I already understood it oor Spaans

I already understood it

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But I already understood it well.
Es como construir una presa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps I already understood it when I lived in East Germany.
Puede que ya lo intuyera entonces, cuando viví en la República Democrática.Literature Literature
If I had a fault, it was that if I could grasp something easily, I believed I had already understood it thoroughly.
Si cometía un error, era porque cuando comprendía algo con facilidad, creía que ya lo había entendido por completo.Literature Literature
Maybe it knew that I understood already what it wanted from me.)
Quizá sabía que ya había entendido lo que quería de mí.»)Literature Literature
“She insisted on explaining the process, her thought process, it wasn’t necessary, I understood it already.
Se empeñó en explicar su proceso, el proceso de su pensamiento, no hacía falta, ya lo entendía.Literature Literature
Yes, there were people who knew, but I already understood why they kept it quiet.
Sí, hay personas que lo saben, aunque comprendo por qué permanecen en silencio.Literature Literature
When I understood this, it was already too late.
Cuando comprendí esto, ya era tarde.Literature Literature
I understood the risks—I’d already thought it through at length, after all, the idea of fleeing with her.
Comprendía los riesgos; al fin y al cabo, había pensado largo y tendido en la idea de huir con ella.Literature Literature
If there were certain things that I kept silent, it was because I was sure that she had already understood them.
Si callaba algunas cosas, era porque albergaba la certeza de que ella ya las había comprendido.Literature Literature
While Peters had already figured it out, I just now understood how he made his money and acquired his infection.
Mientras Peters ya se había dado cuenta, yo acababa de entender cómo él hacía dinero y se había agarrado la infección.Literature Literature
Then I understood that I had already been others and it was easy.
Entonces entendí que yo ya había sido los otros y que eso era fácil.Literature Literature
I understood it later, when I had already grown up.
Lo entendí después, cuando ya fui mayor.Literature Literature
She smiled, and I understood that she had already known everyone loved it.
Sonrió y comprendí que ya sabía que les había encantado a todos.Literature Literature
When I understood what he was planning, it was already too late.”
Cuando comprendí lo que estaba planeando, ya era demasiado tarde.Literature Literature
I hoped it would make Priscilla think I already understood everything, when in reality I understood nothing.
Esperaba que hiciera pensar a Priscilla que yo ya lo sabía todo, cuando en realidad no entendí nada de nada.Literature Literature
By the time I understood how rare and beautiful it was, it already passed.
Para cuando comprendí lo hermosa y especial que era, ya había pasado de largo.Literature Literature
I looked it over carefully, as though I already understood I would be called upon to give an account of the place.
Lo observé atentamente, como si ya supiera que tendría que describir el lugar.Literature Literature
Member of the Commission. - I had understood it was until 8 p.m., but, as I have already said, you have the chair and it is up to you to decide what I should do, so I shall continue.
Tenía entendido que era hasta las 20.00 horas, pero, como ya he dicho, usted preside y a usted le corresponde decidir lo que debería hacer, así que continuaré.Europarl8 Europarl8
Already the void seems to me the ultimate in fullness: I understood it, I experienced it, I exhausted it.
El vacío ya me parece el colmo de la plenitud; lo oía, lo sentía, lo consumía.Literature Literature
I understood, I could hear what he was saying, but it was already too late.
Comprendía, escuchaba los argumentos de mi novio, pero era ya demasiado tarde...Literature Literature
It was then that, with sudden clarity, I understood what Mamá already had seen.
Fue entonces cuando comprendí, con súbita claridad, lo que mamá ya sabía.Literature Literature
“Even then it came as no surprise, simply a confirmation of something I already, on some level, understood.”
Pero entonces tampoco me sorprendió, simplemente vino a confirmar algo que ya sabía de alguna manera.Literature Literature
I already recognize it as the soft smile Sonia wears when she must say something not easily understood or accepted.
Reconozco ya esa afable sonrisa que Sonia emplea cuando tiene que decir algo difícil de comprender o de aceptar.Literature Literature
And I understood that he had been to see her already that day, and no one cared if I knew it.
Y comprendí que él había ido a verla antes que yo aquella mañana, y que a nadie le importaba si yo me enteraba o no.Literature Literature
I know that is an obvious statement, but my experience suggests that it is one that I should firmly place on the record and I cannot assume has already been widely understood.
que es una afirmación obvia, pero mi experiencia me dice que debo hacerla constar y que no puedo darla por sobreentendida de inicio.Europarl8 Europarl8
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