Belleau Wood oor Spaans

Belleau Wood

a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in 1918

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"Ed began to take another bite of his supper, but instead repeated: ""Belleau Wood."
A mí me cayeron bien primero, desde antes de conocerlosLiterature Literature
He fought at Saint-Mihiel and Belleau Wood, then came home to his newspaper.
Protección Ambiental está revisando las alcantarillasLiterature Literature
I’ve never seen them better and that includes Belleau Wood.
¿ Donde ha ocurrido la agresión?Literature Literature
My father was killed in Belleau Wood the day I was born.
Y en el MundialOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Our gains through Belleau Wood could be counted in yards.
Tal vez puedas enseñarme a jugarLiterature Literature
Before the war, Belleau Wood had been the private hunting preserve of a wealthy Frenchman.
¿ Quién es prostituto?Literature Literature
Hello, this is tiffy gerhardt over in belleau woods.
¿ Es consciente de que está bajo juramento?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The women were talking about clothes and the man was telling about Belleau Wood.
Es más rápidoLiterature Literature
I believe most of them are the Belleau Wood lot.""
Sube con una escaleraLiterature Literature
Nelson was on limited duty, having left a foot in Belleau Wood in 1918.
Yo te poseo.Tu eres mía y yo soy tuyaLiterature Literature
He was hit, apparently by shrapnel, in the battle for Belleau Wood.
No necesito cuchillo para matarteLiterature Literature
So, let’s talk about Belleau Wood.
Eres Rita.- No, no soy RitaLiterature Literature
American Doughboys had fought in the vicinity in 1918, at Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Wood.
Hace tres mesesLiterature Literature
“I wasn’t there at Belleau Wood.
Harry no haría estoLiterature Literature
It was me, he thought, at Belleau Wood; I do remember.
No oigo nadaLiterature Literature
A lieutenant in my battalion at Belleau Woods.
Conforme a lo señalado en el punto #.#, letras b) y c), de la imposición las tarifas se modifican como sigueOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like Intrepid, Belleau Wood was forced to withdraw to Ulithi for repair.
Alguien que tiene la respuestaLiterature Literature
Two weeks unscathed at Belleau Wood and then walked into a high-wheeler on the Broad.”
Granzas y espumas (primera y segunda fusiónLiterature Literature
He had got a letter once saying Bill Harper had been killed at Belleau Wood.
Aquello era un infierno flotanteLiterature Literature
On our left, approximately 200 yards, was the redoubt of Belleau Woods.
No se ha probado en absoluto el efecto incentivador: aparte de la existencia de la primera ayuda, la Comisión tiene dudas sobre el efecto incentivador de la ayudaLiterature Literature
"""I never spoke much about Belleau Wood,"" I said."
[ Para completar a nivel nacional ]Literature Literature
Mary recognized him as a farmer who had lost his oldest son at Belleau Wood.
Pero usted sabía que noLiterature Literature
Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, the Alamo, Belleau Wood . . . well, today we have a new name to add: TARAWA.
Se trata, por tanto, de evaluar las características específicas del sector, llegar a un acuerdo sobre las definiciones, tratar sobre las situaciones mixtas e integrar correctamente las especificidades de los agentes implicadosLiterature Literature
It was me, he thought, at Belleau Wood, I do remember.
A que todos sus clientes la adoranLiterature Literature
One of these stands of trees was Belleau Wood.
Antes de usar ActrapidLiterature Literature
86 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.