Crude Humor oor Spaans

Crude Humor

A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

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Humor vulgar

A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

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May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Puede incluir manifestaciones de violencia, temas provocativos, humor grosero, una cantidad mínima de sangre, simulaciones de juegos de azar o un uso poco frecuente de lenguaje
Cain didn't have the wits to think of it and Marsten would consider such crude humor beneath him.
A Cain no le daba el cerebro para tanto y Marsten lo hubiera considerado algo denigrante para él.Literature Literature
Maia winced at the crude humor, but the others thought it terribly funny.
Maia dio un respingo ante la broma chabacana, pero las otras lo consideraron terriblemente gracioso.Literature Literature
The hunters chuckled at their commander’s crude humor.
Los cazadores se rieron del humor crudo de su comandante.Literature Literature
The little chim's crude humor, expressed with hand-signed jokes, often broke him up.
El grosero humor de la chimpancé, expresado con gestos, lo animaba a menudo.Literature Literature
But for reasons unknown, Ian discovered that this evening, not even their crude humor could annoy him.
Por razones que ignoraba, Ian cayó en la cuenta de que esa noche ni siquiera ese humor ramplón era capaz de molestarlo.Literature Literature
Cain didn’t have the wits to think of it and Marsten would consider such crude humor beneath him.
A Cain no le daba el cerebro para tanto y Marsten lo hubiera considerado algo denigrante para él.Literature Literature
It was pretty crude humor, Lester could tell.
Era un humor bastante tosco, por lo que Lester veía.Literature Literature
The memluks laughed appreciatively, their crude humor touched by the eunuchs fright.
Los mamelucos rieron, su crudo humor chocó con el susto del eunuco.Literature Literature
Do you suppose any of us could endure his crude humor and affectations if he weren't a genius at something?
¿Cree que cualquiera de nosotros podría soportar su extraño humor y afectación si no se tratara de un genio?Literature Literature
Given that Pavlensky committed violence against the male sexual organs, it should come as no surprise that many in the Russian blogosphere responded with crude humor.
Debido a que Pavlensky cometió una agresión contra los órganos sexuales masculinos, no debería sorprender el hecho que muchos bloggers rusos respondieron con humor crudo.gv2019 gv2019
U.S. conservatives voiced opposition to the show early in its run, when it was still controversial for its crude humor and irreverent take on family values.
Conservadores estadounidenses expresaron su oposición a la serie en sus primeras transmisiones, cuando aún era polémica por su humor crudo e irreverente marco de los valores familiares.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both leaders used Twitter to promote a larger-than-life presence on social media, speaking plainly and using crude humor to attract audiences in the millions.
Ambos líderes usaron Twitter para promocionar una presencia desbordada en los medios sociales, hablando llanamente y usando un humor vulgar para atraer un público que se cifra en millones.gv2019 gv2019
It used to be that only in certain places and with certain groups would we hear the name of the Lord taken in vain or hear vulgar words and crude humor.
Antes, era sólo en ciertos lugares y con ciertos grupos que se oía tomar el nombre del Señor en vano y se escuchaban palabras vulgares y humor grosero.LDS LDS
Critics who enjoyed the film (such as The New York Times reviewer A.O. Scott) praised the uplifting story while lamenting the seemingly excessive and incongruous amount of crude humor and drug references.
Mientras que grandes críticos disfrutaron de la película (como New York Times reviewer A.O. Scott) y alabaron la historia de la misma, sí que las lamentaron, a su gusto, excesivas e incongruentes muestras de humor simple y las referencias a drogas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""Your crude attempt at humor is just that. . . crude."
Su vulgar sentido del humor es tan sólo eso..., vulgar.Literature Literature
Early issues of Eightball feature a mixture of very short, often crudely humorous comics ("Zubrick and Pogeybait", "The Sensual Santa"), topical rants and satires ("Art School Confidential", "On Sports"), longer, more reflective self-contained stories ("Caricature", "Immortal Invisible"), and serialized works.
Los primeros números de Bola 8 se caracterizaron por mezclar cómics muy cortos, que variaban entre cómics crudamente humorísticos (como "Zubrick and Pogeybait" y "El sensual Santa"), diatribas tópicas y sátiras ("Art School Confidential", "On Sports"), historias independientes largas mucho más reflexivas ("Caricature", "Immortal Invisible") y obras por entregas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You made me weak, and if you’ll forgive a little crude Carpathian humor, I’ll expect you to bring me home dinner.”
Me has dejado débil, y si me disculpas un poco de crudo humor carpatiano, espero que me traigas la cena a casa.Literature Literature
The boy has a rather crude sense of humor, that’s all.
El chico tiene un sentido del humor bastante burdo, eso es todo.Literature Literature
Jimmy demonstrated not only a bewildering recklessness but also an unorthodox, at times crude, sense of humor.
Jimmy no sólo era brusco e impulsivo, sino que poseía un sentido del humor bastante vulgar.Literature Literature
This light, which was good-humored, crude, blinding, and impudent, inquisitive yet confidential, touched the women.
Ese brillo alegre y directo, deslumbrante y descarado, curioso y confidencial, emocionó a las mujeres.Literature Literature
Iris had a rather crude sense of humor.”
Iris tenía un sentido del humor bastante cruel.Literature Literature
“And, well, a somewhat crude sense of humor.”
—Y, bien, con un sentido del humor algo crudo.Literature Literature
The newsroom was enormous, with desks on both sides, and an atmosphere dominated by good humor and crude jokes.
La lados, sala de redacción era enorme, con escritorios en ambos y en un ambiente presidido por broma dura.Literature Literature
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