Discordianism oor Spaans


/dɪsˈkɔː.di.ən.ɪzm̩/ eienaam
A religion based on the worship of Eris, the Greek goddess of discord and confusion

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parodic religion based on the worship of Eris



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The Principia describes the Discordian Society and its Goddess Eris, as well as the basics of the POEE denomination of Discordianism.
El Libro describe la Sociedad Discordiana y su diosa Eris, así como los principios del POEE y sus rituales.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I nodded, remembering that I had been thinking of him and his weird Discordian yoga when it happened.
Asentí, recordando que había estado pensando en él y en su extraño yoga Discordiano cuando eso sucedió.Literature Literature
The Discordians, I think, represent an Aquarian swing.”
Pienso que los Discordianos representan el cambio Acuariano”.Literature Literature
There were many empty places at the big table when the Discordians sat down.
Quedaron muchos lugares vacíos en la enorme mesa luego de que los discordianos tomaran asiento.Literature Literature
"""It's an old Discordian secret."
“Es un viejo secreto Discordiano.Literature Literature
“But how have you Discordians concealed the fact that gorillas talk?”
“¿Cómo han hecho los Discordianos para ocultar el hecho de que los gorilas hablan?”Literature Literature
Hagbard Celine and his Discordians, even more absurdly, call their money flaxscript.
Hagbard Celine y sus Discordianos, aún más absurdamente, llaman a su dinero bonos de lino.Literature Literature
He was a three-way loser, working for the Syndicate, the Illuminati and Discordian Movement.
Ahora tenía un problema triple: trabajaba para elSindicato, para los Illuminati y para el Movimiento Discordiano.Literature Literature
Also, initiation into Discordianism has stages.
Además, la iniciación al discordianismo tiene etapas.Literature Literature
He signed in behalf of the Discordians and Jung signed as a witness.
Firmó en representación de los Discordianos, y Jung firmó como testigo.Literature Literature
"Said the voice, ""There is no movement but the Discordian movement, and it is the Discordian movement."""
La voz dijo «No hay otro movimiento que el movimiento Discordiano, y ese es el movimiento Discordiano».Literature Literature
Will ye dedicate yerself to the holy Discordian movement?”
¿Te dedicarás al sagrado movimiento Discordiano?».Literature Literature
For years, the Illuminati attributed his efforts to the Discordians, the JAMs or the esoteric ELF.
Duranteaños, los Illuminati atribuyeron sus obras a los Discordianos, a los JAMs o al esotéricoFLE.Literature Literature
Said the voice, “There is no movement but the Discordian movement, and it is the Discordian movement.”
La voz dijo «No hay otro movimiento que el movimiento Discordiano, y ese es el movimiento Discordiano».Literature Literature
The sysop fancied himself a Discordian, or worshiper of the chaotic goddess Eris, and his password was POEE5.
Este lo saludó como Discordante, o adorador de la diosa caótica Eris, y su contraseña era POEE5.Literature Literature
Will ye dedicate yerself to the holy Discordian movement?""
¿Te dedicarás al sagrado movimiento Discordiano?».Literature Literature
In non-philological texts (such as Discordian ones) the word is usually spelled as καλλιστι.
En textos no filológicos (como los discordianos) la palabra suele deletrearse καλλιστι.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
George, I want you to act as a go-between for the Discordian movement and the Syndicate.
George: quiero que actúes de mensajero entre el movimiento Discordiano y el Sindicato.Literature Literature
It’s by Jorge Lobengula, a really far-out young Discordian thinker.
Loescribió Jorge Lobengula, un joven pensador discordiano realmente fantástico.Literature Literature
The Principia Discordia often hints that Discordianism was founded as a dialectic antithesis to more popular religions based on order, although the rhetoric throughout the book describes chaos as a much more underlying impulse of the universe.
El Principia Discordia sugiere que el discordianismo se fundó como antítesis de otras religiones, basadas en el orden, aunque el libro describe el caos como un impulso mucho más importante del universo, y a menudo se vilifican las fuerzas del orden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“This is a most sacred and a most serious hour for Discordians.
«Este es el momento más sagrado y serio para los discordianos.Literature Literature
However the dates are said to be written in the form corresponding to these in the Discordian calendar.
Las fechas fueron escritas en la forma correspondiente a éstos en el calendario Discordiano.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We Discordians are the activists in the Erisian movement; we do things.
Los Discordianos somos los activistas del movimiento Erisiano: hacemoscosas.Literature Literature
Then there's the Discordian Movement—another splinter faction, but they're almost as bad as the Illuminati.
Luego está el Movimiento Discordiano - otra separación, aunque soncasi tan diabólicos como los Illuminati.Literature Literature
First, for the honor of the Discordians, so that they will have respect.""
La primera, es para ganarte el respeto de los discordianos”.Literature Literature
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