Elvish languages oor Spaans

Elvish languages

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Lenguaje élfico

Some parts of the Elvish language are based on a real one:Finnish
Algunas partes del lenguaje Élfico están basados en uno real: el Finlandés

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He had a reason to scatter such words throughout his Elvish language.
Yo lideraré al ejércitoLiterature Literature
How/Why did Elvish language change?
Quiero comprarlasLiterature Literature
Almost each year, new Elvish words are published and the grammar rules of the Elvish languages are disclosed.
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A flurry of rapid, graceful gestures followed, accompanied by a song in the Elvish language.
Ya tengo comprador que me dará # miIIonesLiterature Literature
The Professor had worked out several invented Elvish languages from remnant sources, the Welsh Karbindoos for one.
Es más, lo mejor sería que no hablaras, Peregrin TukLiterature Literature
Here is set briefly the story of the Elvish languages as conceived by Tolkien c.
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Qenya is only one of several elvish languages; the lexicon also lists dozens of words in another, Gnomish.
Sin embargo, en los pacientes que han utilizado imiquimod siguiendo las instrucciones, han sido poco frecuentes los casos en que se han observado reacciones locales graves que requirieron tratamiento o causaron una inhabilitación temporalLiterature Literature
Additionally, Howard can speak Sindarin, one of the two Elvish languages from The Lord of the Rings.
Pero lo que traigan bien picante, que lo traigan suave tambiénWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Besides Quenya and Sindarin, Tolkien invented a number of other elvish languages.
¡ Vaya, un personaje en una lancha!Literature Literature
All the Elvish languages are presumed to be descendants of this common ancestor.
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Dagorath was a word in Sindarin, the Elvish language J.
Météo-France: recopilación y distribución de información meteorológica y climática, francesa y europeaLiterature Literature
The Elvish languages are a family of several related languages and dialects.
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Some parts of the Elvish language are based on a real one:Finnish
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Some parts of the Elvish language Finnish.
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The words were strange to Cadderly, though he fluently spoke the elvish language common to his day.
los derechos de las personas con discapacidadLiterature Literature
The Elvish languages were the first thing he imagined for his secondary world.
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I think Tolkien created some Elvish languages.
Las Valkirias vuelan sobre el campo de batalla y recogen a los muertos,... Recompensan al que hiere al enemigo primeroLiterature Literature
J. R. R. Tolkien constructed many Elvish languages.
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And then he would begin to contemplate a revision of some aspect of the elvish languages.
Nos ofrecen un contrato de oroLiterature Literature
In the Lhammas (§1) Quendian is the term for all the Elvish languages, derived from Oromë, as a group.
Vía inhalatoriaLiterature Literature
“We came as soon as we could,” the centaur announced, speaking the Elvish language in a deep, grave voice.
Y tu deja de venir a mi hospitalLiterature Literature
The Ents found the Elvish language Quenya to be a lovely language and adapted it after their fashion to everyday use.
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Tolkien also created scripts for his Elvish languages, of which the best known are the Sarati, the Tengwar, and the Cirth.
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The name means "Iron Jaws" in the Elvish language of Sindarin, and is the name of a fortified pass into North-Western Mordor in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
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After the publication of The Lord of the Rings (1954–1955), the grammar rules of his major Elvish languages Quenya, Telerin and Sindarin went through very few changes (this is late Elvish 1954–1973).
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