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Lucanus cast the feeble light of the lantern into the galleys, and Cusa followed.
Lucano proyectó el débil rayo de luz de la linterna sobre las galeras y Cusa le siguió.Literature Literature
“Lucanus resists it with more or less success,” said Cusa.
- Lucano lo resiste con más o menos éxito -dijo CusaLiterature Literature
Cusa refused to take him seriously, or rather refused to show that he took Lucanus seriously.
Cusa rehusó tomarle en serio, o más bien rehusó mostrar que tomaba a Lucano en serio.Literature Literature
“You have never heard of gratitude,” said Cusa, severely.
–Nunca has oído hablar de la gratitud -dijo Cusa con severidad.Literature Literature
Cusa, Nicholas of (14°1-1464), De visione Dei; De ludo globi: in Opera omnia, Basileae, 1565.
CUSA, Nicholas DE (1401-1464), De visione Dei; De ludo globi, en Opera omnia, Basilea, 1565.Literature Literature
Over five hundred years ago, Nicholas of Cusa took it for granted that there were.
Hace más de quinientos años, Nicolás de Cusa dio por supuesto que así era.Literature Literature
Cusa said, “You are insane, of course.
Cusa dijo: -Estás loco, desde luego.Literature Literature
How could he say to Cusa, “I must deliver the tormented from their Enemy?”
¿Cómo podía decir a Cusa: «Debo liberar a los torturados por su enemigo»?Literature Literature
Mystic Christian traditions influenced Jaspers himself tremendously, particularly those of Meister Eckhart and of Nicholas of Cusa.
Las tradiciones del Cristianismo místico influenciaron a Jaspers de forma considerable, particularmente Meister Eckhart y Nicolás de Cusa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In all modes of being Nicholas of Cusa saw a sharing in what can never be shared.
Bajo todos los modos del ser, Nicolás de Cusa ve una participación en lo Imparticipable.Literature Literature
Finally, Cusa had the refrigerator fitted with little wheels so she could hide it in her room.
Por último, Cusa le puso unas rueditas al refrigerador y lo escondía en su propio cuarto.Literature Literature
In that sermon, In principio erat verbum (In the Beginning Was the Word), Nicholas of Cusa used the Latin spelling Iehoua for Jehovah.
Allí Nicolás de Cusa empleó la grafía en latín Iehoua para referirse al nombre Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
He found Cusa in his cabin, Cusa, who was shivering in the expectation of being seized and thrown into irons.
Encontró en su camarote a Cusa, que estaba temblando ante la perspectiva de ser aprisionado y aherrojado.Literature Literature
Nicholas Kryfts or Krebs was born at Cusa on the Moselle in 1401.
Nicolás Kryfts, o Krebs, nació en Cusa del Mosela, en 1401.Literature Literature
Cusa cursed the city and his uneasiness as he stood on the colonnade high above the harbor.
Cusa maldecía la ciudad y su inquietud mientras permanecía en la columnata que se elevaba sobre el puerto.Literature Literature
Thus, low power systems are used for liver surgery (Cusa, Selector) and do not coagulate vessels.
Entonces, los sistemas de bajo poder, son utilizados para cirugías hepáticas (Cusa, Selector) y no coagulan los vasos.Literature Literature
You, my good Cusa, look like a camel, or an ape, and that is your misfortune.
Tú, mi buen Cusa, pareces un camello o un mono, y esto es tu desgracia.»Literature Literature
About 550 years ago, Nicholas of Cusa founded a nursing home for the elderly in Kues, now known as Bernkastel-Kues, a town located about 80 miles [130 km] south of Bonn, in Germany.
Hace unos quinientos cincuenta años fundó un hogar de ancianos en Cusa.jw2019 jw2019
“Lucanus resists it with more or less success,” said Cusa.
–Lucano lo resiste con más o menos éxito -dijo Cusa.Literature Literature
Fortune, I want you to cusa out the tumour before we get too close to the nerves.
Fortune, quiero que uses el cusa con el tumor antes que lleguemos a los nervios.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cusa could not read Lucanus’ quiet face, which had a quality of massiveness about it.
Cusa no podía leer en el rostro tranquilo de Lucano, estaba poseído de una firmeza masiva.Literature Literature
But Cusa was too disturbed for rest.
Pero Cusa se sentía demasiado inquieto para descansar.Literature Literature
He would lead Cusa on, teasing him not with lightness, but with a sort of bitter goading.
Hacía hablar a Cusa tomándole el pelo, no con ligereza, sino con una especie de amargo placer.Literature Literature
Nicholas of Cusa was the last important theologian-philosopher of the one and undivided Roman Church.
Nicolás de Cusa fue el último teólogo-filósofo importante de la Iglesia romana una e indivisa.Literature Literature
Lucanus motioned to Cusa, who crept towards it, opening his bag of clever little tools.
Lucano hizo un gesto a Cusa que se deslizó hacia ella abriendo su saco de pequeñas y hábiles herramientas.Literature Literature
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