Hathor oor Spaans


The goddess of joy, love, and motherhood; one of the "Eyes / Daughters of Ra", the consort of Ra/Horus; often depicted as having a cow's head.

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That's the whole Hathor incident which he's asked me never to discuss.
Todo ese incidente con Hathor el cual me pidió que nunca comentara a nadie.
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She sees only with the vengeful glare of Sekhmet, not with the mercy of HatHor.
Ella sólo ve con la mirada vengativa de Sejmet, no con la misericordiosa de Hathor.Literature Literature
Unfortunately, Petesis was distracted from his task by a beautiful woman whose name meant ‘noble Hathor’.
Por desgracia, a Petesis lo distrajo de su tarea una hermosa mujer cuyo nombre significaba: «noble Hator».Literature Literature
Smiling, she felt comfortable and rested for the first time since waking up in HatHor's chamber.
Sonriente, se sintió cómoda y descansada por primera vez desde que se había despertado en la cámara de Hathor.Literature Literature
Yeah, and if they' re male, they' il be under Hathor' s control
Si son hombres, quedarán bajo el control de Hator antes de que se den cuentaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He should have a protein marker from Hathor's Goa'uld.
Debería tener el marcador del Goa'uld de Hathor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's an inscription found at the Hathor Temple that says it all.
En el templo de Hator hay una inscripción que lo dice todo.Literature Literature
Zia understood the Ribbons of Hathor better than I did.
Zia dominaba las Cintas de Hathor mejor que yo.Literature Literature
Herit-tchatcha-ah—name of the goddess of the seventh hour of night; HatHor priestess seven o'clock
Herit-chacha-ah Nombre de la diosa de la séptima hora de la noche; sacerdotisa de Hathor de las siete.Literature Literature
El goa'uld que llevo adentro... me protege de los poderes de Hator.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sati was a goddess of the cataract region, similar to Hathor, with cow's horns.
Sati era una diosa de la región de las cataratas, semejante a Hathor, con cuernos de vaca.Literature Literature
Don't fall on the hole the goddess Hathor was often depicted as the winged cow of creation, who gave birth to the entire universe. Oh, my!
No te vayas a caer... Y a la diosa Hathor se la representaba a menudo en forma de vaca alada, la que dio a luz a todo el universo...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hathor was the goddess of love and drunkenness, but she also personified destruction.
Hator era la diosa del amor y de la embriaguez, pero también personificaba la destrucción.Literature Literature
O un goa'uld que se apoderó de la persona de Hator.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So, Ms. Hathor, would you mind telling us why you were trying to get into this facility?
Así que, Srta. Hator... ¿le importaría decirnos por qué intentaba entrar en este complejo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The beginning of the month of Khoiak and the Feast of Hathor, goddess of love and beauty, marked the following day.
El principio del mes de Khoiak y la fiesta de Hathor, diosa del amor y de la belleza, marcaron el día siguiente.Literature Literature
Hathor Maat touched the yellowed pages of the Book of Magnus as though it were a holy relic.
Hathor Maat tocó la página amarillenta del grimorio casi como si fuera una reliquia sagrada.Literature Literature
Phosis T’kar and Hathor Maat marched alongside him, their strides sure and eager.
Phosis T’kar y Hathor Maat caminaban a su lado con paso firme y decidido.Literature Literature
Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety and music.
Hator era la diosa egipcia de la fertilidad, la embriaguez y la música.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The idea of a calf may have arisen from their memory of some gods in Egypt, such as the Hathor cow and the Apis bull.
Es posible que la idea de un becerro haya surgido del recuerdo que tenían de algunos dioses egipcios, tal como la vaca Hathor y el toro Apis.LDS LDS
Meri-Hathor, the eldest, had married and now lived with her husband farther upriver.
Meri-Hathor, la mayor, se había casado y vivía con su marido río arriba.Literature Literature
“Every time Hathor carries the full moon between her horns, I’ll throw a pebble and know you’ll be doing the same.
—Cada luna llena lanzaré una piedra al agua y sabré que tú harás lo mismo.Literature Literature
Hathor’s latest report told of steady progress by Ariamus and Takany.
El último informe de Hathor dio cuenta del sostenido progreso de Ariamus y Takany.Literature Literature
The cult of Bat was eventually syncretised into that of Hathor because both were depicted as cows.
El culto de Bat fue fusionado con el de Hathor, pues ambos eran representados con forma de vaca.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hathor, we will recall, was the mistress of the Sinai peninsula.
Hathor, debemos recordar, era la señora de la península del Sinaí.Literature Literature
Um, Hathor was both the daughter and wife of Ra in Egyptian mythology, until Ra was said to have corrupted her.
Hator era la hija y la esposa de Ra en la mitología egipcia... hasta que Ra, según dicen, la corrompió.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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