Ask and Embla oor Spaans

Ask and Embla

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Ask y Embla


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He gives life and spirit to the first human couple: Ask and Embla.
Tú sí ligas con madurasLiterature Literature
And this was how Ask and Embla, the first man and the first woman, came to be.
Tú sabes lo que me gustaLiterature Literature
On working on the Ask and Embla poems.”
Nunca amo a una mujer, Razin?Literature Literature
It referred to the legend of Ask and Embla – the first two humans.
Me mentí a mí mismaLiterature Literature
The first humans were made of wood: Ask and Embla.
Soldados anónimos en una guerra que nunca se inicióLiterature Literature
Go far enough back, and the ancestors of each of us were Ask and Embla.
Las Valkirias vuelan sobre el campo de batalla y recogen a los muertos,... Recompensanal que hiere al enemigo primeroLiterature Literature
The Edda tells us that the first humans, Ask and Embla, were created out of an ash and an alder.
Sea como fuere, es una historia deplorableLiterature Literature
For the Christians it is Adam and Eve, for us it is Ask and Embla, whom Odinn brought to life.
¡ Abel ahora puede ir contra cualquiera!¿ Dónde va a detenerse?Literature Literature
It already existed in the form of two trees—Ask (ash) and Embla (elm).
Está bien, allá va.Se pegaLiterature Literature
Beatrice read Ragnarök and Ask to Embla.
E-#/# (IT) de Luca Romagnoli (ITS) a la Comisión (# de abril deLiterature Literature
A man was formed from this wood and named Ask; a woman was formed and named Embla.
Mi padre nunca estaba cercaLiterature Literature
These were the first man Aske and the first woman Embla.
Si mi dueño está perdido, llévelo a Maple Lane #, Derry, Maine "Literature Literature
She was a part of the electropop duo Ask Embla, with Icelandic producer and songwriter Arnþór Birgisson.
Están en la cola para un viaje expreso hacia el vacíoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Together they gave life to the world’s first two humans Ask and Embla.
En minutos SrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Norse mythology, Ask and Embla were the first two human beings created by the gods.
Como dijo un sabio:" Si quieres que un hombre coma, no le des un pescado...... enséñale a pescar ". iQué te parece, Al? iQuieres venir a mi discotecaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ask and Embla, in Norse mythology, were the first two human beings created by the gods, analogous to Adam and Eve.
¿ Recuerda cuando helamos su semen?Dijo que si no parecía que iba a regresar, deberíamos intentar hacerle un hijo... para que una parte de Ud. viviera para siempreParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ask and Embla are attested in both the Poetic Edda, written sometime in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
Es este un problema fundamental en lo que se refiere a las consecuencias para el medioambiente y la salud y a la aceptación de la energía nuclear por los ciudadanosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The cover art is connected to the title track “De ödeslösa” (“those without a fate”) and depicts Ask and Embla – according to Norse mythology the first two humans created by the gods.
Bueno, eso es lo que tú tienes en mente.¿ En serio?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During a complex creation myth in which the cosmic cow licked Búri free from the ice, the sons of Buri's son, Bor, who were Odin, Vili and Vé, constructed the universe and put Midgard in it as a residence for the first human couple, Ask and Embla, whom they created from driftwood trees in Section 9.
Se excluye, por tanto, la posibilidad de conformarse con un Galileo rebajadoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thus endowed with speech and intellect, and with the power to love, wait and work, and with life and death, the newly created man (Ask) and woman (Embla) were granted the freedom to rule Midgard at their will.
He tenido pesadillas en donde lo veoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
20 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.