Jaxon oor Spaans


A male given name, a modern spelling of Jackson.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You were at the precinct right before Jaxon ware was killed.
Estabas en la comisaría justo antes de que mataran a Jaxon.

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“The dreamer should have killed Jaxon Hall while she had the chance.
La Soñadora debería haber matado a Jaxon Hall cuando se le presentó la oportunidad.Literature Literature
Jaxon is taking care of the funeral arrangements.
Jaxon se encargará de los preparativos del entierro.Literature Literature
“There’s something you should know, Mia,” Jaxon said.
—Hay algo que deberías saber, Mia —dijo Jaxon.Literature Literature
Which means Jaxon is in danger being near me.
Y eso significa que Jaxon está en peligro por estar a mi lado.Literature Literature
Jaxon’s new boss, and old friend,” Ann confirmed.
—Sí, el nuevo jefe de Jaxon y un viejo amigo —confirmó Ann.Literature Literature
Suddenly Kyrin shoved Mia behind him, violet eyes glaring hotly at Jaxon.
De repente Kyrin empujó a Mia detrás de él, sus ojos violetas fulminando con vehemencia a Jaxon.Literature Literature
Jaxon suspected Estap was Mishka’s boss.
Jaxon sospechaba que Estap era el jefe de Mishka.Literature Literature
What else could Caleb Jaxon do but laugh?
¿Qué más podía hacer Caleb Jaxon, salvo reír?Literature Literature
“Sam, it’s just the wind,” Jaxon says as he tries to keep up with me.
—Sam, solo es el viento —señala Jaxon, que trata de alcanzarme.Literature Literature
Jaxon leads me through the crowd to his mother’s booth.
Jaxon me guía entre la gente hasta el puesto de su madre.Literature Literature
"""Not only for Shea, but Raven and Alexandria and Jaxon—all of them as well as our families too."
No solo la de Shea, sino la de Raven, Alexandra y Jaxon... las de todas ellas al igual que las de nuestras familias.Literature Literature
If he’d trusted Jaxon, Jaxon wouldn’t have been shot.
Si hubiera confiado en Jaxon, Jaxon no habría recibido un tiro.Literature Literature
Le’Ace wanted to be with Jaxon as herself, not a part she had to sometimes play.
Le’Ace quería estar con Jaxon como ella misma, no como un papel que a veces tenía que interpretar.Literature Literature
Jaxon closed his eyes and said good-bye to one of his favorite body parts.
Jaxon cerró los ojos y se despidió de una de sus partes favoritas del cuerpo.Literature Literature
Jaxon with her ridiculous name and small, feminine build, with all the courage of long-forgotten warriors.
Jaxon, con aquel ridículo nombre y su menuda figura femenina; Jaxon, con todo el coraje de los guerreros ya olvidados.Literature Literature
Darkened as the cell was and swollen as his lids were, Jaxon could only make out a shadowy outline.
Oscurecida como estaba la celda y con los ojos tan hinchados, Jaxon sólo pudo distinguir un vago contorno.Literature Literature
Jaxon didn’t want to believe otherwise.
Jaxon no quería creer lo contrario.Literature Literature
And as Marie and Thomas muttered between themselves, some of the memories began flickering through Jaxon’s mind.
Y mientras Marie y Thomas murmuraban entre ellos, algunos recuerdos empezaron a destellarle en la mente.Literature Literature
Mia’s gaze fell back to Jaxon, hard, distant.
La mirada de Mia cayó en Jaxon, dura y distante.Literature Literature
Jaxon never wore them, only looked at them.
Jaxon jamás los llevaba, se limitaba a contemplarlos.Literature Literature
Before I could even react, Jaxon’s features contorted in pain.
Antes de que pudiera reaccionar, los rasgos de Jaxon se retorcieron de dolor.Literature Literature
Both Jaxon and Mia stiffened, looked at each other.
Tanto Jaxon como Mia se pusieron rígidos y se miraron entre sí.Literature Literature
Out with it,” Jaxon says near my ear.
—Venga, suéltalo —me dice Jaxon cerca de la oreja.Literature Literature
Jaxon lost his grin, realizing in a single instant that he was grief-stricken without her touch.
Jaxon perdió la sonrisa, comprendiendo en sólo un segundo que se sentía desconsolado sin su toque.Literature Literature
“You came very close to dying, Jaxon, and I could not afford to take any chances with your life.”
Estuviste a punto de morir, Jaxon, y no estaba dispuesto a permitir que tu vida corriera peligro.Literature Literature
205 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.