Distant Lights oor Spaans

Distant Lights

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And finally the most distant lights go out.
A me cayeron bien primero, desde antes de conocerlosLiterature Literature
Distant lights, mounded like embers in the blackness, and they are there and I am here.
Mi pobre y querida MarieLiterature Literature
Padija stared despondently into the distant lights of the Capital City and frowned.
Es mi día de suerte.- Benjy irá a la universidadLiterature Literature
The youth turned around and began to jog back toward the distant lights of Comet.
¿ ahora es mío y solamente mío?- sí.- ¿ para siempre?- síLiterature Literature
He is guided by the distant light of a new beginning.
Vas a quedarte solo porque yo voy a ir tras la tetonaLiterature Literature
They sat smoking quietly and looking out at the distant lights in the valley floor below them.
el impuesto especial proporcional y el impuesto sobre el valor añadido percibidos sobre el precio medio ponderado de venta al por menorLiterature Literature
I loved to see the silhouettes of my myriad orchids against the distant lights of the city.
Le enseñaré a beber del retreteLiterature Literature
The moon was behind the clouds, and Malik could just see the distant lights from the Schloss.
Dijo que hay consecuenciasLiterature Literature
Across flat-topped roofs, the observant South American saw the distant lights of brilliant Broadway.
Así, antes del # de abril de #, la Comisión debe comunicar al Comité europeo de valores y al Parlamento Europeo el calendario previsto por las autoridades nacionales del ámbito contable de Canadá, Japón y Estados Unidos en relación con la convergenciaLiterature Literature
As if in a narrow cave, one struggles to reach the distant light.
empresas de Actebis objetivo: venta al por mayor de productos de tecnología de la informaciónLiterature Literature
He looked proud of himself, his eyes and teeth reflecting the distant light from above.
Gracias por tu ayudaLiterature Literature
She tucked it underneath her arm and let herself begin to float back up toward the distant light.
Pero no te preocupes, niño.No habrá una terceraLiterature Literature
They passed the occasional fisherman, saw the distant lights of aircraft overhead.
Me dirigo hacia la Montaña VernonLiterature Literature
After an hour—more than a day in the outside world—a distant light appeared.
Flatulencia Dolor bucal Estreñimiento Glosodinia Sequedad de boca Enfermedad de reflujo gastro-esofágicoLiterature Literature
The distant lights of the village glowed below, but she couldn’t see any sign of the sniper . . .
Imposición de sancionesLiterature Literature
Except for the single distant light in the window of the cottage he had left.
Gracias.No olvides pedirle información sobre mis banquerosLiterature Literature
Fifteen eyes opened as the distant light and the unfamiliar sound of booted feet made themselves known.
La farmacocinética de abacavir en pacientes con enfermedad renal en fase terminal es similar a la de pacientes con función renal normalLiterature Literature
And directly ahead, nothing but open water and the distant lights of New Jersey beyond.
Y si este es realmente Adam Esposito, ¿ de dónde sacó las fotos?Literature Literature
‘Do you see those distant lights?’
Yo mismo las cacé esta mañanaLiterature Literature
He looked doubtfully at the distant light.
¡ Todo tiene derecho a vivir!- ¡ Espera un minuto!Literature Literature
Maiko has my arm, but the distant lights have my eye.
¿ Puedes creerlo?- ¿ Y todos lo están firmando?Literature Literature
“Nine—ten—got to be now,” he said, and the distant light winked once more.
Bruselas, # de marzo deLiterature Literature
We sat on the sea wall and looked across the bay at the distant lights of Palm City.
Y es exactamente lo que haréLiterature Literature
He was not a little glad when he discerned through the trees a distant light.
Seras el primero en sentir mi espada este diaLiterature Literature
The distant lights at the gate flashed on.
establecer la coordinación necesaria entre los Estados miembrosLiterature Literature
2691 sinne gevind in 26 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.