George Herbert Walker Bush oor Spaans

George Herbert Walker Bush

The 41st President of the United States of Amerika.

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George H.W. Bush

The 41st President of the United States of Amerika.
El cuadragésimo primer presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Padre de George W. Bush.

George Bush

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Put George Herbert Walker bush in the central intelligence agency.
Puso a George Herbert Walker Bush en la Agencia Central de Inteligencia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Er, maybe a medium,” said George Herbert Walker Bush.
Bueno, quizá la mediana —dijo George Herbert Walker Bush.Literature Literature
George Herbert Walker Bush owned the company--and someone from Virginia had asked him for a favor.
George Herbert Walker Bush era el propietario de la compañía, y alguien de Virginia le había pedido un favor.Literature Literature
Thus, George Herbert Walker Bush declared, "There are people who will never understand this.
Por lo tanto, George Herbert Walker Bush declaró: "Hay personas que nunca entenderán esto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before the war, George Herbert Walker Bush was considered by his 72 KAIROS fellow citizens to be a weakling.
George Bush, antes de la guerra, era considerado un debilucho por sus conciudadanos.Literature Literature
Among those expected: George Herbert Walker Bush, former US president and father of the current occupant of the White House, to represent the neighboring regime to the North.
Entre quienes se espera que asistan está George Herbert Walker Bush, ex presidente de los EU y padre de quien actualmente ocupa la Casa Blanca, para representar al vecino régimen del norte.Common crawl Common crawl
In the November 1950 election, he defeated Republican party candidate Prescott Sheldon Bush, father of U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush and grandfather of U.S. President George W. Bush.
En las elecciones de noviembre 1950, derrotó al candidato del partido republicano Prescott Sheldon Bush, padre del presidente de EE.UU. George Herbert Walker Bush y abuelo de George W. Bush.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The current president of the United States is George Walker Bush... son to George Herbert Walker Bush... whose father was the late United States Senator Prescott Bush... who, as an undergraduate at Yale, once wrestled my father in the nude.
El Presidente actual es George Walker Bush hijo de George Helbert Walker Bush cuyo padre, el senador de EEUU Prescott Bush, doctorado en Yale que una vez luchó con mi padre, a puño limpio... pero ésa es otra historiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Allyn - a Republican Party consultant from Texas who has advised both George W. Bush and his father George Herbert Walker Bush, as well as a Texan energy billionaire with obvious interest in seeing Mexico's electricity and oil privatized - is joined in Mexico today by U.S. political consultant Dick Morris.
Allyn -un asesor del Partido Republicano de Texas que fue el consejero de George W. Bush y de George Herbert Walker Bush, y también un multimillonario del sector texano de la energía, obviamente interesado en ver la electricidad y el petróleo privatizados en México- está ahora unido, en México, al asesor político Dick Morris.Common crawl Common crawl
With the current presidential term lurching to such a calamitous close that the incumbent is probably worried about being remembered as George Herbert Hoover Walker Bush, the correlation between presidential party and economic outcome demands some kind of explanation.
Ahora que el actual mandato presidencial se tambalea hacia un final tan calamitoso que a su titular probablemente le preocupe ser recordado como George Herbert Hoover Walker Bush, la correlación entre partido presidencial y resultado económico demanda algún tipo de explicación.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
So when Fox - advised by U.S. political mercenaries Dick Morris and Rob Allyn - sent federal police earlier this month to Atenco to wage an illegal (sans search warrants) house-to-house hunt for dissidents; when hundreds were rounded up, beaten, tortured and dozens were sexually penetrated, some by penises, others by fingers, billy clubs and other weapons; when, then, the Fox regime expelled the few foreigners swept up among the more than 200 arrested, all this occurred under the command of a president that doesn't make a move without consulting his gringo handlers. At moments of crisis, Fox turns to the advice and counsel of the two gringos, Morris and Allyn, whose clients have also included U.S. presidents George W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, and Bill Clinton.
El otro gringo es Dick Morris, el mismo asesor político que cuando estaba en marcha la campaña presidencial del presidente Bill Clinton en 1996, renunció, ya que cayó en desgracia cuando se supo que él -un hombre respetablemente casado- tuvo tratos con una mujer que no era su esposa y a la que le pagaba 200 dólares la hora de sexo.Common crawl Common crawl
George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School Dedication Ceremony, Fri.
Dedicación de George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School, Vie. Dic.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
George Herbert Walker Bush acknowledged it so many times.
George Herbert Walker Bush lo reconoció tantas veces.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
George Herbert Walker Bush died Friday at the age of 94.
George Herbert Walker Bush murió el viernes a la edad de 94 años.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
George Herbert Walker Bush passed away Nov. 30, less than seven months after burying his beloved wife, Barbara.
El ex presidente de Estados Unidos, George Herbert Walker Bush, falleció el 30 de noviembre, menos de siete meses después de enterrar a su amada esposa, Bárbara.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They also included George Herbert Walker Bush, the grandfather of George Bush.
También incluían a George Herbert Walker Bush, el abuelo de George Bush.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"George Herbert Walker Bush has three lines that go back to King Edward I of England.
George Herbert Walker Bush tiene tres líneas que van hacia el Rey Edward I de Inglaterra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The 39th president George Herbert Walker Bush’s birthday is June 12, 1924.
El cumpleaños número 39 del Presidente George Herbert Walker Bush es 12 de junio de 1924.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
George Herbert Walker Bush has three lines that go back to King Edward I of England.
George Herbert Walker Bush tiene tres líneas que remontan al Rey Edward I de Inglaterra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Although he does not recall when asked, George (Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.
Aunque no lo recuerda cuando se le pregunta, George (Herbert Walker) Bush estaba en Dallas el día que JFK fue asesinado.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Few people had understood this as well or lived their lives as accordingly as President George Herbert Walker Bush.
Pocas personas han entendido esto tan bien o han vivido sus vidas tan en consonancia con esto como el presidente George Herbert Walker Bush.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School, named for the 41st president of the United States, will welcome students in 2011.
La primaria George Herbert Walker Bush, nombrada así en honor al Presidente número 41de los Estados Unidos, le dará la bienvenida a sus estudiantes en el 2011.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The United States no longer commands the respect it enjoyed under President Ronald Reagan or President George Herbert Walker Bush.
EE.UU. ya no cuenta con el respeto con el que contaba bajo el presidente Ronald Reagan o el presidente George Herbert Walker Bush.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For example, George Herbert Walker, Jr., uncle of the first President Bush, became an executive of White, Weld when his firm G. H. Walker & Co. was bought by them in the early 1970s.
George Herbert Walker, Jr., tío del presidente George H. W. Bush, era uno de los altos ejecutivos de White, Weld cuando el grupo compró el banco Walker & Co. en los años 1970.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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