Göbekli Tepe oor Spaans

Göbekli Tepe

Neolithic site in southeastern Turkey which is considered to be the world's oldest temple complex and which was probably built by hunter-gatherers before humans settled down.

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Göbekli Tepe

Neolithic site in southeastern Turkey which is considered to be the world's oldest temple complex and which was probably built by hunter-gatherers before humans settled down.
Sotio neolítico situado en el sudeste de Turquía que es considerado como el más antiguo conjunto de templos del mundo y que fue probablemente construido por cazadores-recolectores antes de que los hombres se volvieran sedentarios.
This is where the huge pillars that dominated Göbekli Tepe were cut from the limestone bedrock,
Aquí fue donde los enormes pilares que dominan Göbekli Tepe fueron cortados de la base de piedra caliza.

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Even Klaus found it hard to categorise Göbekli Tepe.
Incluso a Klaus le resultaba difícil clasificar Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
But Göbekli Tepe changed all that, becoming man’s new cradle of societal development.
Sin embargo, Göbekli Tepe lo transformó todo y se acabó convirtiéndose en la cuna del desarrollo social.Literature Literature
On Göbekli Tepe people constructed what is almost certainly the very first purpose-built temple.
En Göbekli Tepe, construyeron lo que con casi toda seguridad fue el primer templo edificado con un propósito específico.Literature Literature
But Göbekli Tepe was the largest.
Pero Göbekli Tepe era el más grande.Literature Literature
“And what is the reason for your visit to Göbekli Tepe?”
¿Y a qué se debe su visita a Göbekli Tepe?Literature Literature
Opposite: The remains of a monumental structure from Göbekli Tepe.
Página anterior: Restos de una de las estructuras monumentales de Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
Klaus believed that Göbekli Tepe provided unprecedented evidence of division of labour.
Klaus creía que Göbekli Tepe ofrecía testimonios sin precedentes de división del trabajo.Literature Literature
We've come to southern Turkey, to the foot of a large hill called Göbekli Tepe,
Vinimos al sur de Turquía, a los pies de una gran colina llamada Göbekli Tepe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After what had happened at Göbekli Tepe he didn’t like letting Hevva out of his sight.
Después de lo que había sucedido en Göbekli Tepe no le hacía mucha gracia perder de vista a Hevva.Literature Literature
Göbekli Tepe wasn’t as central to my concerns then as it is today.
Göbekli Tepe no era entonces tan relevante para lo que me preocupa como lo es ahora.Literature Literature
After all, he’s already admitted that the best work at Göbekli Tepe is the oldest.
Después de todo, ya ha admitido que los trabajos de más calidad del yacimiento son los más antiguos.Literature Literature
The German archaeologists concerned believe that Göbekli Tepe was at the heart of an emerging cult.
Los arqueólogos alemanes creen que Göbekli Tepe era el centro de un culto que surgió en aquel tiempo.Literature Literature
The evidence from Göbekli Tepe is more uncertain at the moment.
Las pruebas en Göbekli Tepe son, por el momento, más inseguras.Literature Literature
So expressions of such knowledge at Göbekli Tepe need not surprise us unduly.
De modo que la expresión de tales conocimientos en Göbekli Tepe no deben sorprendernos excesivamente.Literature Literature
But things were clearly different at Göbekli Tepe.
Claramente, en Göbekli Tepe las cosas fueron distintas.Literature Literature
No homes or hearths have been unearthed anywhere near Göbekli Tepe.
No se han descubierto viviendas ni restos de hogares en las inmediaciones de Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
Could this be the case, also, at Göbekli Tepe?
¿Podría ser este el caso de Göbekli Tepe?Literature Literature
Village life would have helped people come up with projects like Göbekli Tepe.
La vida aldeana habría ayudado a la gente a idear proyectos como Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
“I was able to confirm that Savage entered the Göbekli Tepe dig site and spoke with Ms.
—Pude confirmar que El Salvaje llegó al lugar de Göbekli Tepe y que habló con la señorita Moore —.Literature Literature
Together with the earlier site of Göbekli Tepe, it has revolutionised scientific understanding of the Eurasian Neolithic period.
Junto a Göbekli Tepe ha revolucionado la comprensión del Neolítico eurasiático.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before leaving Turkey in July 2014 we make one more trip back to Göbekli Tepe.
En julio de 2014, antes de abandonar Turquía, hacemos un nuevo viaje a Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Göbekli Tepe Dig Site Late Noon Alyssa Moore was wrapping things up at the Göbekli site.
CAPÍTULO XIV Excavación de Göbekli Tepe Al caer la tarde Alyssa Moore estaba ocupada envolviendo cosas en Göbekli.Literature Literature
Control of the past The next day Santha and I go back to Göbekli Tepe.
Control del pasado Al día siguiente, Santha y yo volvemos a Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
The people who built Göbekli Tepe did not live there.
La gente que construyó Göbekli Tepe no vivía allí.Literature Literature
Ancient temple at Göbekli Tepe.
Templo antiguo en Göbekli Tepe.Literature Literature
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