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Alfred Edward Housman

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A. E. Housman
Alfred Edward Housman
Alfred Edward Housman
Alfred Edward Housman


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The fact is that Walker Housman has defended a helluva lot more murder suspects than you have.”
Lo cierto es que Walker Housman ha defendido a muchos más sospechosos de asesinato que tú.Literature Literature
Wouldn’t it be more Housman if they were reversed?
¿No serían más Housman si estuvieran invertidas?Literature Literature
Housman and six-month-old newspapers, cooking a little, picking up a guitar.
Housman y prensa de hacía seis meses, cocinando un poco y tocando la guitarra.Literature Literature
Housman (1859–1936), scholar-poet, vulnerable and complex.
Housman (1859-1936), poeta erudito, vulnerable y complejo.Literature Literature
A.E. Housman's "Terence, this is stupid stuff" (originally published in A Shropshire Lad) invokes mithridatism as a metaphor for the benefit that serious poetry brings to the reader.
Alfred Edward Housman en "Terence, this is stupid stuff" (al principio publicado en "A Shropshire Lad ") invoca al mitridatismo como una metáfora para la ventaja que la poesía seria atraer al lector.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Housman put it: ‘I ’listed at home for a lancer/Oh, who would not sleep with the brave?’
Housman: «Recluté en casa a un lancero / tan bravo que hube de dormir con él».Literature Literature
Individual poems by Housman and Matthew Arnold and John Donne.
Poemas sueltos de Housman y Matthew Arnold y John Donne.Literature Literature
Who as Housman says took poison in small doses, to build an immunity.
Que como Housman dice que tomó veneno en pequeñas dosis, para inmunizarse.Literature Literature
Rupert Brooke at his most babbling, Mark used to say, Housman at his most lad-ish.
Un Rupert Brooke[2] en sus balbuceos —solía decir Mark—, un Housman[3] en su vertiente juvenil.Literature Literature
Of those that survive, his works based on A. E. Housman's collection of poems A Shropshire Lad are among the best known.
De las que han sobrevivido, sus ciclos de canciones sobre poemas de A. E. Housman son las más conocidas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’m going down to see Grace at the weekend and I’ll look in the boxes for your Housman.
Iré a ver a Grace este fin de semana y buscaré tu Housman en las cajas.Literature Literature
I hope I still like Beethoven and Hemingway and Monet and Housman.
Espero que me sigan gustando Beethoven, Hemingway, Monet y Housman.Literature Literature
Last year I brought Housman’s “To An Athlete Dying Young” and made the mistake of not reading it over beforehand.
El año pasado traje «A la muerte de un joven deportista», de Housman y cometí el error de no leerlo de antemano.Literature Literature
Like many of Housman's poems, it has been in my head for sixty years.
Como muchos poemas de su autor, hace sesenta años que lo llevo en la cabeza.Literature Literature
Housman reminds us, ‘two and two are four’, however much we might like it to be otherwise.
Housman, «dos y dos son cuatro», no importa cuánto nos gustaría que fuese de otra forma.Literature Literature
Housman going: ‘Loveliest of trees, the cherry now/Is hung with bloom along the bough.’
Housman: «Ahora el cerezo, el árbol más hermoso / cuelga sus flores en las ramas[9]».Literature Literature
Swinburne, and, in the modern period, by Housman, Kipling, and Yeats.
Swinburne y en el período moderno por Housman, Kipling y Yeats.Literature Literature
But what Housman understood, and you hear it in the symphonies of Nielsen too, was that the long, hot, silvan summers of stability of the 19th century were coming to a close, and that we were about to move into one of those terrifying periods of history when power changes.
Pero lo que Housman comprendió, y pueden escucharlo en las sinfonías de Nielsen también, era que los largos, calurosos y silvestres veranos de estabilidad del siglo XIX llegaban a su fin, y que nos dirigíamos hacia uno de esos períodos históricos aterradores, que suceden cuando el poder cambia.QED QED
I guess I didn’t know Housman was tempted by Christianity, though.”
Pero supongo que no sabía que Housman se sintiese tentado por el cristianismo.Literature Literature
Housman and above all the early W.
Housman y, por encima de todo, el primer W.Literature Literature
Some of Housman's plays were scandalous for depicting biblical characters and living members of the Royal House on stage, and many of them were performed only privately until the subsequent relaxation of theatrical censorship.
Muchas de las obras de Housman causaron controversia por representar personajes bíblicos y miembros vivos de la casa real, por lo que muchas de estas fueron presentadas solo de forma privada hasta que la censura teatral fue relajada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Housman said about luck: ""Luck's a chance, but trouble's sure."""
Housman opinaba de la suerte: “La suerte es posible, pero el problema es seguro.”Literature Literature
I think Lawrence Housman got the stanzas mixed.
Creo que Lawrence Housman mezcló estrofas distintas.Literature Literature
Ms. Housman, you yourself pointed out that the purpose of this inquest was to discover the truth.
Señora Housman, usted misma señaló que el propósito de una investigación era decubrir la verdad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Shaw, Kipling, Housman, and Stanley Baldwin were among Thomas Hardy’s pallbearers.
Shaw, Kipling, Housman y Stanley Baldwin fueron algunos de los que llevaron el féretro de Thomas Hardy.Literature Literature
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