IAA oor Spaans


a plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots

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In particular, IAA recognizes projects such as Space Shuttle and the Mir orbital space station.
En particular, la AIA reconoce proyectos como los del Transbordador Espacial y la estación espacial orbital Mir.
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In 2009, IAA recognized the international space project Sea Launch as a scientific and technological breakthrough.
En 2009, la AIA reconoció el proyecto espacial internacional Sea Launch como un importante avance científico y tecnológico.

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Asociación Internacional de los Estudiantes de la Agricultura


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In this context, the EESC acknowledges that advertising, in all its forms, plays a major role, which has been well summarised by the International Advertising Association (IAA), whose viewpoint highlights in particular its role in disseminating innovation, encouraging creativity and entertainment, providing incentives for competition, and extending choice.
¡ Stan, por favor!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the # meeting of the IAA Subcommittee, it was agreed that the fifty-first International Astronautical Congress, which was to be held in Rio de Janeiro from # to # ctober # would be an ideal opportunity to review the status and advancement of programmes in Latin America
No me dejare que me operenMultiUn MultiUn
Accordingly, the arbitration was “international” under Art. 1(1) MAL, given force of law by s. 16 of the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) (IAA), so the IAA was engaged.
Los Estados miembros establecerán las modalidades de la mencionada referenciaUN-2 UN-2
Abdul Qadeer, 45 years of age, a Tajik national, usually residing at R/O Shaheed Mazar in Tajikistan, was arrested without a warrant by Indian forces in the year 1995 in the Kashmir region invoking the provisions of the J&K PSA in connection with criminal case FIR No. 101/1995 on charges pursuant to Section 7/25 IAA.
Las declaraciones de propiedades saludables a las que se hace referencia en el artículo #, apartado #, letra a), del Reglamento (CE) no #/# están sujetas a las medidas transitorias establecidas en el artículo #, apartado #, de ese mismo Reglamento, siempre y cuando se ajusten a las condiciones en él mencionadas, entre las cuales se incluye la obligación de cumplir lo dispuesto en dicho ReglamentoUN-2 UN-2
The IAA was created as a CSIC research institute in July 1975.
Necesitamos un avión.- ¿ Perdone?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Committee noted with satisfaction that the Romanian Space Agency would co-organize the IAA Planetary Defence Conference, to be held in Romania in May 2011.
La responsabilidad financiera de cada participante se limitará asu propia deuda, sin perjuicio de los apartados # aUN-2 UN-2
The IAA has also recently imposed an increase of this reduction of standby time which now reflects the first 6 hours of ‘standby readiness’ off-site at only 25 % towards total working time hours.
Tiene la palabra el Sr. Schulz.not-set not-set
The respondent argued, with reference to Section 12A(4) IAA, that an “asset” should be construed widely, consistent with the English Court of Appeal decision in Cetelem SA v.
Quiere ver mis cosas?UN-2 UN-2
Had Kaplan called the IAA to squirrel out whatever he could on the skeleton?
Es algo muy importanteLiterature Literature
The ongoing IAA studies on the global human Mars mission framework, critical health issues for exploratory missions, and standardized career radiation dose limits for astronauts were presented as part of its intensive work.
Los Estados miembros podrán exigir el pago de una tasa destinada a cubrir sus gastos, en particular los derivados del examen de las solicitudes de registro, de las declaraciones de oposición, de las solicitudes de modificación y de las peticiones de anulación en virtud del presente ReglamentoUN-2 UN-2
In October 2009, it was announced that the regulatory aspects of the IAA's remit would be transferred to the Dublin Transport Authority, later renamed the National Transport Authority.
¿ Estás bien?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Suggested decision: invite IISL and IAA (with support, as needed, from IAF) to consider the non-technical aspects of future commercial space transport systems, to propose a long-term view of such developments and to report back to the Committee by
Asunto C-#/#: Auto del Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Séptima) de # de enero de # (petición de decisión prejudicial planteada por el Conseil de prud'hommes de Beauvais- Francia)- Olivier Polier/Najar EURL (Petición de decisión prejudicial- Carta de los derechos fundamentales de la Unión Europea- Convenio no # de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo- Carta Social Europea- Despido sin causa justificada- Incompetencia manifiesta del Tribunal de JusticiaMultiUn MultiUn
The workshop participants reviewed the advancements made in Africa in the development and utilization of small satellites in the light of the recommendations made by previous workshops organized by the IAA Subcommittee on Small Satellites for Developing Nations
Denominación del régimenMultiUn MultiUn
There were evaluated different types and concentrations of cytokinin (kinetin- KIN, benzylaminopurine-BAP, thydiazuron-TDZ) during the multiplication phase, as well as two types of auxins (indolacetic acid-IAA, and indolbutyric acid- IBA) at different concentrations during the in vitro rooting phase.
No, por supuesto que noscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The IAA, based on ECAI’s methodologies, is applicable only to exposures to ABCP conduits that have an internal rating equivalent of investment-grade at inception.
El Comité Mixto Veterinario definirá las medidas particulares relacionadas con esta participaciónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Programme continued cooperating with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and its Committee on Small Satellite Missions in organizing a series of workshops on small satellites.
Por aquí, RuthUN-2 UN-2
In the rooting of cuttings was evaluated the effect of tap water, Knop and Knudson solutions with growth regulators IAA, IBA and phloroglucinol on cuttings obtained from the apical, middle and basal region.
Ese pobre hombre llorascielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The IAA confirmed receipt of both your files.
El despiece, almacenamiento y transporte se realizarán de acuerdo con las condiciones establecidas en el presente artículo, en los artículos #, #, # y # y en el anexoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Committee noted the important role played by those conferences and other initiatives in promoting regional and international partnerships among States, such as the preparations for the # nternational Air and Space Fair, to be held in Santiago in March # and the third IAA African Regional Conference, to be held in Abuja from # to # ovember
Asi es como lo tomo yo!MultiUn MultiUn
LW1T; all these bacteria are halotolerant, alkalophilic and IAA producer.
Diga la naturaleza de su emergenciascielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The Subcommittee further noted that progress on those issues would be discussed at the 2013 IAA Planetary Defense Conference, to be held in Flagstaff, Arizona, United States, in April 2013, hosted by the Planetary Science Division of NASA.
Ven a bailar con nosotrosUN-2 UN-2
“IAF/IAA/ISU/UNESCO Expert Workshop on Space and Education”, by P.
Antes que yo, fue BreuerUN-2 UN-2
“Do you really think that Eberly would use force against the IAA?”
De todas las posiblesLiterature Literature
The IAA demands it.
Aplicación de mecanismos de control adecuadosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Court referred to the Explanatory Note by the UNCITRAL Secretariat on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration as amended in 2006 and to the official report of the Singapore Parliamentary Debates relating to the amending of IAA, and it held that the requirement set out in Article 7(3) MAL (2006) and the 2012 IAA “would be satisfied if one party to the agreement unilaterally records it in writing.
No es hora de ser arrogante.- ¡ No soy arrogante!UN-2 UN-2
209 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.