Awareness Campaign on Security Sector Reform oor Spaans

Awareness Campaign on Security Sector Reform

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Campaña de Sensibilización sobre la Reforma del Sector de la Seguridad

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A major awareness campaign on security sector reform was conducted in all regions of the country in December # and January
¿ Por qué va a matarte Maurice?MultiUn MultiUn
A major awareness campaign on security sector reform was conducted in all regions of the country in December 2007 and January 2008.
¡ Sobre la cabeza!UN-2 UN-2
ECCAS also initiated implementation of two main programmes: the “Border programme”, which focuses on cross-border security, and the “Awareness campaign on security sector reform
Fue un viaje largoMultiUn MultiUn
ECCAS also initiated implementation of two main programmes: the “Border programme”, which focuses on cross-border security, and the “Awareness campaign on security sector reform”.
Ella es su mejor amiga.Su verdadera hermana... de universoUN-2 UN-2
The United Nations assisted the Steering Committee in the preparations for the second phase of the awareness-raising campaign on security sector reform, which was launched in September.
Estos dos hermanos no se tenían más que el uno al otro en este mundo...... y sin duda eso los hacía inseparablesUN-2 UN-2
In coordination with the Guinea-Bissau Security Sector Reform Awareness Campaign Commission, UNIOGBIS and UNDP organized a training workshop on security sector reform from 28 to 30 September 2010 aimed at reinforcing the knowledge of 33 journalists from the national media and communication officers from the Parliament and non-governmental organizations on the issues concerned.
Mantened la calmaUN-2 UN-2
They have also organized training programmes on conflict resolution; undertaken research and produced studies on different peace and security aspects, such as security sector reform; organized awareness-raising campaigns based on Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) targeted at different stakeholders, including women ex-combatants; and held subregional conferences on women’s role in conflict prevention and resolution.
Oh, mis moras!UN-2 UN-2
Provision of assistance to the National Commission for the Security Sector Reform sensitization campaign on raising awareness of defence-, security- and justice-related issues through regional outreach, 6 public debates targeting members of involved institutions, 20 meetings within thematic groups and co-location of 6 security sector reform United Nations staff with institutions impacted by security sector reform plans
Y estas descripciones corresponden a lo que las personas reportan hoy cuando ven un OVNIUN-2 UN-2
Assistance to the national commission for the security sector reform sensitization campaign on raising awareness of defence-, security- and justice-related issues through regional outreach, 6 public debates targeting members of involved institutions, 20 meetings within thematic groups and co-location of 6 security sector reform United Nations staff with institutions impacted by security sector reform plans
Eres un imbécilUN-2 UN-2
• 5 awareness-raising campaigns for civil society and media networks to increase knowledge on security sector reform and rule of law issues in the 5 regions
Ustedes pueden registrarnosUN-2 UN-2
This has made possible a review of the legal framework for the new mission and mandate of the defence and security forces; the official launch, in June 2010, of a national awareness-raising campaign on the reform of the defence and security sectors; and the establishment of a special pension fund that will ensure immediate payments for military officers reaching retirement age.
¿Cómo interpreta la Comisión este retraso y qué comentarios puede hacer al respecto?UN-2 UN-2
Nonetheless, the Committee welcomed the efforts made as part of the campaign to raise awareness about disarmament, demobilization and reintegration and other initiatives relevant to security sector reform, especially the official launch of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process on 13 August 2009.
Qué cosa tan horrorosa de hacerUN-2 UN-2
12 sinne gevind in 32 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.