GIAM oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


But Gerald Giam of Singapore Patriot describes the meeting in a different tone.
Pero Gerald Giam de Singapore Patriot describe la reunión en un tono diferente.
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The Bank is very crowded nowadays, although it had a very modest beginning: in 2001 the first year, only twenty people took part . The pioneers, whose names are written in History now, were Chicca, Esmy, Werther, Noor, Sosò, Brigitta, Alberta, Betty, Morgana, Giam, Gabri50, Pavel, Sandrasos, Elleboro, Constance Spry, Alex, Mitcha, Lisa, Sascia, Eltu.
Yo creía que no le habíamos dado nada.Se suponía que se lo daríamos hoyCommon crawl Common crawl
Gerald Giam of the Workers Party explains the advantages of having a government-run transport system:
Quiere que te diga que no puede ir a almorzar hoyglobalvoices globalvoices
Gerald Giam criticizes the “mismanaged” immigration policies of the government
Empieza revisando los alrededores de esta tiendagv2019 gv2019
Two members of the party, Gerald Giam and Yee Jenn Jong, served as NCMPs between 2011 and 2015.
¿ Te gustaria ver al doctor hoy?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
General Giam made his face a mask rather than risk further anger.
A mí me parece alegreLiterature Literature
Giam watched without understanding as they approached the hidden line of spikes in the grass.
Tiene tres tabernasLiterature Literature
The guards did not run and Giam gave a sharp order to raise pikes, passed on down the line.
Seguro que leyó el artículo del chico que sabía que el avión iba a explotar y sacó a sus amigos del aviónLiterature Literature
General Giam had been born to one of the king’s uncles, and promotion had come easily.
AbsolutamenteLiterature Literature
As Giam glanced back at the city, he found himself hot with shame.
Tu eres un ladrón!Literature Literature
I can’t believe the family is as giam siap*1 as that.”
Apartado # del artículo # del Convenio de # de febrero deLiterature Literature
But Gerald Giam of Singapore Patriot describes the meeting in a different tone.
Gabor está muertoglobalvoices globalvoices
Giam could hear the strain in the man's voice and forced himself to turn away from the enemy.
Kenny...- Está bienLiterature Literature
Giam was a solid thinker, a dependable man.
El me recuerdaLiterature Literature
Walter took the Giam Sirs.
Por tanto, no les disparoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giam saw the pike flags were standing proud, and he clenched his left fist in excitement.
Sus dueñosquedanestrictamente advertidos... dequeellossolossonresponsables... delcomportamientoydelparadero desussimiossirvientesLiterature Literature
His second in command stood ready to relay Giam’s orders.
La Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de junio de #, relativa a la aproximación de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de los Estados miembros relativas a embarcaciones de recreo, en su versión modificada por la Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de junio de #, no se opone a una normativa nacional que por razones de protección del medio ambiente prohíbe el uso de motos acuáticas fuera de las vías designadasLiterature Literature
Glendon Giam in Singapore points out the lengths to which Singapore had previously gone to block refugees from entering its territory:
Este crédito se destina a cubrir todos los costes relativos a la remuneración, seguridad social, así como a todo tipo de prestaciones, indemnizaciones y otros gastos relativos a esos agentesgv2019 gv2019
Giam used his horse to block lines of men as best he could.
Deja de sonreír y comeLiterature Literature
Happy time, Giam!
Prurito Hiperhidrosis EritemaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giam waited impatiently for the tribesmen to hit them.
Por lo tanto, la decisión adjunta concluye que es probable que la concentración notificada obstaculice perceptiblemente la competencia efectiva, en especial a consecuencia de la creación de una posición dominante, y parece incompatible con el mercado común y con el funcionamiento del Acuerdo del EEE por lo que se refiere a cada uno de los tres mercados de referenciaLiterature Literature
General Giam closed his eyes in silent thanks for an instant.
Están a punto de volverLiterature Literature
59 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.