Clemenceau oor Spaans


French statesman who played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1841-1929)

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Georges Clemenceau

French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau whose country had lost over 1 million soldiers, commented:
El primer ministro francés Georges Clemenceau cuyo país había perdido más de 1 millón de soldados, comentó:
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Georges Clemenceau
Georges Clemenceau
Georges Eugene Benjamin Clemenceau
Georges Clemenceau


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Poincare and Clemenceau wore heavy black winter coats and held their hats in their hands.
Aprovechemos al máximo esta sociedadLiterature Literature
"Clemenceau, icily: ""Germany considers itself an aggressor and, be lieve me, it is proud of the fact."
¡ Les salió el tiro por la culata!Literature Literature
Everyone laughed heartily, except Clemenceau.
¿ Vas a practicar tus patadas y tus golpes de ojos?Literature Literature
Clemenceau was rational, Lloyd George intuitive.
Los principales países exportadores, a saber, los Estados Unidos de América y la República Popular China, representaron casi el # % de dichas importaciones durante el período consideradoLiterature Literature
“A lively little beast, dry, disagreeable, and not courageous,” Clemenceau told an American friend.
Soy un hombre maduroLiterature Literature
Unlike Wilson and Clemenceau, he did not hate his opponents.
Nunca había bebido de servicioLiterature Literature
Clemenceau would give way only on minor matters.
Muy gracioso, chutney dangerfieldLiterature Literature
“Bring in the Germans,” ordered Clemenceau.
Si la policía revisa la casa...- Jamás oí hablar de tiLiterature Literature
Clemenceau followed suit in the spring of 1919, as did the Weimar Republic.
Pónganse los lentesLiterature Literature
97 Clemenceau remained, as at the beginning, utterly alone.
Perdimos el Royal Oak frente a un submarino alemán...... a # millas de este puntoLiterature Literature
Clemenceau did not bemoan the defeat of a regime that had imprisoned both him and his father.
Quizá quieras ir a los estudios del FBI... que son expertos, debido a su llamada " guerra a las drogas "Hacen una comparación, pero yo diría que la Metanfetamina de esos registros combinan con la Meth encontrado en DJ Mount en la paredLiterature Literature
As a schoolboy, Clemenceau had chatted with Poles escaping tsarist repression.
Admito que fui yoLiterature Literature
Clemenceau snidely remarked that Wilson “talked like Jesus Christ but acted like Lloyd George.”
¡ Bienvenidos al entrenamiento contra dragones!Literature Literature
On March 15 he spoke “very frankly” to Lloyd George and Clemenceau.
Él está muy pegadoLiterature Literature
It appears Lloyd George and Clemenceau have already agreed of the division of these lands.
Es un pedazo de mierdaLiterature Literature
Clemenceau was convinced that the only safety for France was in keeping the wartime alliance alive.
Devuélveme el delantalLiterature Literature
Clemenceau was delighted: “He is worse today,” he said to Lloyd George on April 5.
Pasa un año y ambos se reúnenLiterature Literature
They drove across the Clemenceau Bridge.
Neb, necesita tomar algo calienteLiterature Literature
Clemenceau, in France, used to say: ‘When I want to bury a problem, I create a commission’.
Sam piensa que les tengo una desconfianza profundamente arraigadaEuroparl8 Europarl8
It was a Frenchman, Georges Clemenceau, who solved the problem saying, ‘Austria is what’s left.’
Es el momento para una sonda gástricaLiterature Literature
Clemenceau proclaimed a holy war against the Bolsheviks.
En seguida vienen con su abogado.- ¿ Actuabas aquí a menudo?Literature Literature
Clemenceau later told Lloyd George that the moment seemed to last forever.
relativo a la apertura de una licitación permanente para la exportación de cebada en poder del organismo de intervención lituanoLiterature Literature
Nevertheless, neither leader could agree to everything Clemenceau asked.
Así me ofende, don SidneyLiterature Literature
"""Clemenceau declared that he would burn Paris to the ground if he could save France by doing so."
Hagámoslo.- ¿ Como va el embarazo?Literature Literature
War is too serious a matter, Clemenceau said, to be left to the generals.
Oh, ¿ es eso un bono de la Cruz Roja?Literature Literature
205 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.