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Isis Unveiled

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Isis sin velo


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Einstein's wife reported after he died that his favorite book was Isis Unveiled by Madame Blavatsky.
La esposa de Einstein informó después de su muerte que su libro favorito era " Isis sin velo " de Madame Blavatsky.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is a copy of Isis Unveiled, by Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society.’
Esto es una copia de Isis sin Velo, escrita por madame Blavatsky, la fundadora de la Sociedad Teosófica.Literature Literature
This was vehemently denied by us in Isis Unveiled, which had just been published at that time.
Esto lo negamos rotundamente en Isis sin Velo, que precisamente se acababa de publicar.Literature Literature
Now you realize why I persuaded Garamond to publish Isis Unveiled and the History of Magic.
¿Comprende ahora por qué he convencido a Garamond de que publicara Isis Desvelada y la Historia de la Magia?Literature Literature
The Isis Unveiled books must deal with the exact same subjects as all the others.
Los libros de Isis Desvelada deben hablar exactamente de lo mismo de lo que hablan los otros.Literature Literature
Isis Unveiled, with a slightly black-magical cover, but not overdone.
Isis Desvelada, con una cubierta un poco abracadabrante, aunque no demasiado.Literature Literature
This is a copy of Isis Unveiled, by Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society.""
Esto es una copia de Isis sin Velo, escrita por madame Blavatsky, la fundadora de la Sociedad Teosófica.Literature Literature
The numbers 3, 5, and 7 are prominent in speculative Masonry, as shown in Isis Unveiled.
Los números 3, 5 y 7 son preeminentes en la masonería especulativa, como se hace ver en Isis sin Velo.Literature Literature
Of this, however, sufficient has been said in Isis Unveiled, and it is useless to repeat it.
Sobre esto, sin embargo, se ha dicho bastante en Isis sin Velo, y es inútil repetirlo.Literature Literature
One turn of the key, and no more, was given in Isis Unveiled.
Una vuelta y no más se dio a la llave, en Isis sin Velo.Literature Literature
A passage from Isis Unveiled may here be cited to furnish a few points of comparison.
Podemos citar aquí un pasaje de Isis sin Velo, para exponer unos cuantos puntos de comparación.Literature Literature
I automatically thought of Helen Blavatsky’s first major work, Isis Unveiled.
Pensé automáticamente en la primera gran obra de Helena Blavatsky, Isis sin velo.Literature Literature
Russian occultist Madame Blavatsky further popularized the Cult of Isis through her book, Isis Unveiled.
Una ocultista rusa, madame Blavatsky, popularizó aún más el culto a Isis con su libro Isis sin veto.Literature Literature
He said we shouldn't just sit and wait for Isis Unveiled authors to turn up on their own.
Me dijo que no conviene esperar que los autores para Isis Desvelada lleguen solos.Literature Literature
She closed her copy of Isis Unveiled, by Helena Blavatsky, and rearranged her navy silk kimono.
Cerró su ejemplar de Isis sin velo , de Helena Blavatsky, y se reajustó el quimono de seda azul marino.Literature Literature
This is a copy of Isis Unveiled, by Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society.”
Esto es una copia de Isis sin Velo, escrita por madame Blavatsky, la fundadora de la Sociedad Teosófica.Literature Literature
We have mentioned this cycle in Isis Unveiled, Vol.
Mencionamos este ciclo en Isis sin Velo (vol.Literature Literature
—is the exclamation of an American reviewer of Isis Unveiled.
—exclama un crítico americano de Isis sin Velo—.Literature Literature
The language of the French preacher is ours, and we quote it in Isis Unveiled.
El lenguaje del predicador francés es el nuestro, y lo hemos citado en Isis sin Velo.Literature Literature
As said in Isis Unveiled, this divine and unseen canvas is the Book of Life.
Como se dice en Isis sin Velo, este lienzo divino e invisible es el Libro de la Vida.Literature Literature
Sinnett was taught in America, even before Isis Unveiled was published, to two Europeans and to my colleague, Colonel H.
Sinnett fue enseñada en América, aun antes de publicarse Isis sin Velo, a dos europeos y a mi colega, el Coronel H.S.Literature Literature
In Isis Unveiled,300 it was explained by the writer that: Cain ... is the son of the “Lord” not of Adam.
En Isis sin Velo[311] la escritora explicó que: Caín... es el hijo del «Señor», no de Adán[312].Literature Literature
Of course, if you’ll be content with an inspecific account...” “Whatever Isis is willing to unveil.”
Por supuesto, si te conformas con una reseña general... —Lo que Isis desee develar.Literature Literature
Lyly’s Campaspe And now, what song should I sing to unveil my Isis, if indeed she was present unseen?
Lily, Campaspe Y ahora ¿qué canto entonaré para revelar a mi Isis, si realmente ella está presente sin ser vista?Literature Literature
[1] Helena P. Blavatsky, in “Isis Unveiled”, Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, Vol. I, p. 62.
[1] Helena P. Blavatsky, en “Isis Unveiled”, Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, vol. I, p. 62.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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