Darkstone oor Spaans


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They learn that the son of the innkeeper, Gunter, and his wife have both disappeared, and so they vow to find the Darkstone Ring and destroy the coven and save Gunter and his wife.
Gotrek y Félix descubren que el hijo del posadero, Gunter, y su mujer han desaparecido, y prometen encontrar el Círculo de Piedras Oscuras y destruir el aquelarre para salvar a Gunter y a su mujer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Now that we have the darkstone, Sharakan and the Technologists could win this war.
Ahora que tenemos piedra-oscura, Sharakan y los Tecnólogos ganarán esta guerra.Literature Literature
In his hand, the sword began to glow again, this time with the white radiance of the molten darkstone.
Mientras la asía, la espada empezó a refulgir de nuevo, esta vez con el blanco fulgor de la fundida piedra–oscura.Literature Literature
Had you allowed him to live, he would have killed Joram and taken the darkstone.
Si le hubieran permitido que siguiera viviendo, habría matado a Joram y tomado la piedra–oscura.Literature Literature
The catalyst’s hand went to a pocket in his robes where he had secreted the darkstone.
—La mano del catalista fue a un bolsillo de su túnica, donde había escondido la piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
What did the Duuk-tsarith know of the darkstone?
¿Qué sabía aquel Duuk-tsarith sobre la piedra-oscura?Literature Literature
They will be searching for Joram and the darkstone.
Lo que harán será buscar a Joram y la piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
Had you allowed him to live, he would have killed Joram and taken the darkstone.
Si le hubieran permitido que siguiera viviendo, habría matado a Joram y tomado la piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
In a world that exudes magic, there is a force that absorbs it as well—the darkstone.
En un mundo que rezuma magia, existe una fuerza que también la absorbe: la piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
I can believe he discovered darkstone.
Puedo creer que descubriera piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
"""The discovery of darkstone is catastrophic, Father!"
—¡El descubrimiento de la piedra-oscura es catastrófico, Padre!Literature Literature
If he doesn’t already know about the darkstone, he soon will.
Si aún no conoce la existencia de la piedra-oscura, pronto lo hará.Literature Literature
The Darksword that Mosiah held in his hands was made of darkstone, an ore that is black and unlovely.
La espada que Mosiah sostenía en las manos estaba hecha de piedra-oscura, un mineral que es negro y feo.Literature Literature
As you know, Father, the altar itself was made of darkstone.
Como sabéis, Padre, el altar está construido de piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
Darkstone — this would protect him from Vanya!
Piedra–oscura... ¡aquello lo protegería de Vanya!Literature Literature
Now he has darkstone - the weapon of the Dark Arts that came near destroying our world the last time!""
Ahora tiene piedra-oscura, ¡el arma de las Artes Arcanas que estuvo a punto de destruir nuestro mundo la última vez!Literature Literature
The people of the lightstone form the kingdom of Androth, and the people of the darkstone form Ka'dra'suul.
La gente de la piedra clara forma el reino de Androth, y la gente de la piedra oscura forma el Ka'dra'suul.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Not a sword of darkstone that absorbs magic....”
Porque es una espada hecha de piedra-oscura que absorbe la magia...Literature Literature
He cannot control the sword, if the darkstone is even working.
No puede controlar la espada, si es que la piedra-oscura funciona en realidad.»Literature Literature
Most urgent question of all, did they carry the Darkstone?
Y la pregunta más apremiante de todas, ¿llevaban la Espada Arcana?Literature Literature
Such a feat would be relatively simple, especially if he had an amulet made of darkstone.
Tal hazaña resultaría bastante sencilla, en especial si poseyera un amuleto tallado en piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
Joram must have told them something about how he forged the Darksword, where he discovered the darkstone, and so forth.
Joram tiene que haberles contado algo sobre la forja de la Espada Arcana, dónde descubrió piedra-oscura y todo eso.Literature Literature
The darkstone drank them in greedily and began to glow with a white-blue flame of its own.
La piedra-oscura los absorbió con glotonería y empezó a relucir con una llama blanco azulada propia.Literature Literature
Blachloch has everything under control, or at least he had until the young man�this Joram�discovered darkstone.""
Blachloch lo tiene todo bajo control o, al menos, lo tenía hasta que ese joven, ese Joram, descubrió la piedra-oscura.Literature Literature
They will be searching for Joram and the darkstone.
Lo que harán será buscar a Joram y la piedra–oscura.Literature Literature
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