Corinth oor Spaans


/ˈkɒrɪnθ/ eienaam, naamwoord
A city in Greece on northern coast of Peloponnese peninsula.

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city in Greece
I am told the Greeks are holding some assembly at Corinth.
Me han dicho que los griegos están reunidos en Corinto.


This transformation, however, was not limited to persons in Corinth.
Esta transformación, sin embargo, no se limitó a personas en Corinto.

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A small fruit; a currant.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


After such prophecies, with what heart could i return home, to my parents in corinth?
Después de tales profecías... ¿Como iba a tener el valor de volver a mi casa en Corinto?

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Soortgelyke frases

the Isthmus of Corinth
el istmo de Corinto
Isthmus of Corinth
Istmo de Corinto
Lovis Corinth
Lovis Corinth
League of Corinth
Liga de Corinto
Gulf of Corinth
Golfo de Corinto
Corinth Canal
Canal de Corinto
Lais of Corinth
Lais de Corinto


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St Paul writes something similar when he assures the Christians of Corinth: "You are in our hearts, to die together and to live together" (II Cor 7: 3).
San Pablo escribe algo parecido cuando tranquiliza a los cristianos de Corinto con estas palabras: «En vida y muerte estáis unidos en mi corazón» (2 Co 7, 3)
At the same time, he has had the waitress explain the most convenient way to get to the Rue de Corinthe.
Al mismo tiempo, se hizo explicar por la camarera el camino más cómodo para ir a la Rue de Corinthe.Literature Literature
Spartan envoys urged the Athenians not to go through with the construction, arguing that a walled Athens would be a useful base for an invading army, and that the defences of the Isthmus of Corinth would provide a sufficient shield against invaders.
Enviados espartanos instaron a los atenienses a que no siguieran adelante con la construcción, argumentando que una Atenas amurallada sería una base útil para un ejército invasor, y que las defensas del istmo de Corinto proporcionarían un escudo suficiente contra los invasores.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A section of the Judicial Prison of Corinth is currently being used as a military prison
En la actualidad, una parte de la cárcel judicial de Corinto funciona como cárcel militarMultiUn MultiUn
Although six and a half years have elapsed since then, the new line has still not been completed — only the Corinth — Tripoli section is ready.
A día de hoy, pese a que han pasado seis años y medio, sólo se ha completado la reforma del tramo Corinto‐Trípoli.not-set not-set
Most likely ATVs similar to the ones they had in Corinth.
Lo más probable es que sean quads, como los que tenían en Corinto.Literature Literature
It is interesting to note that the road ran through Corinth.
Es interesante subrayar que este camino pasa por Corinto.Literature Literature
It could well have been during his 18-month stay in Corinth, 50-52 C.E., as information would have had time to reach him there from Galatia.
Bien pudo haber sido durante su estadía de 18 meses en Corinto, de 50 a 52 E.C., pues habría habido tiempo para que la información llegara a él allí desde Galacia.jw2019 jw2019
“No one knows where he came from – some say Athens, others Corinth.
Nadie sabe de dónde vino... unos dicen Atenas, otros Corinto.Literature Literature
Gaius Mummius had sacked it generations before, and Corinth had never recovered.
Cayo Mumio la había saqueado hacía generaciones, y Corinto nunca se había recuperado.Literature Literature
The city, a commercial crossroads, was a melting pot full of devotees of various pagan cults and marked by a measure of moral depravity not unusual in a great seaport. The Acts of the Apostles suggests that moderate success attended Paul's efforts among the Jews in Corinth at first, but that they soon turned against him (Acts 18:1-8).
Juan está preocupado de defender sus destinatarios, tal vez cristianos del Asia Menor.Common crawl Common crawl
The use of the pronoun “we” throughout the letters to the Thessalonians —both of which were written from Corinth in this period— has been taken to mean that Silas and Timothy contributed to the writing.
