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“Are you challenging my authority to command this fleet, Captain Casia?”
—¿Está usted cuestionando mi autoridad al mando de esta flota, capitán Casia?Literature Literature
"We will be discreet, and you will be safer than if you were in your mother's house again,"" Casia promised."
Seremos discretos y tú estarás más a salvo que en tu propia casa -le aseguró Casia.Literature Literature
“Well,” Casia said briskly, “we will simply have to satisfy your curiosity, won’t we?”
– Bueno -dijo Casia, -tendremos que satisfacer tu curiosidad, ¿no?Literature Literature
"""My lady Casia,"" Aspar said with a smile, and Cailin felt a surge of jealousy race through her."
– Mi señora Casia -saludó Aspar con una sonrisa, y Cailin sintió una punzada de celos.Literature Literature
You should not have come here tonight, Casia, and you most assuredly should not have brought Cailin.""
No deberías haber venido esta noche, Casia, y sin duda no deberías haber traído a Cailin.Literature Literature
“Captain Casia, this fleet has too much experience with officers incapable of carrying out their responsibilities.
—Capitán Casia, esta flota tiene demasiada experiencia con oficiales incapaces de cumplir con su responsabilidad.Literature Literature
It is Casia, one of the finest courtesans Villa Maxima has to offer.
Es Casia, una de las mejores cortesanas que Villa Máxima puede ofrecer.Literature Literature
“How serious a problem is Casia?”
—¿Cómo de problemático es Casia?Literature Literature
I love to listen to your gossip, Casia.
Me encanta escuchar tus chismorreos, Casia.Literature Literature
Basilicus then turned to Casia.
-Entonces Basilico se volvió hacia Casia.Literature Literature
“Aye, and the prince loves Casia even as she loves him, but he cannot say it to her.
– Sí, y el príncipe ama a Casia tanto como ella a él, pero no puede decírselo.Literature Literature
What will you do with Captain Casia and Commander Yin?”
¿Qué vas a hacer con el capitán Casia y con la comandante Yin?Literature Literature
Captain Casia, Captain Duellos, please remain for a moment.”
Capitán Casia, capitán Duellos, quédense un momento, por favor.Literature Literature
“Now isn’t the time for timidity,” Captain Casia objected.
—No es momento de mostrarse tímidos —objetó el capitán Casia—.Literature Literature
I will go with Casia to her house, and then her litter will bring me to Villa Mare.""
Yo iré con Casia a su casa y después su litera me llevará a Villa MareLiterature Literature
“That’s what we’ve learned to expect of you,” he stated with a scornful glance toward Casia.
—Eso es lo que hemos aprendido a esperar de usted —dijo mientras miraba desdeñosamente a Casia—.Literature Literature
"""I do not exist for the emperor, nor does Casia."
– Yo no existo para el emperador, y tampoco Casia.Literature Literature
Fortunately, he’d learned enough about the way this fleet thought to know how to counter Casia.
Por suerte había aprendido lo suficiente como para saber cómo tratar a Casia.Literature Literature
The INABIF provided comprehensive care in # to # teenage mothers in the Santa Rita de Casia Shelter, giving them food, lodging, and training and education in technical institutes
El Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Familiar, logró brindar atención integral, en el # a # madres adolescentes del Hogar Santa Rita de Casia. Se les dio alimentación, alojamiento, acciones formativas y capacitación en Institutos TécnicosMultiUn MultiUn
Both Casia and Yin were giving Commander Gaes hard looks, but she didn’t seem to care.
Tanto Casia como Yin miraban a la comandante Gaes fijamente, pero a ella no parecía importarle.Literature Literature
Casia was visibly impressed, and said so.
Casia estaba visiblemente impresionada y así lo expresó.Literature Literature
“I have never had a friend, either, Casia.
– Yo tampoco he tenido nunca una amiga, Casia.Literature Literature
She began to cry, much to Cailin’s astonishment, for Casia was not a woman given to tears.
Prorrumpió en llanto, para asombro de Cailin, pues Casia no era una mujer dada a las lágrimas.Literature Literature
I will go with Casia to her house, and then her litter will bring me to Villa Mare.”
Yo iré con Casia a su casa y después su litera me llevará a Villa Mare.Literature Literature
It was obvious that Basilicus wanted very much to believe Casia.
Resultaba evidente que Basilico deseaba creer a Casia.Literature Literature
130 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.