Anglo-Saxon Chronicle oor Spaans

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

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That was one of the entries in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for the year 910.
Brenda, esperaLiterature Literature
Penda was in power by 633 (and possibly by 626, if the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is correct).
Vamos, Eric, debes tomar estoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Used in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the title probably means “ruler of the Britons.”
Archivo Nuevo desde plantilla Cualquier archivoLiterature Literature
With virtually only one exception, the Anglo-Saxon chronicles are silent from the middle of the eleventh century.
Yo creo que a nadie le sienta bien estar tristeLiterature Literature
The ninth-century Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions the battle in the entry for 455.
¡ Dame un poco del puto pescado, saco de basura!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘It’s from The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.
Ahora, dígame usted, ¿ cómo puede alguien ahogarse en la ducha?Literature Literature
Instead, Cleata talked about the book she was reading, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Esta camisa está bienLiterature Literature
The narrative of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is itself excellent (in early medieval terms!)
Muy bien, super hombre.Ven a buscarmeLiterature Literature
This selection from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle focuses on the Danish Viking invasions of England.
Estoy bien.¿ Ve?Literature Literature
For once, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle gives casualty figures that have the ring of precision about them.
No me encontrarían ni muerto ahíLiterature Literature
Cuthred died in 807, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
No hay nada dentro de tíWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, translated by Michael Swanton (1996), manuscripts A and E, years 715 and 716.
Ned dijo que habías hechos cosas peores...... y a más sangre fría que William BonneyWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is also a Swæbdæg in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle among the forefathers of Aella, King of Deira.
P... pero, Pepito...- Tú te lo estás buscando, yá lo verásWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that Cerdic and Cynric his son landed at Cerdices-ora with five ships.
Estos dos hermanos no se tenían más que el uno al otro en este mundo...... y sin duda eso los hacía inseparablesLiterature Literature
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, manuscripts D and E, various editions including an XML version by Tony Jebson.
Y no quiero que Darren se pudra en esa prisiónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was also the first historiography written in English since the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Nos han retirado el dinero del seguroWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reported that on Ælle's death a certain "Æthelric" assumed power.
No jugamos por los cubits, tíoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ancient Anglo- Saxon Chronicle said that “men were greatly wonder- stricken and affrighted.”
Es un fin de semana, Clark.Disfrútalojw2019 jw2019
The “citizens would not yield,” according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, “but resisted with full battle.”
Tiene que haber más en esta vida... un propósito para todos nosotros, un lugar de donde venimos.Tú eras mi hogarLiterature Literature
It was the greatest slaughter of heathen raiders the Anglo-Saxon chronicler had ever heard of.
Ayúdame a entrarlos en casaLiterature Literature
In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the battle is dated to 1025 and the Swedes won the battle.
Para el día de la evacuaciónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle glosses over the battle of Cynwit, it is important for two reasons.
Tú vas a pasar una Navidad maravillosaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sure enough, half a century later, in 793, the Anglo-Saxon chronicle reports...
¿ Peor que este lugar?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was originally compiled in Winchester, the capital of Wessex, and completed in 891.
Te llama el profesorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records his marriage to King Æthelstan's sister at Tamworth on 30 January 926.
El movimiento básico deberá ser sinusoidal y transcurrir de tal manera que los puntos de fijación del modelo sobre la mesa de oscilación se muevan esencialmente en fase y sobre rectas paralelasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
253 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.