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Instead of making war, Ireneo Paz devoted himself to hacer patria, “creating the fatherland” through writing.
En vez de hacer la guerra, Ireneo se dedicó a «hacer patria» a través de la letra impresa.Literature Literature
“I’m one of the few residents of San Ireneo who lived here before the community was created.”
Yo soy una de las pocas habitantes de San Ireneo que vivía aquí antes de que se crease la colonia.Literature Literature
Please, allow me to introduce myself: I’m Virginia Pille, San Ireneo’s bookseller.”
Permítame que me presente, soy Virginia Pille, la librera de San Ireneo.Literature Literature
The editor of the San Ireneo Gazette had the indefinable charm of someone who said little but thought much.
La directora de La Gaceta de San Ireneo tenía ese encanto indefinible de las personas que callan más de lo que dicen.Literature Literature
On his return he said he’d decided to live at the abbey here in San Ireneo for a few months.
Al regresar me dijo que había decidido vivir unos meses en la abadía de San Ireneo.Literature Literature
This was clearly his opportunity to participate in history, as Ireneo had done with Porfirio and his father with Zapata.
Era claramente su oportunidad de participar en la historia, como Ireneo con Porfirio u Octavio con Zapata.Literature Literature
During her months of traveling she’d corresponded regularly with some of her friends in San Ireneo.
Durante aquellos meses de viaje había mantenido correspondencia regular con algunos de sus amigos en San Ireneo.Literature Literature
Without the slightest change of voice, Ireneo told me to come in.
Sin el menor cambio de voz, Ireneo me dijo que pasara.Literature Literature
It is a bit old-fashioned, but here in San Ireneo we enjoy that.
Es un poco anticuada, pero en San Ireneo disfrutamos de lo antiguo.Literature Literature
The arrest was apparently at the request of the President of the town council, who accused Ireneo Sialo of publicly insulting him because Ireneo Sialo had questioned his administration during a public meeting.
Al parecer, la detención se llevó a cabo a instancias del presidente del Consejo de Poblado, quien acusó a Ireneo Sialo Sialo de haberlo insultado públicamente, al haber cuestionado su gestión en una reunión pública.Common crawl Common crawl
I must say I’m tremendously lucky that here in San Ireneo I’m mistress of my own time.
Debo decir que he tenido la inmensa suerte de que aquí, en San Ireneo, se me haya permitido ser dueña de mi tiempo.Literature Literature
We don’t want all of San Ireneo finding out, do we?”
No queremos que se entere todo San Ireneo, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
Then suddenly I heard Ireneo's high, mocking voice.
Oí de pronto la alta y burlona voz de Ireneo.Literature Literature
Ireneo Paz embodied this restlessness.
Ireneo Paz es el emblema de esa actitud.Literature Literature
The Special Rapporteur has also been informed that the Israeli authorities have still not recognized the canonical election in August # of His Holiness Ireneos, Patriarch of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem
Asimismo, se ha informado al Relator Especial de que las autoridades israelíes seguían sin reconocer la elección canónica, en agosto de # de Su Beatitud Ireneos, Patriarca de la iglesia ortodoxa de JerusalénMultiUn MultiUn
At little time Sethon would die on account of the injuries and Sendivogius would continue its prized work publishing the following year, that fascinating Alchemic work: The twelve treaties or the Cosmopolitan one, with the dialogue of the Mercury and of the Alchemist, that were published under the title of New Chemical Light , which came influence on important alchemists, of which fits to emphasize to Ireneo Filaleteo .
Al poco tiempo Sethon moriría a causa de las heridas y Sendivogius continuaría su preciada obra publicando el año siguiente, esa interesantísima obra alquímica: Los doce tratados o el Cosmopolita, con el diálogo del Mercurio y del Alquimista, que se publicaron bajo el título de Nueva Luz Química , la cual llegó a influir sobre alquimistas importantes, de los cuales cabe destacar a Ireneo Filaleteo .Common crawl Common crawl
They were his grandfather Ireneo Paz and his father, Octavio Paz Solórzano.
Eran su abuelo Ireneo Paz y su padre Octavio Paz Solórzano.Literature Literature
“Nonsense, Horacio, everyone knows that Herminia is the most powerful woman in San Ireneo.
—Tonterías, Horacio, todo el mundo sabe que la mujer más poderosa de este pueblo es Herminia.Literature Literature
Edmundo moved here to San Ireneo, and eventually I came after him.
Edmundo se vino aquí, a San Ireneo, y finalmente yo vine a buscarle.Literature Literature
His daughter Amelia married the medical doctor and Argentine politician Ireneo Portela while he was in exile in Uruguay and Julián Álvarez was still alive.
Su hija Amelia casó con el médico y político argentino Ireneo Portela, mientras éste estaba exiliado en el Uruguay, y cuando aún Julián Álvarez vivía.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But in the 1980s another character began to sit down at his table—his grandfather Ireneo Paz.
Pero en las últimas décadas otro personaje se acercó a la mesa, el abuelo Ireneo.Literature Literature
It was a page of small ads from the San Ireneo Gazette.
Era una página de anuncios por palabras de La Gaceta de San Ireneo.Literature Literature
"Bernardo cried to him unexpectedly, ""What time is it, Ireneo?"""
Bernardo le gritó imprevisiblemente: ¿qué horas son, Ireneo ?Literature Literature
In north Mindanao, peasant leader Ireneo Udarbe explains the impact of El Niño in the rural communities:
En el Norte de Mindanao, el líder campesino Ireneo Udarbe explica el impacto de El Niño en las comunidades rurales:gv2019 gv2019
Political liberty had been the central concern of Don Ireneo, the driving force behind his revolutionary campaigns.
La libertad política había sido el tema central de don Ireneo, el motivo de todas sus campañas revolucionarias.Literature Literature
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