El uso de la primera persona del plural en las cartas dirigidas a los tesalonicenses, ambas escritas desde Corinto durante ese tiempo, ha llevado a algunos a pensar que Silas y Timoteo participaron en su escritura.jw2019 jw2019
Corinth was a busy, cosmopolitan, commercial city, notorious throughout the Greco-Roman world for its loose living.
Corinto era una ciudad cosmopolita y comercial de mucho movimiento, notoria en todo el mundo romano por su vida disoluta.jw2019 jw2019
Sailing from Corinth to Syria, the delegation would have reached Jerusalem by Passover.
Si la delegación hubiera viajado en barco desde Corinto hasta Siria, habría llegado a Jerusalén a tiempo para la Pascua.jw2019 jw2019
This statue from Corinth, part of a pair, probably shows Gaius.
Esta estatua de Corinto, hallada junto con su pareja, muestra probablemente a Cayo.Literature Literature
It declined in the later Middle Ages; its ruins are near the modern city of Corinth.
En la Edad Media cayó en decadencia; sus ruinas están ubicadas cerca de la moderna ciudad de Corinto.Literature Literature
Harilaos Trikoupis Bridge: This bridge over the straits of Corinth, the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, connects the Peloponnese with mainland Greece.
Puente Harilaos Trikoupis: Este puente sobre el Estrecho de Corinto, el puente atirantado más largo del mundo, conecta el Peloponeso con la Grecia continental.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The apostle Paul wrote to Christians at Corinth: “The things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.” —1 Cor.
El apóstol Pablo les escribió a los cristianos de Corinto: “Las cosas que las naciones sacrifican, a demonios las sacrifican, y no a Dios.”—1 Cor.jw2019 jw2019
Still, as far as I knew, the killer was in Corinth.
De todos modos, por lo que yo sabía, el asesino estaba en Corinto.Literature Literature
This transformation, however, was not limited to persons in Corinth.
Esta transformación, sin embargo, no se limitó a personas en Corinto.jw2019 jw2019
Corinth was an education of sorts, but only an idiot yields to the flattery of harlots.
Corinto fue toda una lección, pero solo un idiota se rinde a las lisonjas de las putas.Literature Literature
If you had been in the congregation in ancient Corinth, listening to Paul’s loving but firm counsel would have reminded you that Christ, as head of the Christian congregation, is keenly interested in its welfare.
Si usted hubiera estado en la congregación de la antigua Corinto, el escuchar el consejo amoroso, pero firme, de Pablo le habría recordado que Cristo, como cabeza de la congregación cristiana, está profundamente interesado en el bienestar de ella.jw2019 jw2019
(a) Raisin spirit or raisin brandy is a spirit drink produced exclusively by the distillation of the product obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of extract of dried grapes of the ‘Corinth Black’ or Moscatel of the Alexandria varieties, distilled at less than 94,5 % vol., so that the distillate has an aroma and taste derived from the raw material used.
a) El aguardiente de pasas o raisin brandy es la bebida espirituosa obtenida exclusivamente de la destilación del producto de la fermentación alcohólica del extracto de pasas de las variedades «negra de Corinto» o «moscatel de Alejandría», destilada a menos de 94,5 % vol, de forma que el destilado tenga el aroma y el sabor derivados de la materia prima utilizada.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Paul reminded Christians in Corinth of this, saying: “For you are yet fleshly.
Pablo recordó esto a los cristianos de Corinto al decir: “Porque ustedes todavía son carnales.jw2019 jw2019
(Ac 18:5-11) Because Paul had been instrumental in establishing a Christian congregation in Corinth, he could say to them: “Though you may have ten thousand tutors in Christ, you certainly do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have become your father through the good news.” —1Co 4:15.
(Hch 18:5-11.) Como se usó a Pablo para establecer la congregación de Corinto, pudo decirles: “Aunque ustedes tengan diez mil tutores en Cristo, ciertamente no tienen muchos padres; porque en Cristo Jesús yo he llegado a ser padre de ustedes mediante las buenas nuevas”. (1Co 4:15.)jw2019 jw2019
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