Giannino oor Spaans


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Giannino, is something that is studied in fifth grade.
Giannino, es una cosa que se estudia en quinto.

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Giannino, is something that is studied in fifth grade.
Giannino, es una cosa que se estudia en quinto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps he’s used Giannino Brusca?
A lo mejor ha puesto Giannino Brusca.Literature Literature
Giannino finally chose his animal.
Finalmente Giannino eligió su animal.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For a long time Giannino had felt that he was a stranger to them and different from them.
Durante mucho tiempo Giannino se había sentido extraño entre ellos.Literature Literature
But... she loved mostly Giannino.
Pero... ella amaba sobre todo a Giannino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giannino, get away, there is wind.
Giannino, apártate, que hay viento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giannino lived only three more days.
Giannino vivió sólo tres días.Literature Literature
On the summit of Monte Grappa there is a military memorial monument, designed by the architect Giovanni Greppi in collaboration with the sculptor Giannino Castiglioni.
En la cima del Monte Grappa hay un monumento memorial, diseñado por el arquitecto Giovanni Greppi en colaboración con el escultor Giannino Castiglioni. Fue inaugurado el 22 de septiembre de 1935.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And then, when Queen Clémence had had a son, Giannino’s mother had been chosen as wet-nurse.
Luego, cuando la reina Clemencia tuvo un hijo, eligió por nodriza a la madre de Gianníno.Literature Literature
“It’s not over, Giannino Maria!”
—¡Esto no ha terminado, Giannino Maria!Literature Literature
I have been sent here by Mr Giannino and his associates to deal with the situation that occurred here last evening.
Me mandan el Sr. Giannino y sus socios para ocuparme de lo que ocurrió aquí ayer por la tarde.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Can you get me surveillance on Giannino's shooters?
¿Puede hacer que vigilen a los pistoleros de Giannino?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Jeannot, my Jeannot, my Giannino,’ he murmured, putting his lips to the warm, silky hair.
—Jeannot, mi Jeannot, mi Giannino —murmuró poniendo los labios en los tibios y sedosos cabellos.Literature Literature
But since we know that a conspiracy is being set on foot against us in Rome ...’ Giannino started.
Pero como no ignoramos que se prepara en Roma un movimiento contra nos... Giannino tuvo un sobresalto.Literature Literature
But you say, " Is Giannino? ", But do not give me the phone.
Pero debes decir: " Está Giannino? ", si no no me dan el teléfono.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giannino climbed the Capitoline hill by the light of the stars.
Giannino subió por la colina del Capitolio al resplandor de las estrellas.Literature Literature
But you were shooting to Giannino.
Pero tú estabas tirándole esos tiros de punta a Giannino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But Giannino immediately fell on his knees again and kissed her hand.
Pero Giannino se arrodilló enseguida y le besó la mano.Literature Literature
Giannino had had to wait all winter, spending his ducats.
Todo el invierno esperó Giannino, gastando sus ducados.Literature Literature
Twelve years later, Giannino Baglioni is summoned to Rome by the self-declared tribune Cola de Rienzi, who reveals to the Sienese banker that Giannino is actually Jean I, the rightful King of France.
Doce años después, Giannino Baglioni es llamado a Roma por el autoproclamado tribuno Cola de Rienzi, quien revela al banquero sienés que Giannino es en realidad Juan I, rey de Francia por derecho.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Giannino Baglioni had been unaware that Cola di Rienzi took so much interest in the fate of the French.
Giannino Baglioni ignoraba que Cola de Rienzi se interesara tanto por la suerte de los franceses.Literature Literature
HAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: Sole Article Dr Giannino Cesare Bernabei is hereby appointed a member of the Economic and Social Committee in place of Dr Alberto Masprone for the remainder of the latter's term of office, which runs until 20 September 1994.
Giannino Cesare Bernabei miembro del Comité Económico y Social en sustitución del Dr. Alberto Masprone durante el resto del mandato de este último, es decir, hasta el 20 de septiembre de 1994.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The new boss of Palmi, Antonio Giannino, aged only 20, was his gang’s knife-fencing instructor.
El nuevo jefe de Palmi, Antonio Giannino, de solo veinte años, enseñaba a su banda a luchar con navajas.Literature Literature
Giannino was recollecting his earliest memories.
Giannino se remontaba a sus primeros recuerdos.Literature Literature
I wonder why this year they asked me to care for Giannino but not last year.
Quisiera saber por qué este año me dijeron que cuide a Giannino y el año pasado no.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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