Curro Jiménez oor Spaans

Curro Jiménez

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Curro Jiménez


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Almost twenty years after that work, he returned to star in another television series, Carmen y familia (1995), together with Beatriz Carvajal and his former partner in Curro Jiménez, Álvaro de Luna.
Por eso quieren empezar el tratamientoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1976-1979: screenplay of Curro Jiménez (TVE1) 1980, Volavérunt (Planeta) 1986, Juan Palmieri Librosur) 1988, The last portrait of the Duchess of Alba (Adler & Adler) 1988, Las maravillosas (Ediciones Trilce) 1999, A todo trapo.
¡ Esto es ridículo!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Popular in the 60’s and early 70’s, in part by some appearances as an actress in television and film as in the Curro Jiménez series, Rocío made the leap to international star status by leaning toward a melodic repertoire of romantic ballad with orchestral instruments and a personal image (make-up, hairdressing and costumes) in line with the European style.
No es más que eso, un recuerdo.Nada puede reponerlaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Computer Emuzone: Curro Jiménez (Zigurat) [source]
Entonces tuve que esperarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the first place, I would like you to take the image of Curro Jiménez or Fito and Fitipaldis out of your head.
Las regiones y las municipalidades constituyen el lugar en el que se deben aplicar las decisiones y donde el acervo en materia de medio ambiente se pone en práctica.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the 70s, it was used for the filming of an episode of the series Curro Jiménez, as scene of the adventures of the most television bandolero.
Tendrás que hacerloParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Alongside the castle are still the ruins of what was once the Andalusian village, built some years ago for the television series "Curro Jiménez" (perhaps only the old agreement).
A ver si entendí bien, tenienteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
See of the series ‘Curro Jiménez’ who were shooting the show in Cazorla (Jaén) won the Lottery, except for a young Benito Rabal, who didn’t want to buy a ticket.
De acuerdo, buenoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A series of television, in the line of Curro Jiménez but with masked hero and in one of the chapters intervened, Sancho Gracia, Ramiro Oliveros, Eva Robin and Paul Naschy among others.
Cielos, mire ese sudorParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In addition to some scenes of the iconic TV show ’Curro Jiménez’, part of ‘Treasure Island’ was also shot in the area of El Sombrerico beach, one of the last coves in the Macenas region.
Espere.Estos mazos están cubiertos con espuma de gomaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the Christmas 1977 the whole film crew of the series ‘Curro Jiménez’ who were shooting the show in Cazorla (Jaén) won the Lottery, except for a young Benito Rabal, who didn’t want to buy a ticket.
Las medidas que se adopten en este ámbito deben concebirse de modo que las funciones que el artículo # del Tratado ║ asigna a la Comunidad, a saber, promover un desarrollo armonioso, equilibrado y sostenible de las actividades económicas, un alto nivel de empleo y de protección social, un crecimiento sostenible y no inflacionista, un alto grado de competitividad y de convergencia de los resultados económicos, la elevación del nivel y de la calidad de vida, la cohesión económica y social y la solidaridad entre los Estados miembros, constituyan objetivos a alcanzarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The works recognize several renowned Spanish bandits such as Jaume El Barbut, El Pernales or even Curro Jiménez, and each one has its own history written in white line about their bodies, sometimes mixed with the author's own history.
No puedo respirarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the works, you may find several well known spanish bandits such as Jaume El Barbut, El Pernales or even Curro Jiménez, and each one has his own story written in white line over their bodies, sometimes mixed with the author’s own story.
Tenemos a los mejores médicos del planeta trabajando en élParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Along the beautiful landscapes of Sierra Cazorla were shot some episodes of the TV show ‘Curro Jiménez‘, such as “Entierro en la serranía” (episode 20), where appears some stunning views of the mountains, “Retorno al hogar” (episode 14) or “El péndulo” (episode 15), mostly shot along the beautiful sites of Parque credentials
No expulsaría ningún casquilloParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mario Camus, who had already directed some episodes of ‘Curro Jiménez‘ in Alcalá la Real, came back to the province of Jaén to shoot some scenes of ‘Fortunata and Jacinta‘, concretely, episode 2, when Jacinta (Maribel Martín) and her husband François (Eric Gendron) travel by train and see Linares and Baeza from the window.
Las entidades adjudicadoras podrán utilizar un procedimiento sin convocatoria de licitación previa en los casos siguientesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During the 1960s and 1970s, fiction become a key genre in Spanish television, through the adaptations of classical universal literature (Curro Jiménez, 1976-1978; Cañas y barro, 1978; La Barraca, 1979, and Los pazos de Ulloa, 1985), which are costumbrist stories (El último café, 1970-1972; Suspiros de España, 1974-1975 and Verano azul, 1981-1982).
Tengo que volver unas cintas de videoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Popular in the 60's and early 70's, in part by some appearances as an actress in television and film as in the Curro Jiménez series, Rocío made the leap to international star status by leaning toward a melodic repertoire of romantic ballad with orchestral instruments and a personal image (make-up, hairdressing and costumes) in line with the European style.
Yo podría detenerlos...... pero voy a necesitar los planos de la casa de JimboParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
17 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.