I was hurt oor Spaans

I was hurt

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaba dolido

And I was hurt, so I wrote him a message.
Y yo estaba dolida, así que le escribí un mensaje.

estaba herido

Guill came over and asked if I was hurt.
Guill se acercó y me preguntó si estaba herida.

estaba lastimado

I've been awful. I just didn't realize I was hurting you so much.
He actuado mal y no percibí que te estaba lastimando tanto.

resulté herido


salí herido


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"""If he was afraid I was hurt or something - probably."""
– Si temiera encontrarme herida o algo similar..., probablementeLiterature Literature
I was hurt, Haley, but I was still proud of you
estaba machacado, Haley.Pero aún estaba orgulloso de tiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I was hurt, beyond hurt, aching in a place in my heart I didn’t know existed.
Estaba lastimada, demasiado, con dolor en un lugar en mi corazón que no sabía que existía.Literature Literature
I was hurt by vampires before.
Fui herida por los vampiros antes.Literature Literature
I was hurt, but David couldn’t know how badly.
Estaba herida, pero David no podía saber hasta qué punto.Literature Literature
I hated knowing I was hurting you.
Odiaba saber que te estaba haciendo daño.Literature Literature
I hated to sound crass, but damn, now I was hurt and pissed.
—Odiaba a sonar grosera, pero maldita sea, ahora estoy herida y enojada—.Literature Literature
I was hurt.
Me hirieron.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When you found out I was hurt, you went shopping for paper weights.
Así es cómo he acabado aquí, estabas comprando pisapapeles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was hurt when you departed without a wave goodbye.
Me afectó hondamente cuando te marchaste sin despedirte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was hurt and angry with her because she had shortened the time when we could be together.
Yo estaba enojada y dolida con ella porque había acortado la duración del tiempo en que podríamos estar juntas.Literature Literature
I didn't realize how badly I was hurt.
No me di cuenta de lo mal herida que estaba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was hurt that you didn't reciprocate my feelings.
Me dolió que no correspondieras a mis sentimientos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I was hurt I still wasn’t included in that aspect of his life.
Y me dolía no formar parte de ese aspecto de su vida.Literature Literature
I was hurt and lonely, and angry at you.”
Estaba herida y sola, y enfadada contigo.Literature Literature
After she left, I was hurt, angry.
Cuando se marchó, yo estaba herida y enfadada.Literature Literature
I was hurt again—and for the last time, as far as I was concerned.
Me había lesionado de nuevo y, por lo que a mí respectaba, por última vez.Literature Literature
I knew that I had no right to be, but I was hurt.
Sabía que no tenía ningún derecho, pero me sentí ofendido.Literature Literature
I was hurt that he was taking it so calmly.
Me molestó que se lo estuviese tomando con tanta calma.Literature Literature
I felt my arm throb and I remembered that I was hurt.
Sentí latir mi brazo y recordé que estaba herido.Literature Literature
I was hurting so from simple gas pains.
Estaba muy dolorida a causa de unos simples gases.Literature Literature
Sure, I was hurt, but I put that under the tree before anyone even arrived.
Estaba herido, pero eso lo puse bajo el árbol antes de que llegaran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was hurt by a secret that had been kept from me.
Me sentí herida por un secreto al que no había tenido acceso.Literature Literature
I tried to be stoic for her, but I was hurting, too.
Traté de ser estoico por ella, pero también sufrí.Literature Literature
You know I was hurt rather severely.”
Ya sabes que me hirieron de gravedad.Literature Literature
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