I shake his hand oor Spaans

I shake his hand

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le doy la mano


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I shake his hands off, too irritated to accept any gesture of help.
Me lo quito de encima, demasiado irritada para aceptar cualquier gesto de ayuda.Literature Literature
I shake his hand; there will always be a strange link between us.
Le estrecho la mano; siempre existirá un vínculo extraño entre nosotros.Literature Literature
Before I depart I shake his hand even though I don’t truly want to.
—Antes de partir, le doy la mano, aunque de verdad no quiero dársela.Literature Literature
Could I shake his hand again?
¿ Será que le puedo volver a dar la mano?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He comes in, I shake his hand, and his leg slightly comes out at the same time.
Él entra, me sacudo la mano, y su pierna llega un poco fuera al mismo tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shake his hand, and he looks at me like he’s waiting for something.
Le estrecho la mano y me mira como si estuviera esperando algo.Literature Literature
Should I shake his hand?
¿Debería darle la mano?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shake his hand, even though the real person I should be thanking is behind me.
Estrecho su mano, aunque la verdadera persona a la que debería estar agradeciendo está detrás de mí.Literature Literature
I shake his hand in the shop before locking myself up in my own.
Le estrecho la mano en su tienda antes de correr a encerrarme en la mía.Literature Literature
— Lars, I shake his hand and I don’t even mind that he’s now got his arm round Nikki.
«Lars», digo estrechándole la mano sin que ahora me importe siquiera que tenga el brazo alrededor de Nikki.Literature Literature
I shake his hand, wish him well and take my leave.
Le estrecho la mano, le deseo buena suerte y me marcho.Literature Literature
Then I push myself to my feet as Wilson rises (habit, I suppose), and I shake his hand.
Entonces me pongo en pie y Wilson se levanta (la costumbre, supongo), y le doy la mano.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and leave him there, his ruddy cheeks flushed with altruism and purpose.
Le estrecho la mano y lo dejo allí, con sus mejillas sonrojadas llenas de altruismo y determinación.Literature Literature
When he reappears I shake his hand, whose absolute dryness confirms that it’s unwashed.
Cuando reaparece le estrecho la mano, cuya sequedad absoluta confirma que no se ha lavado.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and we all sit.
Le estrecho la mano y todos nos sentamos.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and then pass him a coffee.
Le estrecho la mano y luego le ofrezco la taza de café.Literature Literature
Like all true men, he doesn’t flinch when I shake his hand.
Como los hombres de verdad, no se acobarda cuando le estrecho la mano.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and climb out of his car, reluctantly leaving the blanket behind.
Le estrecho la mano y salgo de su coche, dejándole la manta, aunque de mala gana.Literature Literature
When I shake his hand it is like holding the bark of a tree.
Le estrecho la mano y es como apretar la corteza de un árbol.Literature Literature
I shake his hand, not knowing exactly how to shoo him off without being rude.
Le estrecho la mano sin saber muy bien cómo deshacerme de él sin resultar grosera.Literature Literature
I got up, not sure should I shake his hand or not.
Me levanté sin saber si debía estrechar su mano o no.Literature Literature
I shake his hand, knowing full well I will never see him again.
Le doy la mano, sabiendo muy bien que no volveré a verlo nunca.Literature Literature
I shake his hand—it’s warm and dry.
Estrecho su mano —es cálida y seca—.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and say the same.
Yo le estrecho la mano y le digo lo mismo.Literature Literature
I shake his hand and explain again I’m a British journalist interested in checking out the party.
Le doy la mano y le explico que soy un periodista británico interesado en ver la fiesta.Literature Literature
819 sinne gevind in 47 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.