Anchises oor Spaans


A mythical Trojan elder in the Iliad and the Aeneid, father of Aeneas.

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Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius


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He had become Anchises on the back of Aeneas.
Se había convertido en Anquises sobre la espalda de Eneas.Literature Literature
While he was in Africa with Dido, a year had passed since Anchises died.""
Había pasado un año en África con Dido desde la muerte de Anquises.Literature Literature
With Anchises dead she was sure Aeneas would have her killed, or kill her himself, and her son with her.
Estaba segura de que con la muerte de Anquises Eneas ordenaría que la matasen, o que se suicidase, y a su hijo con ella.Literature Literature
‘Then I shall bear her through the burning stubble fields on my back like Anchises.’
—Entonces la llevaré por los campos ardientes de rastrojo, cargándola sobre mi espalda como Anquises.Literature Literature
The boys who died on board the Anchises had never seemed as sick as these did.
Los chicos que habían muerto a bordo del Anchises nunca habían parecido tan enfermos como esos hombres.Literature Literature
And in the front line, at the head of the Trojans, Aeneas, the son of Anchises.
Y en primera línea, delante de los troyanos, Eneas, el hijo de Anquises.Literature Literature
However, Anchises was murdered on the night we sailed into his bay.
De todas formas, Anquises fue asesinado la noche en que entramos en su bahía.Literature Literature
Anchise has taken command now that the company captains are gone.
Anchise ha tomado el mando ahora que el capitán de la compañía ha muerto.Literature Literature
Anchises was handsome, but he was only a shepherd, so Aphrodite was way out of his league.
Anquises era guapo, pero nada más que un pastor, así que Afrodita estaba muy lejos de su alcance.Literature Literature
The most common species are (27.27% of the populations): Parides anchises, Mechanitis lysimnia, Callicore pitheas, Typhedanus undulatus, Chlosyne lacinia and Heliconius erato.
Las especies que registran mayor abundancia son: Parides anchises, Mechanitis lysimnia, Callicore pitheas, Typhedanus undulatus, Chlosyne lacinia y Heliconius erato, que representan el 27,72% de las poblaciones.scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
He was the son of APHRODITE and Anchises, a member of Trojan royal family.
Era hijo de AFRODITA y Anquises, y miembro de la familia real troyana.Literature Literature
He had depended on Anchises, obeyed him even when the old man led them astray.
Siempre había dependido de Anquises y lo había obedecido, aun cuando el anciano lo llevara por mal camino.Literature Literature
Anchises reminded Priam of the disaster that had ensued the last time Troy came into conflict with the Argives.
Anquises recordó a Príamo el desastre acaecido la última vez que Troya entró en conflicto con los argivos.Literature Literature
I thought he went fishing with Anchise.”
Pensé que estaba pescando con Anchise.Literature Literature
Anchises, Ascanius and the Penates were safe.
Anquises, Ascanio y los penates están a salvo.Literature Literature
Since Grandfather Joad is Anchises in reverse, his death is likewise antithetical to Anchises’ solemn departure.
Puesto que se trata de Anquises, pero al revés, su muerte es también lo contrario de la solemne muerte de Anquises.Literature Literature
He was the son of King Anchises and the Goddess Aphrodite (Venus to the Romans).
Era hijo del rey Anquises y de la diosa Afrodita (Venus para los romanos).Literature Literature
Anchises fumbled with his right hand for the gold-mounted staff that he had left leaning against the wall at his back.
Anquises buscaba con la mano derecha el bastón rematado en oro que había dejado apoyado en la pared a su espalda.Literature Literature
Anchises married the mysterious mortal lady, and they had a wonderful honeymoon.
Anquises se casó con la misteriosa dama mortal y disfrutaron de una luna de miel maravillosa.Literature Literature
A lyric epigram of Antipater of Sidon places a hypothetical question on the lips of the goddess herself: Paris, Adonis, and Anchises saw me naked, Those are all I know of, but how did Praxiteles contrive it?
En un epigrama lírico de Antípatro de Sidón la propia diosa enuncia una pregunta hipotética: «Paris, Adonis y Anquises me vieron desnuda, esto es todo lo que sé, pero ¿cómo lo consiguió Praxíteles?»WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here on the Anchises he seemed to begin where childhood had left off.
Aquí en el Anchises parecía empezar en el punto donde se había quedado la infancia.Literature Literature
“Aeneas son of Anchises has often brought me presents.
—A menudo Eneas, hijo de Anquises, me ha traído regalos.Literature Literature
They were told that, for some time now, both Anchises and his son had kept to their palace at Lyrnessus.
Se les dijo que, desde hacía tiempo, ni Anquises ni su hijo salían del palacio en Lirneso.Literature Literature
Creusa died in the flames of Troy, but her son did escape with Aeneas and Anchises, and did come to Latium.
Creusa pereció en las llamas de Troya, pero su hijo escapó con Eneas y Anquises, y llegó al Lacio.Literature Literature
I am Aeneas, the son of Anchises, the king.
Soy Eneas, hijo de Anquises, el rey.Literature Literature
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