I said it was not from skill but...” “Was it by magic, then?
Agravain, ya te he dicho que no fue gracias a mi habilidad, sino... —¿Fue gracias a la magia, entonces?Literature Literature
Agravain had been involved in some plot against the Queen, and he’d paid for it with his life.
Agravaine había participado en alguna confabulación contra la reina, pagando por ello con su vida.Literature Literature
And again, Agravaine had no answer.
Una vez más, Agravaine no tuvo respuesta.Literature Literature
And Gereint and Goronwy and Cynan and my nephew Agravain have earned their fame as well, that is plain.
Y Cerreint, Goronwy, Cynan y mi sobrino Agravain se han ganado también su fama, eso está claro.Literature Literature
All but Agravain, who continued to glare at Kerrigan as he sat on the back of his white horse.
Todos menos Agravain, quien continuaba mirando furioso a Kerrigan mientras se encontraba sentado en su corcel blanco.Literature Literature
“Go on,” said Agravain, after another stretch of silence, when we had turned south on the main road.
—Continúa —dijo, tras otro rato de silencio, cuando nos hubimos desviado hacia el sur por la carretera principal.Literature Literature
Sir Agravaine walked close to Arthur's side, and the king turned his head to appraise the knight.
Sir Agravaine se situó a un lado de Arturo, y el rey giró la cabeza para evaluar al caballero.Literature Literature
A man of your standing can go wherever he pleases, Agravaine.
Un hombre de tu categoría puede ir donde le plazca, Agravaine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Agravain and your teachers say that you are afraid.
Agravain y tus profesores dicen que tienes miedo.Literature Literature
Agravain grinned still more widely.
Agravain sonrió aún más ampliamente.Literature Literature
For Agravaine had done something unprecedented in the family troubles.
Y es que Agravaine había hecho algo que no tenía precedentes en las querellas familiares.Literature Literature
“Gawain’ll kill you, Lancelot, or Agravain, one of them will.”
Gawain os matará, Lanzarote o Agravaine, uno de los dos.Literature Literature
Agravain told me that it would mostly be sold to whomever could pay for it with grain or other foodstuffs.
Agravain me dijo que en su mayor parte se vendería a quien pudiera pagarlo con grano u otros alimentos.Literature Literature
And now we go off to war, Agravain and the clan and I.
Y ahora nos vamos a la guerra, Agravain, el clan y yo.Literature Literature
Agravain, I am not trying to claim that...” “You have said enough,” Agravain went on firmly.
Agravain, no intento decir que... —Has dicho suficiente —continuó firmemente Agravain.Literature Literature
You have done well, Agravaine.
Lo has hecho bien, AgravaineOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""I am Gawain,"" he said with an eager, gentle smile, ""and this is my brother Agravain."""
-Soy Gawain,- dijo él con una entusiasta suave sonrisa, -Y este es mi hermano Agravain.Literature Literature
Agravain was in the central hub of the camp, seeing to some prisoners whom he abandoned when he saw me.
Agravain se encontraba allí, atareado con algunos prisioneros a los que abandonó al verme.Literature Literature
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