Are you married or single? oor Spaans

Are you married or single?

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¿Estás casada o soltera?


¿Estás casado o soltero?


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are you married or single
eres casada o soltera


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Are you married or single?
¿Está usted casado o soltero?tatoeba tatoeba
Are you married or single?
¿Eres casado o soltero?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When I get back to barracks, they’ll—” “Are you married or single?”
Cuando vuelva al cuartel, ello me... - ¿Es casado o soltero?Literature Literature
'Are you Married or single or a Widower or what?'
«¿Está usted Casado o es soltero, Viudo u otra cosa?».Literature Literature
Tell me, he asked, after a moments hesitation, are you married or single?
Dígame —preguntó a Luisa, después de un momento de duda—, ¿es usted casada o soltera?Literature Literature
Yeah, so, uh, what are you, married or single or...
Sí, y... qué eres, casado o soltero o...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Captain, are you married or single?"""
—Capitán, ¿eres soltero o casado?Literature Literature
Are you married, or are you single?
¿Está casada o es soltera?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Are you married or are you single?
¿Estás casado o soltero?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
People will like you if you are kind, generous, and unselfish, whether you are married or single.
La gente te querrá por tu bondad, generosidad y altruismo, prescindiendo de que estés casado o soltero.jw2019 jw2019
Are you married, Corporal, or single?
¿Está casado, Cabo, o soltero?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then it does not matter whether you are called to be a bishop or a Relief Society president, whether you are married or single, or whether you die tomorrow.
No importará que les llamen a servir como obispos o presidentas de la Sociedad de Socorro, ni si están solteros o casados, ni siquiera si mueren mañana.LDS LDS
“It does not matter whether you are married or single, you will be happy if you give your best to Jehovah God.” —Claudia
“En verdad no importa si eres soltero o estás casado; serás feliz si le das lo mejor de ti a Jehová Dios” (Claudia).jw2019 jw2019
We were quiet for a few seconds and then I heard him say: “And you, are you single or married?”
Ya había detectado a dos (o eso creía): el hombre del loden y el de la cazadora.Literature Literature
There are occasions in life when it is natural to feel lonely, whether you are married or single, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are old or young.
En la vida hay ocasiones en las que es natural sentirse así, sea uno casado o soltero, hombre o mujer, joven o mayor.jw2019 jw2019
Whether you are married or single, the loyalty of a good friend will warm your heart and enrich your life.
Prescindiendo de que seamos casados o solteros, la lealtad de un buen amigo nos conmueve el corazón y enriquece nuestra vida.jw2019 jw2019
To each of you, no matter your nationality, race, social status, or individual talents, whether you are married, single, or widowed, whether you were born into the Church or are a new convert and the only member of your family, I say, “Welcome home!”
A cada una de ustedes, sea cual fuere su nacionalidad, su raza, su estatus social o sus talentos personales, sea casada, soltera o viuda, haya nacido en la Iglesia o sea nueva conversa y el único miembro de la Iglesia de su familia, le digo: “¡Bienvenida a casa!”.LDS LDS
OK, so are you married or seeing anyone or single or anything?”
Bien, ¿estás casada o sales con alguien o vives sola?Literature Literature
W: What... I... G: I mean are you single, married or divorced?
T: Qué... yo... G: Quiero decir si es soltera, si está casada o está divorciada.Literature Literature
After ascertaining your country, length of stay in Japan, age, whether you are married or single, the person will begin to handle your problem.
Después de averiguar su país, cuánto tiempo va a permanecer en el Japón, su edad, si es casado o soltero, la persona empezará a ocuparse de su problema.jw2019 jw2019
Are you married, single, divorced, or—”
¿Eres casada, soltera, divorciada o...?Literature Literature
Whether you are married or are a single parent, if you help your family develop a love for each other and for God, your family life will improve.
Sea que tenga cónyuge o que su familia sea monoparental, si enseña a los suyos a amarse mutuamente y a amar a Dios, su vida familiar experimentará una mejora sustancial.jw2019 jw2019
18 Whether you are married or single, it may be that an honest self-analysis will show that you are spending as much time as you reasonably can in serving Kingdom interests.
18 Sea usted casado o soltero, puede ser que un autoanálisis sincero le muestre que está dedicando cuanto tiempo razonablemente puede a servir en los intereses del Reino.jw2019 jw2019
"Instead of answering directly, he asked, ""Are you single, married, widowed, or what?"""
En lugar de contestar directamente, preguntó: —¿Es soltera, casada, viuda o qué?Literature Literature
195 sinne gevind in 154 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.