First Battle of the Marne oor Spaans

First Battle of the Marne

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Batalla del Marne

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Charles Péguy was killed leading a charge in the first battle of the Marne.
¡ Hoy son guerreros santos contra los enemigos de la tierra santa!Literature Literature
This lesson sank in at the first Battle of the Marne, fought in France in September 1914.
No qué hacer.- ¿ Qué quieres decir?Literature Literature
He led the XII Corps at the First Battle of the Marne and First Battle of the Aisne.
En lo tocante a las evaluaciones ex post, cabe señalar que solo pudieron tenerse en cuenta las relativas a los proyectos del período #-#, ya que en el momento de la fiscalización del Tribunal, todavía no había finalizado la ejecución de los proyectos del período #-# y su evaluación ex post, por tanto, aún no se había realizadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
was Marshal Foch's reply at the first battle of the Marne...
Ahora no puedo hablarLiterature Literature
In September, during the First Battle of the Marne, German airmen bombed Paris on several occasions.
Trevaclyn se estudió en cuatro estudios principales realizados en pacientes con hipercolesterolemia o dislipidemia mixtaLiterature Literature
He led the Guards Corps at the First Battle of the Marne and the First Battle of Ypres.
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During the First Battle of the Marne (September 1914), the German troops were stopped at the gates of Meaux.
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In the first Battle of the Marne, the British and French succeeded in blocking the German advance on Paris.
Odiseo, Perseo,TeseoLiterature Literature
At the beginning of World War I, Linsingen was a Corps commander in the First Battle of the Marne.
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After the Second Army's retreat after the First Battle of the Marne, Hausen saw his own flank exposed and ordered a retreat.
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You don't go advertising the fact you're trying to job a car that carried french soldiers to the first battle of the marne.
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During the First Battle of the Marne, a German pilot flying aerial reconnaissance missions over Paris in a Taube regularly dropped bombs on the city.
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The aftermath of the First Battle of the Marne was a long-held stalemate between the German Army and the Allies in dug-in trench warfare.
Erbitux se puede administrar mediante goteo por gravedad, bomba de perfusión o bomba de jeringaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Château-Thierry is the birthplace of Jean de La Fontaine and was the location of the First Battle of the Marne and Second Battle of the Marne.
Debajo de las habituales capas de humus y grava...... el equipo de Wright dio con una capa gruesa de virutas de granito blanco...... los despojos de años de cortes de piedra de los incasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the actual event of the first world war; on the Western Front, the German advance stalled into trench warfare after the First Battle of the Marne.
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At the outbreak of World War I, he fought with his division on the Western Front as part of the Second Army and participated in the First Battle of the Marne.
¡ Hoy te toca llevar a ti, entonces!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following that victory, the 4th Army saw action in the First Battle of the Marne before being transferred to Flanders in October, where Albrecht commanded them during the Battle of the Yser.
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After the German invasion of France had been halted at the First Battle of the Marne in September 1914, the war of movement ended at the Battle of the Yser and the First Battle of Ypres.
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In 1909, Einem was appointed commander of VII Corps serving under the command of Gen. Karl von Bülow's 2nd Army later taking part in the First Battle of the Marne soon after Germany entry into World War I in August 1914.
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The show represents the history of Meaux all along the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and also, more recently, during World War I (the German advance had been halted at Meaux in 1914 during the First Battle of the Marne).
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The German Army came within 70 km (43 mi) of Paris but at the First Battle of the Marne (6–12 September), French and British troops were able to force a German retreat by exploiting a gap which appeared between the 1st and 2nd Armies, ending the German advance into France.
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September 5 - World War I : First Battle of the Marne begins - Northeast of Paris , the French 6th Army under General Michel-Joseph Maunoury attack German forces who are advancing on the capital. Over 2 million troops will fight in the battle and 500,000 will be killed or wounded in this significant Allied victory.
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Germany lost the Battle of the Marne on the forty-first day, and the stalemate began.
Te pasaste de la rayaLiterature Literature
Another description of the battle of the Marne when we first came back to Paris was from Alfy Maurer.
Amigo, yo solía trabajar en una tienda de electrónica, pero es como Cyrus dice, ya sabesLiterature Literature
During the First World War he fought in Vosges and later in the Battle of the Marne.
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