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Harsha Vardhana


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At it is well explained by activist and writer Harsha Walia in her letter to Occupy Together movement:
Ellos están aquí.- ¿ Quiénes están aquí, Leticia?globalvoices globalvoices
Harsha Bhogle: Suddenly India discovered this power of 20-overs cricket.
Llámame Willie, ¿ de acuerdo?ted2019 ted2019
Some of the historians like Burgos Harsha think the Order is stagnating.
Mi cristal es el mejor del paísLiterature Literature
Flying glass had shredded Burgos Harsha’s face.
Denominación del régimenLiterature Literature
Lord Harsha met me on the slick steps outside the College.
Se muda lejos y nos manda tarjetas de navidad a ambosLiterature Literature
Harsha Liyanage, originally from Sri Lanka, blogs at Sustainability First: In search of sustainable telecentres.
Alimaña vil y rastreragv2019 gv2019
Here, on a summer day, on receiving a letter from Krishna, a cousin of King Harsha, he met the king while he was camping near the town of Manitara.
Se llamaba RanillaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As translator Rob sought out the services of Alā’s personal mahout, the Indian named Harsha.
Calculamos que si este aparato puede ser completamente reparado por usted, puede restaurar el cuerpo, para siempreLiterature Literature
Where there's Harsha, there's Bhogle ( Indian commentator ).
Sea en el entendido de que pueda demostrarse que la aplicación de este tipo de freno es segura y, en particular, que no existe riesgo en relación con averías comunesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harsha, the Shah’s mahout, told Rob that some of the snakes were deadly.
Ella quisiera tenerloLiterature Literature
I'll find out who he is inform Harsha.
Eso es lo que haréOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rob thanked him thoughtfully and Harsha went away.
Claro, cieloLiterature Literature
This next artist, N. S. Harsha, actually has a studio right here in Mysore.
Deja de molestarlaQED QED
This was Xuan Zang, whose journey, In the Footsteps of the Buddha, took him to Harsha’s India between 630 and 644.
¿ Qué crees que significa esto?Literature Literature
The Home Office duty pathologist, Harsha Krishnamurthi, arrived and disappeared for an hour inside the white Incitent.
Más rápido que ustedesLiterature Literature
Kālidāsa and Harsha also used Maharashtri in some of their plays and poetry.
¿ Adónde vamos ahora?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rob stood with Harsha and watched Zi, the Shah’s great bull elephant, cramming himself with hay.
El no puede conseguir un buen acuerdo con la fiscalía, yo síLiterature Literature
Additionally, he was known for recording the events of the reign of the northern Indian emperor, Harsha.
para los créditos correspondientes a la asignación anual de #: el # de diciembre deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The historian Burgos Harsha, however, gives a different explanation of their origin.
¿ Por qué no nos llevaron a nosotros?Literature Literature
Cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle was taken aback by Bangladesh's skill:
Te esperaré en el crucegv2019 gv2019
Indian cricket commentator and journalist Harsha Bhogle tweeted his support:
No adaptación del Derecho interno dentro del plazo señaladogv2019 gv2019
54 The children of Bazlith, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha,
Tras recibir una solicitud de ayuda y antes de aprobarla, la Comisión llevará a cabo una apreciación del proyecto con el finde evaluar su conformidad con las condiciones y criterios establecidos en los artículos # yLDS LDS
(He was the same Burgos Harsha who had directed the infamous Pilot’s Race five years ago, my mother’s friend.
En un determinado país, los # dígitos de las características técnicas y del número de orden bastan para identificar de forma inequívoca un vehículo dentro decada grupo de vagones de mercancías, vehículos de pasajeros remolcados, material rodante de tracción y vehículos especialesLiterature Literature
One day in 1949 while Brothers Harsha Karkada, Senior, and Satyanathan were doing magazine street work near Flora Fountain, they placed a Kanarese magazine with a Mr.
Muy bien, de acuerdo, suficientejw2019 jw2019
Along with his predecessors in the region, the Indo-Greek king Menander I (Milinda) and the Indian emperors Ashoka and Harsha Vardhana, Kanishka is considered by Buddhism as one of its greatest benefactors.
Solían beber juntos y jugaban póquer casi todas las nochesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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