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Guinea-Bissau responded by reiterating that NPA would carry out general and technical surveys and provide additional mine clearance capacity, HUMAID would carry out mine/ERW clearance, LUTCAM would carry out mine/ERW clearance, CAAMI would plan and coordinate mine action activities and Cleared Ground Demining would be involved in the destruction of obsolete ammunitions and small-scaled demolition tasks.
Y tu deja de venir a mi hospitalUN-2 UN-2
Demining continues to be carried out by two non-governmental organizations, Humanitarian Aid (HUMAID) and, since February 2002, Lutamos Todos Contra as Minas (LUTCAM), under the coordination of the National Mine Action Coordination Centre (CAAMI) with support from UNDP.
Todos los que se escodierón desde la redadaUN-2 UN-2
By # ovember # the two national mine-clearance non-governmental organizations, Humaid and Lutcam, had removed # mines and # pieces of unexploded ordnance in an area covering # square metres
Siéntelo, siénteloMultiUn MultiUn
According to a confidential source, Ali Abdullah Saleh also retains control of a large military camp named Raymat Humaid in his hometown of Sanhan, where he moved heavy weapons, in defiance of the NDC outcomes that stated that all heavy weapons be under the control of the Government and Ministry of Defence.
¿ Tienes el dinero?UN-2 UN-2
Technical survey by NPA will accurately define the boundaries of contaminated areas and reduce most of suspected segments in accordance with work plan of CAAMI, HUMAID and LUTCAM.
Hablo muy en serio.- ¿ Detrás de mí?UN-2 UN-2
As to the Government’s mine-clearance programme, an international non-governmental organization, HUMAID, has continued mine-clearing operations, facilitated by UNOGBIS and funded by the Governments of Australia, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as well as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNICEF.
Sí, así es.- ¿ Puede ver esto, por favor?UN-2 UN-2
The demining operation is continuing, assisted by Humaid and under the supervision of the Mine Action Centre, an organization responsible for coordinating demining activities
Era de mi padreMultiUn MultiUn
In July, a non-governmental organization mine clearance operation led by HUMAID and funded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland removed over # landmines in the capital, Bissau
Yo ofrezco algo más grande...Una nueva y mejor versión de la verdadMultiUn MultiUn
A second local non-governmental organization, HUMAID, has trained a core complement of 28 persons who are now conducting mine and unexploded ordnance clearance operations.
¿ No te gusta, Smith?UN-2 UN-2
In September and October, the national mine action NGO, Lutamos Todos Contra as Minas, in partnership with the international NGO Cleared Ground Demining and the national NGO HUMAID, cleared # m # of landmines and destroyed # pieces of unexploded ordnance # anti-personnel mines and # anti-tank mines
¿ Qué estás buscando?MultiUn MultiUn
Beyond 2011, NPA has funds assured for two years, and no further information is available on funds for HUMAID past 2011.
¿ Cómo te gusta?Estás caminando por la calle pensando en tus cosas y un montón de matones te abordan por detras, ponen una bolsa en tu cabeza, te tiran en el maletero de un coche, y el pop- pop, Lo siguiente que sabes, estás enterrado debajo de un puente, nunca más se supo de míUN-2 UN-2
Based on the current and past clearance rates from HUMAID and LUTCAM the average clearance for the two demining organization would be in the region of 95,000 square metres per month, with this rate subject to change based upon environmental and climatic factors and the degree of contamination.
Pueden decir eso de cualquier personaUN-2 UN-2
The European Union has pledged €600,000 to support Humaid.
Pensaba que quería acabar con nosotrosUN-2 UN-2
(Alternate for Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, United Arab Emirates)
Las medidas comunitarias necesarias para la aplicación del presente artículo, incluidas las disposiciones para la ejecución de actividades comunes, se adoptarán con arreglo al procedimiento mencionado en el apartado # del artí
Between January and April 2008, a total area of 2,719,502 m2 was cleared of 45 anti-personnel, 152 anti-tank and 6 anti-boat mines, as well as 348 items of unexploded ordnance and 78 detonators, by the non-governmental organizations Humanitarian Aid (HUMAID) and Lutamos Todos Contra as Minas.
¡ Pearl, lo juraste!UN-2 UN-2
As to the Government's mine-clearance programme, an international non-governmental organization, HUMAID, has continued mine-clearing operations, facilitated by UNOGBIS and funded by the Governments of Australia, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as well as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNICEF
Enseguida supimos que estábamos en problemas...... de la manera en que los niños lo saben cuando aparecen chicos mayoresMultiUn MultiUn
On # pril # the Government of Germany contributed € # through two non-governmental organizations, CARITAS and HUMAID, to support the demining operations
¿ Qué está pasando?MultiUn MultiUn
By 31 May, mine-clearing operations led by HUMAID, an international NGO, and facilitated by UNOGBIS had resulted in the destruction of over 2,000 mines.
Soy Jane Winslett-RichardsonUN-2 UN-2
A total of # stockpiled anti-personnel mines were destroyed at a ceremony organized by the National Mine Action Coordination Authority in October # which completed the obligations of the country under article # of the Ottawa Convention on Landmines: from January to September # the Coordination Authority, through its national partners, Humaid and Lutcam, demined # square metres and removed # unexploded ordnance # anti-personnel mines and # anti-tank mines
Ya no les protegenMultiUn MultiUn
Members of the international NGO Cleared Ground Demining and explosive ordnance disposal technicians from the United States Air Force worked with the national NGO Lutamos Todos Contra as Minas and the national NGO Humaid to improve national technical capacity
El policía entro y de veras salió con las llavesMultiUn MultiUn
So to summarize the status of today, counting from the 12 mined areas identified as a result of the LIS, four of these have now been finalised, three other areas are currently being addressed by LUTCAM and HUMAID after having been area reduced by NPA and 5 areas remain to be verified and possibly cleared.
No puedo, simplemente no puedoUN-2 UN-2
The request further indicates that all survey activities will be conducted by NPA split into four teams – two for non-technical surveys and two for technical surveys – and that mine clearance will be conducted by three non-governmental organisations: HUMAID, LUTCAM and NPA.
A cada oveja su pareja...... y todo saldrá bienUN-2 UN-2
A second local non-governmental organization, HUMAID, has trained a core complement of # persons who are now conducting mine and unexploded ordnance clearance operations
¡ Debes quitarte la ropa!MultiUn MultiUn
Based on the current and past clearance rates from HUMAID and LUTCAM the overage clearance for the three demining organization (LUTCAM, HUMAID and NPA) would be in the region of 95,000 square metres per month, with this rate subject to change based upon environmental and climatic factors and the degree of contamination.
Si el cuarto criterio de la sentencia Altmark (eficacia) sehubiera respetado, el déficit de explotación debería haber bajadoUN-2 UN-2
The request further indicates that available resources for September 2010 to November 2011 total US$ 2,883,974 divided among the organizations (NPA – US$1.2 million, HUMAID – US$ 682,000, Cleared Ground – US$ 318,000, LUTCAM – US$ 146,600, and, CAAMI – US$ 537,374).
El solicitante pedirá la reconducción confirmando por escrito que no se ha introducido ninguna modificación y, a falta de información en contrario, el organismo notificado prorrogará la validezdel período contemplado en el puntoUN-2 UN-2
74 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.