Davel oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Then fruit, then blood, the blood of the country, of Abraham Jean Daniel Davel.
Luego fruta, luego sangre, la sangre del país, de Abraham Jean Daniel Davel.

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“’Cause the little bastard’s good at covering his tracks,” Davel muttered.
—Porque el pequeño bastardo es bueno en cubrir sus huellas —murmuró Davel—.Literature Literature
Since history always repeats itself, one day I heard the good news that Romano had engaged Davel, to put Cato on again.
Como en la vida todo se repite, un día tuve la buena noticia de que Romano había contratado a Davel, para reponer Catón.Literature Literature
Davel spent most of that period without work.
Davel pasó buena parte de ese período sin trabajo.Literature Literature
“He has to get some hours in,” Davel reminded her.
—Él tiene que conseguir algunas horas dentro —le recordó Davel—.Literature Literature
He slammed the lid over it and handed it off to Davel before he pulled Vasili against him again and held him tight.
Cerró la tapa y se lo entregó a Davel antes de que arrastrara a Vasili de nuevo contra él y lo abrazara con fuerza.Literature Literature
Petran and Davel came out behind him.
Petran y Davel salieron detrás de él.Literature Literature
A destiny Davel did not choose.”
Un destino que Davel no eligióLiterature Literature
Trajen sat with Davel, Dimitri, Jay, Ana, and Axl, surrounded by their children.
Trajen se sentó con Davel, Dimitri, Jay, Ana, y Axl, rodeado de sus hijos.Literature Literature
“That still leaves him the credit of choosing Davel,” I remarked.
—Siempre le queda el mérito de elegir a Davel —comenté.Literature Literature
I know, because they gave me the task of talking to Davel to get his support for our cause.
Lo sé porque a mí me encargaron que hablara con Davel y lograra su adhesión a nuestra causa.Literature Literature
She said to me: “You’re using Davel.
Me dijo: Lo están usando a Davel.Literature Literature
Davel actually started to give the box to Ushara.
Davel en realidad fue a darle la caja a Ushara.Literature Literature
Davel wouldn’t even look me in the eye.
Davel ni siquiera me mira a los ojos.Literature Literature
She turned to face Davel, who’d come up behind her to join their group.
Se volvió hacia Davel, que había llegado a ella por detrás para unirse a su grupo.Literature Literature
Davell, I'm just trying to honor your grandfather, man.
Davell, estoy intentando honrar a tu abuelo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And just think, these days Davel isn’t even working.
Y fíjese, hoy en día, Davel no trabaja.Literature Literature
Davel came and grabbed your bags.
Davel vino y agarró tus maletas.Literature Literature
Let Mr. Davelle wait in the suture room.
Lleva al Sr. Davelle a suturas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Especially since Davel was now launching.
Sobre todo dado que Davel ya estaba despegando.Literature Literature
Davell-he was Sir Ben Davell, the first man to ever send her a bouquet following her coming-out.
Él era sir Ben Davell, el primer hombre que le envió un ramo de flores después de su presentación.Literature Literature
Knowing Davel’s vocabulary, I don’t doubt that.”
Conociendo el vocabulario de Davel, no lo dudo.Literature Literature
But this actor assured me these hardships had had no effect on Davel’s good humor.
Ese actor me aseguró que las privaciones no afectaban el buen ánimo de Davel.Literature Literature
“Could be Bringers,” Davel said, which caused Jullien to laugh until he saw the fury in her eyes.
—Podría ser Portadores —dijo Davel, lo que causó que Jullien soltara una carcajada hasta que vio la furia en sus ojos.Literature Literature
Remember, if anything happens to you, Davel will be the most prevalent male role model for your son.”
Recuerda, si algo te pasa, Davel será el modelo masculino predominante para tu hijo.Literature Literature
Jullien couldn’t buy his happiness for the price of Davel’s.
Jullien no podía comprar su felicidad por el precio de la de Davel.Literature Literature
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