As soon as possible oor Spaans

as soon as possible

As soon as is possible; at one's earliest convenience; at the earliest possible time.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cuanto antes

as soon as is possible
I want to see you as soon as possible.
Deseo verle cuanto antes.

lo más rápido posible

as soon as is possible

tan pronto como sea posible

as soon as is possible
She'd like him to get in touch with her as soon as possible.
Ella quisiera que él se pusiera en contacto con ella tan pronto como sea posible.

En 13 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

lo antes posible · a corto plazo · a la brevedad · a la mayor brevedad · a la mayor brevedad posible · cuando antes · tan pronto como le sea posible · antes posible · con rapidez · lo más pronto posible · sin demora · sin tardanza · súbitamente

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I'll do it as soon as possible
lo haré lo antes posible
please send it as soon as possible
le ruego lo envíe a la mayor brevedad posible
send it to me as soon as possible
envíemelo lo más pronto posible
signing and ratifying, ratifying, or acceding to, as soon as possible and as the case may be
firmar y ratificar, ratificar, o adherirse a, lo antes posible y según sea el caso
please reply as soon as possible
rogamos respondan a la brevedad
we have to get moving as soon as possible
tenemos que ponernos en movimiento cuanto antes
I wish to be informed as soon as possible
deseo que se me informe tan pronto como sea posible


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“I think it best we get someone—a woman—here as soon as possible.
Será mejor que hagamos venir a alguien, a una mujer, lo antes posible.Literature Literature
We are working to identifying the appropriate individual as soon as possible.
Estamos trabajando para encontrar a la persona adecuada cuanto antes.UN-2 UN-2
Food, water, shelter, medical care, and emotional and spiritual support are provided as soon as possible
Se suministran alimentos, agua, refugio, atención médica y apoyo emocional y espiritual lo antes posiblejw2019 jw2019
Joanne says, thinking she needs to run a check on this as soon as possible.
—exclama Joanne, pensando ya en que tendrá que verificar toda esa información cuanto antes—.Literature Literature
He or she shall inform the administrator and the Special Committee as soon as possible.
Informará de ello sin demora al administrador y al Comité Especial.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I wanted her to make him come back as soon as possible
Quería que ella lo hiciese regresar cuanto antesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
They'll want to see this as soon as possible.
Ellos quieren ver esto tan pronto como sea posible.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Send your bill as soon as possible.
Envíeme la factura lo antes posible.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It would be best to complete this as soon as possible.
Lo mejor es acabar con esto cuanto antes.Literature Literature
The report shall be sent to the EU and the flag State as soon as possible.
Este acta deberá transmitirse a la UE y al Estado de abanderamiento con la mayor brevedad.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The Commission hopes that the two directives will be adopted as soon as possible.
La Comisión desea que las dos directivas puedan ser adoptadas a la mayor brevedad.Europarl8 Europarl8
Approve and implement as soon as possible the National Action Plan 2010–2014 to combat domestic violence (Spain);
Aprobar y aplicar lo antes posible el Plan de Acción Nacional 2010‐2014 contra la violencia doméstica (España);UN-2 UN-2
“We should slip out as soon as possible, to avoid questions.”
Deberíamos salir de aquí lo antes posible y sin que nadie se dé cuenta si queremos evitar preguntas.Literature Literature
He was desperate to complete the mission and quit Armenia as soon as possible.
Estaba desesperado por completar la misión y abandonar Armenia lo antes posible.Literature Literature
We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible.
Tenemos que acabar con los malos hábitos lo más pronto posible.tatoeba tatoeba
As soon as possible, okay.
Cuando Mrs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Against this background, the list of the acquis should be updated as soon as possible.
En este contexto, debe actualizarse cuanto antes la lista del acervo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This experience convinces us that the referendum proposed for Western Sahara should be conducted as soon as possible
Esta experiencia nos convence de que el referéndum propuesto para el Sáhara Occidental debe realizarse lo antes posibleMultiUn MultiUn
“Of course, illness is illness, but I think he should get well as soon as possible,” he said.
«Desde luego, una enfermedad es una enfermedad, pero creo que debería recuperarse cuanto antes —dijo—.Literature Literature
As soon as possible after death, the body is removed to the cremation grounds, usually on the riverbank.
Tan pronto sobreviene la muerte, los restos son llevados a los sitios de cremación, normalmente ubicados en una ribera.Literature Literature
Drawdowns from the working capital reserve shall be restored from contributions as soon as possible
Los libramientos contra la reserva de capital de operaciones se repondrán con cargo a las contribuciones lo antes posibleMultiUn MultiUn
I want to collect them as soon as possible after they step into the trap.”
Quiero recogerlos tan pronto como sea posible una vez que caen en la trampa.Literature Literature
I think we should get out of here as soon as possible.
Creo que deberíamos salir de aquí cuanto antes.Literature Literature
She would have to talk to Sara as soon as possible about the earlier, or continuing, abuse.
Tenía que hablar con Sara sobre los anteriores o actuales maltratos.Literature Literature
It is anticipated that the instrument of ratification will be deposited as soon as possible
del # de noviembre de # previéndose el depósito del referido instrumento de ratificación en la brevedad posibleMultiUn MultiUn
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