Baniva oor Spaans


An extinct language of Venezuela.

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An extinct language of Venezuela.
Lengua extinta de Venezuela.

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The special indigenous community cooperatives project is currently being implemented for the comprehensive care of indigenous children; it has led to the creation of 613 day-care centres and the training of 1,315 mothers as carers in the indigenous communities with the aim of attending to a total of 15,770 children belonging to the Piapoco, Pemón, Baniva, Jivi, Yaruro, Panare, Bari, Añú, Wuajibo, Wuayúu, Yucpa and Japieno ethnic groups in the States of Bolívar, Amazonas, Apure, Delta Amacuro, Monagas and Zulia.
Pero si alguien desea venir conmigo, no lo rechazaréUN-2 UN-2
The Government has implemented mechanisms to promote intercultural, multilingual training and education, guaranteeing access to the education system by providing textbooks translated into the languages of the Bari, Punme, Baniva, Warekena and Wayuu indigenous peoples from the states of Amazonas, Apure and Zulia, with the help of UNDP.
Y luego cuando tengamos como # años, nos podremos ver una y otra vesUN-2 UN-2
The special indigenous community cooperatives project is currently being implemented for the comprehensive care of indigenous children; it has led to the creation of # day-care centres and the training of # mothers as carers in the indigenous communities with the aim of attending to a total of # children belonging to the Piapoco, Pemón, Baniva, Jivi, Yaruro, Panare, Bari, Añú, Wuajibo, Wuayúu, Yucpa and Japieno ethnic groups in the States of Bolívar, Amazonas, Apure, Delta Amacuro, Monagas and Zulia
Lo quesea que fuera, no estaba pensando lo suficiente claramente sobre elloMultiUn MultiUn
The year 2007 saw the reactivation of the National Library’s Indigenous Studies Department, which possesses a bibliography on indigenous topics and public library services whose programmes for indigenous communities includes mobile library services such as the Bibliongo and the Bibliofalcas – river boats that visit the most remote parts of the State of Amazonas and benefit the Piaroa, Jivi, Baniva and Curripaco peoples.
contempladas en el artículoUN-2 UN-2
The informative and sensitive ethnography written by the mayor of the Venezuelan town of Maroa, Martín Matos Arvelo (1912) refers to the Baniva people who, as mentioned in the introduction, are distinct from the Baniwa and Kuripako.
La chica a la que no le gusta que nadie la ateParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is formed by about twelve families (seventy people between 2008 and 2011, a period in which I realised four field research seasons of a total of fifteen months) belonging to the kurripako, baniva, baré, warekena and ñengatú ethnic groups, forming a kind of Tower Of Babel, as described by its own inhabitants.
Para eliminar la amenaza de las armas de destrucción masiva es preciso que sea y siga siendo una cuestión de máxima prioridad para los Gobiernos nacionales, las organizaciones regionales yla comunidad internacional en su conjunto.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is another group, called Baniva, who speak a distinct Arawakan language, and who live in the village of Marôa, on the Guainía.Despite their having a specific identity, the Kuripako are very similar to the Baniwa, such that the information relative to the Baniwa in most items of this section can, in large part, be extended to the Kuripako.
Quiero decir, ¿ Qué vamos a decir posiblemente?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The groups belonging to the language branch Arawak, in the Amazon, are the following: Baniva, Baré, Curripaco, Piapoco and Warekena.
Y porque estamos casados...... y porque yo nunca te mentiría...... o lastimaríaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
8 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.