Gleichschaltung oor Spaans


/ˈɡlaɪçʃaltʊŋ/ naamwoord
The forced standardization of political and social institutions under an authoritarian regime.

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As part of the Gleichschaltung process, the Nazi regime's plan was to "coordinate" all 28 separate Protestant regional church bodies into a single and unitary Reich Church (Reichskirche).
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Such Gleichschaltung also characterizes our contemporary society of transparency and information.
Quiero hablar contigo de estoLiterature Literature
Their principle is Gleichschaltung, perfect uniformity enforced by the police.
Los disciplinaréLiterature Literature
Some guilds were able to complete the Gleichschaltung process almost immediately.
Tengo algo que decirteLiterature Literature
Gleichschaltung could involve two-way negotiation as well as force.
En Valencia hay comida y no quiero que gastesLiterature Literature
Nevertheless, there were limits to this Gleichschaltung, and there was some unease in the German Catholic hierarchy.
Otros dos estudios han mostrado resultados similaresLiterature Literature
As part of the process of Gleichschaltung all film production in Germany was subordinate to the Reichsfilmkammer, which was directly responsible to Goebbel's Propaganda ministry, and all those employed in the industry had to be members of the Reichsfachschaft Film.
Su historia es muy sangrienta.Ese convento es algo increíble... Todo bien. ¿ Por qué no bajamos aquí?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Congruently, the Centre party was subjected to increasing pressure under the Nazi campaign of Gleichschaltung.
Número: dos por ladoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Based in Berlin, the establishment of the RFK was an important element of the Gleichschaltung process and Nazi film policy.
Vas a recibir señal de ocupadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Amid the oppression and Gleichschaltung of Nazi Germany, however, it was something far more important and symbolic.
Eso fue muy rápidoLiterature Literature
The Nazis were able to put Gleichschaltung into effect due to the legal measures taken by the government during the 20 months following 30 January 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
Me da terror despertar y estar untando pan con ajo... esperando que mi vida comienceWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Nazi program known as Gleichschaltung sought control of all collective and social activity and interfered with Catholic schooling, youth groups, workers and cultural groups.
Ellos están aquí.- ¿ Quiénes están aquí, Leticia?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"This gigantic lumped together under the general term of ""coordi- nation"" (Gleichschaltung)."
Yo lo propongo para la corona con hojas de laurel y romeroLiterature Literature
Meanwhile, in Germany, once political consolidation—Gleichschaltung—was in place, the Nazis turned their attention to foreign policy with several increasingly daring acts.
Espera, espera, esperaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Constantin Iordachi (London: Routledge, 2010), 41; Zachariah, “Voluntary Gleichschaltung?
¿ Ha habido otros hombres, aparte de tu marido?Literature Literature
This process of ‘coordination’ (Gleichschaltung) was for the most part undertaken voluntarily and with alacrity.
Tres veces. ojala estuvieramos equivocados, pero...... no lo estamosLiterature Literature
These states were gradually de facto abolished under the Nazi regime via the Gleichschaltung process, whereby they were effectively replaced by Gaue.
Pobre FranzWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Third Reich's Gleichschaltung of the TH in 1933 met with relatively low resistance from both students and faculty.
Creo que no conozco ningún cuento agradableWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Gleichschaltung of provinces by Nazi Germany during the 1930s, the Province of Brandenburg and the Free State of Prussia lost all practical relevancy.
¿ Qué puedo ofrecerle, mayor?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 'Gleichschaltung' experiment had proved a failure.
Trish, te propongo una historia para un artículoLiterature Literature
The workers do not visualise in advance the building up of socialism by the Gleichschaltung of the trade unions.
Sí, todo anda bienLiterature Literature
With the Nazi seizure of federal power in 1933 and the following elimination of all non-Nazi organisations (Gleichschaltung), Württemberg and all other German states were abolished, in spirit if not in law.
En # años...... yo le propuse matrimonio # veces y siempre me dijo que " no "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By 1948 the Gleichschaltung of autonomous institutions in Poland was pretty much completed.
Ahora sí haremos negocioLiterature Literature
Lübeck had been an independent member state of the federation that formed the Reich before the Gleichschaltung began to bring them into line in 1933–34.
Sabes bien de que hablo fuma eso a fueraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1926 he joined the board of the Allgemeiner freier Angestelltenbund (General Free Federation of Employees) in Berlin, which had to dissolve in the course of the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 and the succeeding Gleichschaltung process.
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