Havasupai oor Spaans


a member of a North American Indian people of Cataract Canyon in Arizona

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and challenge the Havasupai's origin story.
y cuestionar la historia de los orígenes de los havasupai.
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and challenge the Havasupai's origin story.
y cuestionar la historia de los orígenes de los havasupai.
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The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) noted that the Havasupai and Hualapai tribes have struggled for decades for the protection of their land from mining and expressed concern at the risk of radioactive pollution.
Yo mismo me puse cada uno de estosUN-2 UN-2
When Larry Miner Gibson graduated from high school, he decided to hike into Havasupai, Arizona, USA, in the Grand Canyon, where he spent several days reading the Book of Mormon and praying about and pondering on his testimony.
En el anexo # se ofrecen orientaciones más detalladas sobre la definición de dichas categorías de activos, cuya utilización facilitaría la comparación de los distintos bancos y sus respectivos perfiles de riesgo en toda la ComunidadLDS LDS
The Havasupai people say that the god Hokomata caused a deluge that destroyed mankind.
Vamos, al bañojw2019 jw2019
“You can’t become a Havasupai,” I said.
Colgando vacio de la torreLiterature Literature
Jim shook his head and sent Fidel Hanna, a young Havasupai, into the draw.
En aquel terreno se encuentra la sede de BAV, la denominada Ciudad del Cine (Filmstadt Geiselgasteig) en el Estado libre de Baviera. BAV es una empresa privada de producción cinematográficaLiterature Literature
My shoes were halfway to Mexico by now, and my sandals were back at Havasupai Campground.
Se puso un poquito en el auto, jugandoLiterature Literature
Sonja and me at Havasupai, Thanksgiving 1998.
Eres tan cínicoLiterature Literature
The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) noted that the Havasupai and Hualapai tribes have struggled for decades for the protection of their land from mining and expressed concern at the risk of radioactive pollution.
Tiene que haber más en esta vida... un propósito para todos nosotros, un lugar de donde venimos.Tú eras mi hogarUN-2 UN-2
The plant was used for food and fiber by local Native American peoples such as the Havasupai.
Ahora estamos a manoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That we'll be staying at Havasupai Campground. Returning on Monday, May the 28th.
Eso es lo que decía de tiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For example, in 1989, researchers from Arizona State University obtained blood samples from Arizona's Havasupai tribe, promising to alleviate the burden of type 2 diabetes that was plaguing their community, only to turn around and use those exact same samples -- without the Havasupai's consent -- to study rates of schizophrenia, inbreeding, and challenge the Havasupai's origin story.
Yo tampoco lo había hecho...... pero este manual le ayudaráted2019 ted2019
They determined the genotype of each Havasupai individual at two loci in the major histocompati bility complex (MHC).
¡ Éste es el motivo!Literature Literature
When the Havasupai found out, they sued successfully for $700,000, and they banned ASU from conducting research on their reservation.
En ese caso, dobla izquierda, aguanta el timón, cuando llegues frente a la casated2019 ted2019
These researchers studied 122 Havasupai, a population of Native Americans in Arizona.
¿ Recuerda cuando helamos su semen?Dijo que si no parecía que iba a regresar, deberíamos intentar hacerle un hijo... para que una parte de Ud. viviera para siempreLiterature Literature
It was said that any Havasupai who left for good would be turned to stone.
convenio sectorial, pero en regiones determinadasLiterature Literature
Jamie, when you and I went to Havasupai—that was beautiful.
Para distinguir entre los LMR mencionados en el considerando # y los LMR mencionados en el considerando #, conviene dividir el anexo # en varias partesLiterature Literature
Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture.
Hoy solo somos sus acompañantesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sonja, if you take a little bit of me to Havasupai, if you ever go there again, that would be really special.
Una nueva yoLiterature Literature
In considering the modification, the Forest Service engaged in extensive consultations with interested and affected tribes, including the Acoma, Apache, Havasupai, Hopi, Hualapai, Navajo, Southern Paiute, Yavapai, and Zuni.
Si el vehículo presentado para su homologación de acuerdo con la presente Directiva cumpliera los requisitos del punto #, se concederá la homologaciónUN-2 UN-2
The Havasupai Indians gave DNA samples for the study of diabetes, a disease that ravages their community, but say they were devastated when they re......
No estás en la cárcelCommon crawl Common crawl
“Only Havasupai live here,” Fidel said.
No puedes decírmelo porque sé lo que hacíasLiterature Literature
Havasupai” meant “people of the blue-green water.”
Levántate, viejoLiterature Literature
We’re at Havasupai Campground.
No le llevé el dineroLiterature Literature
Various Bible societies are presently involved in at least 20 projects for translation into languages of the Native Americans of North America, including Cheyenne, Havasupai, Micmac, and Zuni.
Es un fin de semana, Clark.Disfrútalojw2019 jw2019
A Southwestern adventure: visiting the Havasupai Indians
No me refería a esoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
95 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.