Intef I oor Spaans

Intef I

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Intef I


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You, Lord Intef, I treated as my brother.
Tú, señor Intef, a quien traté como a un hermano.Literature Literature
King Intef I chose to build for himself a saff-tomb of gigantic dimensions.
El rey Intef I eligió construirse una tumba saff de dimensiones colosales.Literature Literature
'I am Taita, who was once the slave of Lord Intef,' I shouted, and Pharaoh looked across at me and frowned.
—Soy Taita, en un tiempo esclavo del señor Intef —grité, y el faraón me miró con el entrecejo fruncido—.Literature Literature
In the time that I had belonged to Lord Intef, I had been nominated as one of the keepers of the water.
Cuando era esclavo del señor Intef, había sido nombrado uno de los custodios del agua.Literature Literature
Intef and I are assuming command of the Weset army.
Intef y yo estamos tomando el mando del ejército de Weset.Literature Literature
By allowing Intef to escape, I have failed in my duty.’
Al permitir que Intef huyera he faltado a mi deber.Literature Literature
‘Any more than I believe that Intef was behind it, though he was almost certainly part of it.’
Como tampoco creo que Intef estuviera detrás-del robo, aunque sí es casi seguro que formaba parte.Literature Literature
As soon as I entered my Lord Intef’s bedchamber he dismissed all the others in the room.
En cuanto entré en el dormitorio de mi señor Intef, éste despidió a todos los allí presentes.Literature Literature
I will forget this impudence, Intef, providing you do not question my supremacy again.
Olvidaré tu insolencia, Intef, siempre que no vuelvas a cuestionar mi supremacía.Literature Literature
I doubted that my Lord Intef himself could remember and trace all his wealth without my assistance.
Dudo que sin mi asistencia, el mismo señor Intef lograra recordar y seguir el rastro de su enorme fortuna.Literature Literature
At that time I had been my Lord Intef’s favourite, his special darling.
En aquella época, yo era el favorito de mi señor Intef, su amante especial.Literature Literature
'I thought that my Lord Intef had agreed to our union.
Yo creí que el señor Intef había aprobado nuestra unión.Literature Literature
Intef whispered more urgently and silently this time: 'I cannot afford to get into any kind of trouble.
Intef susurró con más urgencia en esta ocasión: —No puedo permitirme verme envuelto en ningún problema.Literature Literature
I was a coward, but I could not tell you that Intef was your own father’s deadliest enemy.’
He sido un cobarde, pero no podía explicarte que Intef era el peor enemigo de tu padre.Literature Literature
I did not hear my Lord Intef coming.
No oí llegar a mi señor Intef.Literature Literature
Lord Intef was as handsome and suave as I had imagined him in my nightmares, and I felt my spirits quail.
El señor Intef era tan cortés y amable como yo lo veía en mis pesadillas y me sentí asustado.Literature Literature
‘It was I who carried the command of Lord Intef to Basti the Cruel.
—Fui yo quien llevé las órdenes del señor Intef a Basti el Cruel.Literature Literature
“Then I will inspect the troops before greeting Intef and Iasen.
Entonces inspeccionaré las tropas antes de saludar a Intef y a Lasen.Literature Literature
I know your involvement in the case of Intef.
Conozco tu implicación en el caso de Intef.Literature Literature
I want to know what you thought of Intef.’
Quiero saber qué piensas de Intef.Literature Literature
It was long ago, and besides, I could not disobey the orders of Lord Intef.
Fue hace mucho tiempo y además yo no podía desobedecer las órdenes del señor Intef.Literature Literature
My father told me that I could trust my very life to my Lord Intef.'
Mi padre me dijo que podría confiarle mi vida al señor Intef.Literature Literature
I knew that at this time of the morning Intef would be in his water-garden.
Sabía que a aquella hora, Intef estaría en su jardín.Literature Literature
As I mounted the platform, I was forced to pass close to my Lord Intef.
Al subir a la plataforma, me vi obligado a pasar junto a mi señor Intef.Literature Literature
It was still difficult to realize that I was no longer completely under the thrall-of Lord Intef.
Me resultaba difícil convencerme de que ya no era esclavo del señor Intef.Literature Literature
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