Forrest oor Spaans


A topographical surname for someone who lived or worked in a Royal forest (area of woodland reserved for hunting)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Mrs. Forrest has asked me to show clippings of his speeches.
La señora Forrest me ha pedido que le muestre los discursos.

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An area where trees grow, where there are, no streets, no buildings, no agriculture beyond growing trees.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


An area where trees grow, where there are, no streets, no buildings, no agriculture beyond growing trees.
Área en donde crecen matas o árboles, donde no hay calles ni edificios, ninguna actividad agrícola más allá de cultivo de matas.
Almost all of Vietnam's ancient triple canopy forrests are gone.
Casi todo el antiguo dosel del bosque de Vietnam se había ido.

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford Forrest
pine forrest
abetal · bosque de abetos
Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
Jay Wright Forrester
Jay Forrester
Katherine V. Forrest
Katherine V. Forrest
Bob Forrest
Bob Forrest


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By now, Forrester had become a powerful figure because he used his computers to build models of corporations and even whole cities as systems.
Por ahora, Forrester se había convertido en una poderosa personalidad porque utilizaba sus computadoras para construir modelos de empresas e incluso ciudades enteras como sistemas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know why we a good partnership, Forrest?
¿ Sabes por qué somos buenos socios?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“That girl looks like Immie,” Forrest said, pointing to an actress on the screen.
—Esa chica se parece a Immie —dijo Forrest, señalando a una actriz en la pantalla.Literature Literature
Our community, formerly known as the Forrest River Mission, had provisions for schooling from grade one through grade five.
En nuestra comunidad, anteriormente conocida como la Misión Forrest River, había una escuela donde impartían clases de primero a quinto grado.jw2019 jw2019
"""Major Forrest, will you kindly ask Miss Mainwaring to go."
—Mayor Forrest, ¿quiere ser tan amable de pedirle a Miss Mainwaring que se marche?Literature Literature
Forrest has her buried under the tree where they played as children, then buys her childhood home (where her father had abused her) and has it bulldozed.
Forrest la entierra bajo el árbol donde jugaban cuando eran niños, y luego compra la casa de su infancia (donde su padre le había maltratado) y la destruye.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Forrest, you have to come quick!
—¡Señora Forrest, tiene que venir enseguida!Literature Literature
Mary Forrester had watched her from the work-table at which she was sitting, and saw she was in need of assistance.
Mary Forrester, que la observaba desde la mesa de trabajo en la que estaba sentada, comprendió que necesitaba ayuda.Literature Literature
Not just Clay, she realized, but his brother, Forrest, too.
Y no solo Clay, sino también su hermano Forrest.Literature Literature
However, we ran a multistate DMV facial recognition and popped a match for Curt Forrester.
Sin embargo, verificamos un reconocimiento facial mutiestado y apareció una coincidencia para Curt Forrester.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She had decided if she were able to help Forrester re-adjust, she must do it.
Había decidido que si podía ayudar a que Forrester se reajustara, debía hacerlo.Literature Literature
He owed the clan, the Bradshaws and the Forresters, and even more, Manachan, that much, at least.
Le debía al clan, a los Bradshaws y a los Forresters, y aún más, a Manachan, al menos eso.Literature Literature
Forrest could learn manners,” said Jule.
Forrest podría aprender modales —dijo Jule.Literature Literature
It was true that Forrest had gone to the University Club.
Era verdad que Forrest se había mudado al Club Universitario.Literature Literature
The public were asked to look out for Forrester.
Se pedía al público que estuviera atento por si veía a Forrester.Literature Literature
“I fail to see how the presence of another man will be of use to Miss Forrester.
—No veo qué utilidad puede prestar a la señorita Forrester la presencia de otro hombre.Literature Literature
Miss Forrest followed hastily, with one sick glance over her shoulder into the darkness.
La señorita Forrest les seguía presurosa, y lanzó una mirada aprensiva a la oscuridad por encima del hombro.Literature Literature
“So maybe what you’re really afraid of,” Forrest suggested, “is that you want to give her more than she expects.”
—Entonces tal vez lo que te de miedo es que tú quieras darle más de lo que espera —sugirió Forrest.Literature Literature
You there, Sir Forrest, go and see what's taking so long.
– Vamos a ver... Oye, Forrest, ve y averigua por qué tardan tanto tiempo.Literature Literature
But what she’s after from Judge Forrest is a restraining order, custody—at least temporary.
Pero lo que ahora quiere del juez Forrest es una orden de alejamiento y la custodia del niño, aunque sea temporal.Literature Literature
Forrester said when Jesse finally finished.
—dijo Forrester cuando Jesse había terminado su explicación—.Literature Literature
Forrest was to cover the central front from Madrid, and I the southern front from Malaga.
Forrest se encargaría de cubrir el frente central desde Madrid, y yo el meridional desde Málaga.Literature Literature
(From Forrester JS et al: N Engl J Med 295:1356, 1976.)
(Con autorización de Forrester JS et al.: N Engl J Med 295:1356, 1976.)Literature Literature
So I used that in...I used that in Forrest Gump
Así que lo utilicé en Forrest Gumpopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
But lunacy was just what Forrester was investigating.
Pero la locura era justo lo que Forrester estaba investigando.Literature Literature
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